Public Attributes | List of all members
PACKED Union Reference

#include <communications.h>

Public Attributes

float acc [3]
f_t acc [3]
int accel_motion
float accSigma
float accuracyCov [3]
float accuracyCovUD [6]
float accuracyPos [3]
uint32_t activeCalSet
uint32_t address
int ahrs
int ahrs_gps_cnt
float alt
is_can_ins_alt alt
float ana1
float ana3
float ana4
uint8_t arRatio
float arRatio
float arThreshold
int att_aligned
int att_aligning
int att_coarse
float att_err
uint32_t auto_recal
float averageRunTimeUs
int16_t azim
double b [24]
uint8_t bad_baseline_holdamb
float bar
f_t bar
barometer_t baro
float baroTemp
float barTemp
f_t barTemp
uint8_t base_position_error
uint8_t base_position_update
uint32_t baseAntennaCount
uint32_t baseBeidouEphemerisCount
uint32_t baseBeidouObservationCount
uint32_t baseGalileoEphemerisCount
uint32_t baseGalileoObservationCount
uint32_t baseGlonassEphemerisCount
uint32_t baseGlonassObservationCount
uint32_t baseGpsEphemerisCount
uint32_t baseGpsObservationCount
double baseLla [3]
uint32_t baseQzsEphemerisCount
uint32_t baseQzsObservationCount
uint32_t baseSbasCount
float baseToRoverDistance
float baseToRoverHeading
float baseToRoverHeadingAcc
float baseToRoverVector [3]
float biasAcc [3]
float biasBaro
float biasPqr [3]
uint64_t bits
uint32_t bits
double bp_ecef [3]
uint8_t buildDate [4]
uint32_t buildNumber
uint8_t buildTime [4]
double bv_ecef [3]
uint32_t calBitStatus
uint32_t calibrated
uint32_t can_baudrate_kbps
uint32_t can_period_mult [NUM_CIDS]
uint32_t can_receive_address
uint32_t can_transmit_address [NUM_CIDS]
uint32_t cBrdConfig
uint32_t checksum
uint8_t chi_square_error
uint8_t cno
uint32_t cnoMean
float cnoMean
uint8_t code [1]
uint8_t code_large_residual
uint8_t code_outlier
uint32_t command
uint32_t correctionChecksumFailures
uint32_t count
float cpuUsage
uint32_t cycle_slips
uint32_t cycleSlipCount
float D [1]
uGpsRawData data
uint8_t dataType
char date [16]
uint8_t debug [2]
float declination
dev_info_t devInfo
float diameter
uint8_t diff_age_error
uint8_t differentialAge
float differentialAge
is_can_dual_imu_px dimupx
is_can_dual_imu_qy dimuqy
is_can_dual_imu_rz dimurz
float dist2base
float distance
float distanceToBase
uint8_t divergent_pnt_pos_iteration
uint8_t dlc
double double_debug [4]
is_can_down down
uint16_t dt
float dt
dual_imu_t dualImu
float e_i2l [3]
double ecef [3]
double ecef1
double ecef2
double ecef3
is_can_ecef_x ecefx
is_can_ecef_y ecefy
is_can_ecef_z ecefz
int8_t elev
uint8_t end_relpos
uint8_t endByte
eph_t eph
uint8_t error_code
uint8_t error_count
is_can_ins_euler euler
uint8_t extension [30]
uint8_t firmwareVer [4]
uint32_t flags
uint32_t flash_write_count
uint32_t flash_write_enable
uint32_t flash_write_needed
nvm_flash_cfg_t flashCfg
uint32_t freeHeapSize
uint32_t freeSize
union {
   evb_flash_cfg_t   m
   uint32_t   padding [BOOTLOADER_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]
uint32_t gapCount
float gDop
uint8_t gdop_error
uint32_t genFaultCode
geph_t gloEph
uint8_t gnssId
uint16_t gnssSatSigConst
uint32_t gpgga
uint32_t gpgll
uint32_t gpgsa
uint32_t gpioStatus
uint32_t gprmc
float gps1AntOffset [3]
float gps2AntOffset [3]
float gpsMinimumElevation
is_can_gps1_pos_status gpspos
gps_pos_t gpsPos
gps_raw_t gpsRaw
gps_rtk_misc_t gpsRtkMisc
gps_rtk_rel_t gpsRtkRel
gps_sat_t gpsSat
uint32_t gpsTimeSyncPeriodMs
gps_vel_t gpsVel
uint32_t gpzda
float hAcc
uint32_t handle
uint8_t hardwareVer [4]
float hDop
uint32_t hdwBitStatus
uint32_t hdwStatus
int16_t headingToBase
float hMSL
float humidity
f_t humidity
uint8_t hwVersion [10]
imus_t I
int32_t i [DEBUG_I_ARRAY_SIZE]
dual_imu_t imu
imu_t imu
uint32_t imuPeriodMs
float imuTemp
inl2_ned_sigma_t inl2NedSigma
inl2_states_t inl2States
ins_1_t ins1
ins_2_t ins2
ins_3_t ins3
ins_4_t ins4
uint8_t insDynModel
float insHdg
float insOffset [3]
int16_t insRoll
float insRotation [3]
uint32_t insStatus
is_can_ins_status insstatus
uint8_t invalid_base_position
uint32_t invCommand
uint32_t ioConfig
ion_model_utc_alm_t ion
uint32_t ionUtcAlmCount
uint32_t key
double L [1]
uint8_t lack_of_valid_sats
uint8_t large_v2b
double lastLla [3]
uint32_t lastLlaTimeOfWeekMs
float lastLlaUpdateDistance
uint32_t lastLlaWeek
double lat
is_can_ins_lat lat
uint8_t leapS
double lla [3]
uint8_t LLI [1]
double lon
is_can_ins_lon lon
uint32_t lotNumber
uint8_t lsq_error
float mag [3]
f_t mag [3]
magnetometer_t mag
magnetometer_t mag1
magnetometer_t mag2
int mag_cal_done
int mag_cal_good
mag_cal_t magCal
float magDec
float magDeclination
float magHdg
float magHdgOffset
float magInc
float magInclination
float magInsHdgDelta
uint32_t mallocSize
uint32_t marker
uint32_t maxRunTimeUs
float mcuTemp
uint8_t moveb_time_sync_error
sensors_mpu_w_temp_t mpu [NUM_IMU_DEVICES]
float msl
is_can_msl msl
float mslBar
char name [MAX_TASK_NAME_LEN]
uint32_t navPeriodMs
uint32_t Ncal_samples
is_can_north_east ne
float ned [3]
float ned1
float ned2
float ned3
float nis
float nis_threshold
uint8_t no_base_obs_data
uint32_t numSats
int32_t nv
uint8_t obs_count_bas
uint8_t obs_count_rov
uint8_t obs_pairs_filtered
uint8_t obs_pairs_used
uint8_t obsCount
float omega_l
float omega_r
uint32_t options
uint8_t outc_ovfl
uint32_t outlier
double P [1]
float PABias [3]
uint32_t pashr
float PattNED [3]
is_can_payload payload
float PBaroBias
float PDeclination
float pDop
uint32_t periodMs
uint32_t pgpsp
uint8_t phase_large_residual
uint8_t phase_outlier
preintegrated_imu_t pimu
uint32_t pimu
preintegrated_imu_t pImu
int16_t pImu1
int16_t pImu2
is_can_preint_imu_px pimupx
is_can_preint_imu_qy pimuqy
is_can_preint_imu_rz pimurz
uint32_t pin
uint32_t pins1
uint32_t pins2
uint8_t pnt_pos_error
pos_measurement_t posMeasurement
uint32_t ppimu
float pqr [3]
f_t pqr [3]
float pqrSigma
uint32_t priority
float progress
uint8_t protocolVer [4]
int16_t prRes
float psi
protocol_type_t ptype
float PvelNED [3]
float PWBias [3]
float PxyzNED [3]
double qb [24]
float qe2b [4]
int16_t qe2b1
int16_t qe2b2
int16_t qe2b3
int16_t qe2b4
float qn2b [4]
int16_t qn2b1
int16_t qn2b2
int16_t qn2b3
int16_t qn2b4
double qr [6]
uint8_t qualL [1]
uint8_t qualP [1]
is_can_ins_quate2b quate2b
is_can_ins_quatn2b quatn2b
double ra_ecef [3]
uint8_t raw_dat_queue_overrun
uint8_t raw_ptr_queue_overrun
uint8_t rcv
uint32_t ready
uint32_t recalCmd
uint8_t receiverIndex
double refLla [3]
uint8_t rej_ovfl
uint32_t repoRevision
uint8_t rescode_err_marker
uint32_t reserved
uint8_t reserved [3]
float reserved1
uint8_t reserved1
float reserved2 [2]
uint8_t reset_bias
uint8_t reset_timer
rmc_t rmc
is_can_roll_rollRate rollrollrate
int rot_motion
uint8_t rover_position_error
uint32_t roverBeidouEphemerisCount
uint32_t roverBeidouObservationCount
uint32_t roverGalileoEphemerisCount
uint32_t roverGalileoObservationCount
uint32_t roverGlonassEphemerisCount
uint32_t roverGlonassObservationCount
uint32_t roverGpsEphemerisCount
uint32_t roverGpsObservationCount
uint32_t roverQzsEphemerisCount
uint32_t roverQzsObservationCount
uint32_t roverSbasCount
double rp_ecef [3]
uint32_t RTKCfgBits
is_can_gps1_rtk_rel rtkrel
rtos_info_t rtosInfo
uint32_t runTimeUs
double rv_ecef [3]
float sAcc
gps_sat_sv_t sat [MAX_NUM_SAT_CHANNELS]
uint8_t sat
uint8_t sat_id [24]
uint8_t sat_id_i [24]
uint8_t sat_id_j [24]
sbsmsg_t sbas
uint32_t sensorConfig
sys_sensors_adc_t sensorsAdc
double sensorTruePeriod
uint32_t ser0BaudRate
uint32_t ser1BaudRate
uint32_t serialNumber
uint32_t size
uint8_t SNR [1]
uint8_t solStatus
sta_t sta
uint32_t stackUnused
int start_proc_done
uint8_t start_relpos
uint8_t start_rtkpos
uint8_t startByte
uint32_t startupGPSDtMs
uint32_t startupImuDtMs
uint32_t startupNavDtMs
int stat_magfield
uint32_t state
uint32_t status
survey_in_t surveyIn
uint8_t svId
uint8_t swVersion [30]
uint32_t sysCfgBits
sys_params_t sysParams
sys_sensors_t sysSensors
float t_i2l [3]
rtos_task_t task [UINS_RTOS_NUM_TASKS]
float tcAccBias
float tcAccLinearity
float tcAccSlope
float Tcal
float tcPqrBias
float tcPqrLinearity
float tcPqrSlope
float temp
f_t temp
float theta [3]
int16_t theta0
int16_t theta1
float theta1 [3]
int16_t theta2
float theta2 [3]
int16_t theta3
float theta_l
float theta_r
is_can_time time
double time
gtime_t time
double timeOfWeek
float timeOfWeekMs
uint32_t timeOfWeekMs
unsigned int timeOfWeekMs
uint32_t timeToFirstFixMs
double towOffset
uint8_t type [24]
float ubx_error
uint8_t use_ubx_position
is_can_uvw uvw
float uvw [3]
int16_t uvw1
int16_t uvw2
int16_t uvw3
double v [24]
float vAcc
float val
double val [3]
float val1 [3]
float val2 [3]
float vDop
is_can_ve ve
float ve [3]
int16_t ve1
int16_t ve2
int16_t ve3
float vel [3]
int16_t vel0
int16_t vel1
float vel1 [3]
int16_t vel2
float vel2 [3]
float vin
uint8_t waiting_for_base_packet
uint8_t waiting_for_rover_packet
uint8_t warning_code
uint8_t warning_count
float Wcal [9]
uint32_t week
wheel_config_t wheelConfig
wheel_encoder_t wheelEncoder
uint32_t wrap_count_l
uint32_t wrap_count_r
int zero_accel
int zero_angrate
int zero_vel
float zeroVelOffset [3]
float zeroVelRotation [3]

Detailed Description

Velocity in ECEF

WGS84 latitude (degrees)

WGS84 longitude (degrees)

WGS84 height above ellipsoid (meters)

North offset from reference LLA

Down offset from reference LLA

X Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Y Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Z Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Height above Mean Sea Level

Preintegrated IMU values delta theta and delta velocity (X axis), and Integral period in body/IMU frame of accelerometer 0.

Preintegrated IMU values delta theta and delta velocity (Y axis), and Integral period in body/IMU frame of accelerometer 0.

Preintegrated IMU values delta theta and delta velocity (Z axis), and Integral period in body/IMU frame of accelerometer 0.

(DID_POSITION_MEASUREMENT) External position estimate

(DID_DEV_INFO) Device information

(DID_MANUFACTURING_INFO) Manufacturing info

(DID_INS_1) INS output: euler rotation w/ respect to NED, NED position from reference LLA

(DID_INS_2) INS output: quaternion rotation w/ respect to NED, ellipsoid altitude

(DID_INS_3) INS output: quaternion rotation w/ respect to NED, msl altitude

(DID_INS_4) INS output: quaternion rotation w/ respect to ECEF, ECEF position

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data

(DID_DUAL_IMU) Dual Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) data

(DID_MAGNETOMETER_1, DID_MAGNETOMETER_2) Magnetometer sensor data

(DID_BAROMETER) Barometric pressure sensor data

(DID_PREINTEGRATED_IMU) Coning and sculling integral in body/IMU frame.

DID_DUAL_IMU_RAW_MAG, DID_DUAL_IMU_MAG, dual imu + mag1 + mag2

DID DID_PREINTEGRATED_IMU_MAG, dual pre-integrated imu + mag1 + mag2


(DID_GPS1_VEL, DID_GPS2_VEL) GPS velocity data

GPS Satellite information

(DID_GPS1_SAT) GPS satellite signal strength

(DID_GPS1_VERSION) GPS version strings

Generic 1 axis sensor

Generic 3 axis sensor

Generic dual 3 axis sensor

(DID_SYS_SENSORS) Output from system sensors

INS output

(DID_SYS_PARAMS) System parameters

(DID_SYS_CMD) System Commands

(DID_ASCII_BCAST_PERIOD) ASCII broadcast periods. This data structure (when it is included in the sCommData struct) is zeroed out on stop_all_broadcasts

(DID_RMC) Realtime message controller (RMC).

(DID_IO) Input/Output

(DID_MAG_CAL) Magnetometer Calibration

(DID_BIT) Built-in self-test parameters

(DID_WHEEL_ENCODER) [NOT SUPPORTED, INTERNAL USE ONLY] Message to communicate wheel encoder measurements to GPS-INS

(DID_WHEEL_CONFIG) [NOT SUPPORTED, INTERNAL USE ONLY] Configuration of wheel encoders and kinematic constraints.

(DID_FLASH_CONFIG) Configuration data IMPORTANT! These fields should not be deleted, they can be deprecated and marked as reserved, or new fields added to the end.

INL2 - Estimate error variances

(DID_STROBE_IN_TIME) Timestamp for input strobe.

Raw satellite observation data

(DID_GPS1_RTK_POS_REL, DID_GPS2_RTK_CMP_REL) - RTK and Dual GNSS heading base to rover relative info.

(DID_GPS1_RTK_POS_MISC, DID_GPS2_RTK_CMP_MISC) - requires little endian CPU

Message wrapper for DID_GPS1_RAW, DID_GPS2_RAW, and DID_GPS_BASE_RAW. The contents of data can vary for this message and are determined by dataType field.

RTOS task info



(DID_CAN_BCAST_PERIOD) Broadcast period of CAN messages

Union of datasets

Union of INS output datasets

Definition at line 46 of file communications.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ acc [1/2]

float PACKED::acc

Acceleration X, Y, Z in meters / second squared

Accelerometers in meters / second squared

ACC motion w/ gravity removed (linear acceleration)

Definition at line 606 of file data_sets.h.

◆ acc [2/2]

f_t PACKED::acc[3]

Definition at line 1183 of file data_sets.h.

◆ accel_motion

int PACKED::accel_motion

Definition at line 913 of file data_sets.h.

◆ accSigma

float PACKED::accSigma

Acceleration standard deviation

Definition at line 1456 of file data_sets.h.

◆ accuracyCov

float PACKED::accuracyCov[3]

Accuracy - estimated standard deviations of the solution assuming a priori error model and error parameters by the positioning options. []: Absolute value of means square root of estimated covariance NE, EU, UN

Definition at line 2638 of file data_sets.h.

◆ accuracyCovUD

float PACKED::accuracyCovUD[6]

The Upper Diagonal of accuracy covariance matrix

Definition at line 426 of file data_sets.h.

◆ accuracyPos

float PACKED::accuracyPos[3]

Accuracy - estimated standard deviations of the solution assuming a priori error model and error parameters by the positioning options. []: standard deviations {ECEF - x,y,z} or {north, east, down} (meters)

Definition at line 2635 of file data_sets.h.

◆ activeCalSet

uint32_t PACKED::activeCalSet

Definition at line 1355 of file data_sets.h.

◆ addInfo


Additional info

Definition at line 469 of file data_sets.h.

◆ address

uint32_t PACKED::address

Definition at line 49 of file communications.h.

◆ ahrs

int PACKED::ahrs

Definition at line 910 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ahrs_gps_cnt

int PACKED::ahrs_gps_cnt

Definition at line 916 of file data_sets.h.

◆ alt [1/2]

float PACKED::alt

WGS84 height above ellipsoid (meters)

Definition at line 112 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ alt [2/2]

is_can_ins_alt PACKED::alt

Definition at line 261 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ana


Definition at line 1196 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ana1

float PACKED::ana1

ADC analog input in volts. uINS pin 4, (G1/AN1).

Definition at line 1004 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ana3

float PACKED::ana3

ADC analog input in volts. uINS pin 19 (G3/AN3).

Definition at line 1007 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ana4

float PACKED::ana4

ADC analog input in volts. uINS pin 20 (G4/AN4).

Definition at line 1010 of file data_sets.h.

◆ arRatio [1/2]

uint8_t PACKED::arRatio

Ambiguity resolution ratio factor for validation

Definition at line 232 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ arRatio [2/2]

float PACKED::arRatio

Ambiguity resolution ratio factor for validation

Definition at line 2609 of file data_sets.h.

◆ arThreshold

float PACKED::arThreshold

Ambiguity resolution threshold for validation

Definition at line 2641 of file data_sets.h.

◆ att_aligned

int PACKED::att_aligned

Definition at line 919 of file data_sets.h.

◆ att_aligning

int PACKED::att_aligning

Definition at line 920 of file data_sets.h.

◆ att_coarse

int PACKED::att_coarse

Definition at line 918 of file data_sets.h.

◆ att_err

float PACKED::att_err

Definition at line 917 of file data_sets.h.

◆ auto_recal

uint32_t PACKED::auto_recal

Definition at line 1347 of file data_sets.h.

◆ averageRunTimeUs

float PACKED::averageRunTimeUs

Rolling average over last 1000 executions

Definition at line 3310 of file data_sets.h.

◆ azim

int16_t PACKED::azim

(deg) Azimuth (range: +/-180)

Definition at line 819 of file data_sets.h.

◆ b

double PACKED::b[24]

Definition at line 2024 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bad_baseline_holdamb

uint8_t PACKED::bad_baseline_holdamb

Definition at line 2050 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bar [1/2]

float PACKED::bar

Barometric pressure in kilopascals

Definition at line 653 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bar [2/2]

f_t PACKED::bar

Definition at line 1193 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baro

barometer_t PACKED::baro

Definition at line 3414 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baroTemp

float PACKED::baroTemp

Baro temperature

Definition at line 1045 of file data_sets.h.

◆ barTemp [1/2]

float PACKED::barTemp

Temperature of barometric pressure sensor in Celsius

Definition at line 659 of file data_sets.h.

◆ barTemp [2/2]

f_t PACKED::barTemp

Definition at line 1194 of file data_sets.h.

◆ base_position_error

uint8_t PACKED::base_position_error

Definition at line 2051 of file data_sets.h.

◆ base_position_update

uint8_t PACKED::base_position_update

Definition at line 2058 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseAntennaCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseAntennaCount

Base station antenna position element counter

Definition at line 2725 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseBeidouEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseBeidouEphemerisCount

Base station beidou ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2710 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseBeidouObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseBeidouObservationCount

Base station beidou observation element counter

Definition at line 2680 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGalileoEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGalileoEphemerisCount

Base station galileo ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2704 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGalileoObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGalileoObservationCount

Base station galileo observation element counter

Definition at line 2674 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGlonassEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGlonassEphemerisCount

Base station glonass ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2698 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGlonassObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGlonassObservationCount

Base station glonass observation element counter

Definition at line 2668 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGpsEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGpsEphemerisCount

Base station gps ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2692 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseGpsObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseGpsObservationCount

Base station gps observation element counter

Definition at line 2662 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseLla

double PACKED::baseLla[3]

Base Position - latitude, longitude, height (degrees, meters)

Definition at line 2653 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseQzsEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseQzsEphemerisCount

Base station qzs ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2716 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseQzsObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseQzsObservationCount

Base station qzs observation element counter

Definition at line 2686 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseSbasCount

uint32_t PACKED::baseSbasCount

Base station sbas element counter

Definition at line 2722 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseToRoverDistance

float PACKED::baseToRoverDistance

Distance from base to rover (m)

Definition at line 2615 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseToRoverHeading

float PACKED::baseToRoverHeading

Angle from north to baseToRoverVector in local tangent plane. (rad)

Definition at line 2618 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseToRoverHeadingAcc

float PACKED::baseToRoverHeadingAcc

Accuracy of baseToRoverHeading. (rad)

Definition at line 2621 of file data_sets.h.

◆ baseToRoverVector

float PACKED::baseToRoverVector[3]

Vector from base to rover (m) in ECEF - If Compassing enabled, this is the 3-vector from antenna 2 to antenna 1

Definition at line 2612 of file data_sets.h.

◆ biasAcc

float PACKED::biasAcc[3]

(m/s^2) Accelerometer bias

Definition at line 896 of file data_sets.h.

◆ biasBaro

float PACKED::biasBaro

(m) Barometer bias

Definition at line 899 of file data_sets.h.

◆ biasPqr

float PACKED::biasPqr[3]

(rad/s) Gyro bias

Definition at line 893 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bits [1/2]

uint64_t PACKED::bits

Data stream enable bits for the specified ports. (see RMC_BITS_...)

Definition at line 1301 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bits [2/2]

uint32_t PACKED::bits

Config bits (see eWheelCfgBits)

Definition at line 1811 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bp_ecef

double PACKED::bp_ecef[3]

Definition at line 2021 of file data_sets.h.

◆ buf


Byte buffer

Definition at line 2784 of file data_sets.h.

◆ buildDate

uint8_t PACKED::buildDate[4]

Build date, little endian order: [0] = status ('r'=release, 'd'=debug), [1] = year-2000, [2] = month, [3] = day. Reversed byte order for big endian systems

Definition at line 463 of file data_sets.h.

◆ buildNumber

uint32_t PACKED::buildNumber

Build number

Definition at line 451 of file data_sets.h.

◆ buildTime

uint8_t PACKED::buildTime[4]

Build date, little endian order: [0] = hour, [1] = minute, [2] = second, [3] = millisecond. Reversed byte order for big endian systems

Definition at line 466 of file data_sets.h.

◆ bv_ecef

double PACKED::bv_ecef[3]

Definition at line 2022 of file data_sets.h.

◆ calBitStatus

uint32_t PACKED::calBitStatus

Calibration BIT status (see eCalBitStatusFlags)

Definition at line 1432 of file data_sets.h.

◆ calibrated

uint32_t PACKED::calibrated

Definition at line 1346 of file data_sets.h.

◆ can_baudrate_kbps

uint32_t PACKED::can_baudrate_kbps

Baudrate (kbps)

Definition at line 3395 of file data_sets.h.

◆ can_period_mult

uint32_t PACKED::can_period_mult[NUM_CIDS]

Broadcast period (ms) - CAN time message. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 3389 of file data_sets.h.

◆ can_receive_address

uint32_t PACKED::can_receive_address

Receive address.

Definition at line 3398 of file data_sets.h.

◆ can_transmit_address

uint32_t PACKED::can_transmit_address[NUM_CIDS]

Transmit address.

Definition at line 3392 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cBrdConfig

uint32_t PACKED::cBrdConfig

Carrier board (i.e. eval board) configuration bits

Definition at line 1907 of file data_sets.h.

◆ checksum

uint32_t PACKED::checksum

Checksum, excluding size and checksum

Definition at line 1850 of file data_sets.h.

◆ chi_square_error

uint8_t PACKED::chi_square_error

Definition at line 2076 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cno

uint8_t PACKED::cno

(dBHz) Carrier to noise ratio (signal strength)

Definition at line 813 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cnoMean [1/2]

uint32_t PACKED::cnoMean

Average of all satellite carrier to noise ratios (signal strengths) that non-zero in dBHz

Definition at line 226 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ cnoMean [2/2]

float PACKED::cnoMean

Average of all satellite carrier to noise ratios (signal strengths) that non-zero in dBHz

Definition at line 771 of file data_sets.h.

◆ code

uint8_t PACKED::code[1]

Code indicator: CODE_L1C (1) = L1C/A,G1C/A,E1C (GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,SBS), CODE_L1X (12) = E1B+C,L1C(D+P) (GAL,QZS), CODE_L1I (47) = B1I (BeiDou)

Definition at line 2279 of file data_sets.h.

◆ code_large_residual

uint8_t PACKED::code_large_residual

Definition at line 2046 of file data_sets.h.

◆ code_outlier

uint8_t PACKED::code_outlier

Definition at line 2044 of file data_sets.h.

◆ command

uint32_t PACKED::command

System commands (see eSystemCommand) 1=save current persistent messages, 5=zero motion, 97=save flash, 99=software reset. "invCommand" (following variable) must be set to bitwise inverse of this value for this command to be processed.

Definition at line 1109 of file data_sets.h.

◆ correctionChecksumFailures

uint32_t PACKED::correctionChecksumFailures

Number of checksum failures from received corrections

Definition at line 2731 of file data_sets.h.

◆ count

uint32_t PACKED::count

Strobe serial index number

Definition at line 1978 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cpuUsage

float PACKED::cpuUsage

Cpu usage percent

Definition at line 3316 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cycle_slips

uint32_t PACKED::cycle_slips

Definition at line 2078 of file data_sets.h.

◆ cycleSlipCount

uint32_t PACKED::cycleSlipCount

Cycle slip counter

Definition at line 2656 of file data_sets.h.

◆ D

float PACKED::D[1]

Observation data Doppler measurement (positive sign for approaching satellites) (Hz)

Definition at line 2297 of file data_sets.h.

◆ data

uGpsRawData PACKED::data

Interpret based on dataType (see eRawDataType)

Definition at line 2803 of file data_sets.h.

◆ dataType

uint8_t PACKED::dataType

Type of data (eRawDataType: 1=observations, 2=ephemeris, 3=glonassEphemeris, 4=SBAS, 5=baseAntenna, 6=IonosphereModel)

Definition at line 2794 of file data_sets.h.

◆ date

char PACKED::date[16]

Manufacturing date (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

Definition at line 482 of file data_sets.h.

◆ debug

uint8_t PACKED::debug[2]

Definition at line 2096 of file data_sets.h.

◆ declination

float PACKED::declination

Magnetic declination estimate

Definition at line 1338 of file data_sets.h.

◆ devInfo

dev_info_t PACKED::devInfo

Definition at line 3405 of file data_sets.h.

◆ diameter

float PACKED::diameter

Estimate of wheel diameter

Definition at line 1823 of file data_sets.h.

◆ diff_age_error

uint8_t PACKED::diff_age_error

Definition at line 2068 of file data_sets.h.

◆ differentialAge [1/2]

uint8_t PACKED::differentialAge

Age of differential (seconds)

Definition at line 234 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ differentialAge [2/2]

float PACKED::differentialAge

Age of differential (seconds)

Definition at line 2606 of file data_sets.h.

◆ dimupx

is_can_dual_imu_px PACKED::dimupx

Definition at line 271 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ dimuqy

is_can_dual_imu_qy PACKED::dimuqy

Definition at line 272 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ dimurz

is_can_dual_imu_rz PACKED::dimurz

Definition at line 273 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ dist2base

float PACKED::dist2base

Definition at line 2087 of file data_sets.h.

◆ distance

float PACKED::distance

Distance between the left wheel and the right wheel

Definition at line 1820 of file data_sets.h.

◆ distanceToBase

float PACKED::distanceToBase

Distance to Base (m)

Definition at line 236 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ divergent_pnt_pos_iteration

uint8_t PACKED::divergent_pnt_pos_iteration

Definition at line 2075 of file data_sets.h.

◆ dlc

uint8_t PACKED::dlc

Definition at line 50 of file communications.h.

◆ double_debug

double PACKED::double_debug[4]

Definition at line 2094 of file data_sets.h.

◆ down

is_can_down PACKED::down

Definition at line 263 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ dt [1/2]

uint16_t PACKED::dt

Integral period in seconds for delta theta and delta velocity (scaled by 1000).

Definition at line 174 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ dt [2/2]

float PACKED::dt

Integral period in seconds for delta theta and delta velocity. This is configured using DID_FLASH_CONFIG.startupNavDtMs.

Definition at line 685 of file data_sets.h.

◆ dualImu

dual_imu_t PACKED::dualImu

Definition at line 3411 of file data_sets.h.

◆ e_i2l

float PACKED::e_i2l[3]

Euler angles describing the rotation from imu to left wheel

Definition at line 1814 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ecef

double PACKED::ecef

Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Position in ECEF {x,y,z} (m)

(m) Position in ECEF frame

Definition at line 420 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ecef1

double PACKED::ecef1

X Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Definition at line 141 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ecef2

double PACKED::ecef2

Y Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Definition at line 149 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ecef3

double PACKED::ecef3

Z Position in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters

Definition at line 157 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ecefx

is_can_ecef_x PACKED::ecefx

Definition at line 264 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ecefy

is_can_ecef_y PACKED::ecefy

Definition at line 265 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ecefz

is_can_ecef_z PACKED::ecefz

Definition at line 266 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ elev

int8_t PACKED::elev

(deg) Elevation (range: +/-90)

Definition at line 816 of file data_sets.h.

◆ end_relpos

uint8_t PACKED::end_relpos

Definition at line 2063 of file data_sets.h.

◆ endByte

uint8_t PACKED::endByte

Definition at line 52 of file communications.h.

◆ eph

eph_t PACKED::eph

Satellite non-GLONASS ephemeris data (GPS, Galileo, Beidou, QZSS)

Definition at line 2769 of file data_sets.h.

◆ error_code

uint8_t PACKED::error_code

Definition at line 2085 of file data_sets.h.

◆ error_count

uint8_t PACKED::error_count

Definition at line 2084 of file data_sets.h.

◆ euler

is_can_ins_euler PACKED::euler

Definition at line 254 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ extension

uint8_t PACKED::extension[30]


Definition at line 872 of file data_sets.h.

◆ f


Definition at line 1989 of file data_sets.h.

◆ firmwareVer

uint8_t PACKED::firmwareVer[4]

Firmware (software) version

Definition at line 448 of file data_sets.h.

◆ flags

uint32_t PACKED::flags

(see eSatSvFlags)

Definition at line 825 of file data_sets.h.

◆ flash_write_count

uint32_t PACKED::flash_write_count

Definition at line 50 of file globals.h.

◆ flash_write_enable

uint32_t PACKED::flash_write_enable

Definition at line 51 of file globals.h.

◆ flash_write_needed

uint32_t PACKED::flash_write_needed

Definition at line 49 of file globals.h.

◆ flashCfg

nvm_flash_cfg_t PACKED::flashCfg

Definition at line 3425 of file data_sets.h.

◆ freeHeapSize

uint32_t PACKED::freeHeapSize

Heap high water mark bytes

Definition at line 3326 of file data_sets.h.

◆ freeSize

uint32_t PACKED::freeSize

Total memory freed using RTOS vPortFree()

Definition at line 3332 of file data_sets.h.

◆ g0

union { ... } PACKED::g0

◆ gapCount

uint32_t PACKED::gapCount

Counter of times task took too long to run

Definition at line 3313 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gDop

float PACKED::gDop

Geometric dilution of precision (meters)

Definition at line 2644 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gdop_error

uint8_t PACKED::gdop_error

Definition at line 2090 of file data_sets.h.

◆ genFaultCode

uint32_t PACKED::genFaultCode

General fault code descriptor (eGenFaultCodes). Set to zero to reset fault code.

Definition at line 1066 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gloEph

geph_t PACKED::gloEph

Satellite GLONASS ephemeris data

Definition at line 2772 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gnssId

uint8_t PACKED::gnssId

GNSS identifier: 0 GPS, 1 SBAS, 2 Galileo, 3 BeiDou, 5 QZSS, 6 GLONASS

Definition at line 807 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gnssSatSigConst

uint16_t PACKED::gnssSatSigConst

Satellite system constellation used in GNSS solution. (see eGnssSatSigConst) 0x0003=GPS, 0x000C=QZSS, 0x0030=Galileo, 0x00C0=Beidou, 0x0300=GLONASS, 0x1000=SBAS

Definition at line 1883 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpgga

uint32_t PACKED::gpgga

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA GPGGA GPS 3D location, fix, and accuracy. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1160 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpgll

uint32_t PACKED::gpgll

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA GPGLL GPS 2D location and time. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1163 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpgsa

uint32_t PACKED::gpgsa

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA GSA GPS DOP and active satellites. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1166 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpioStatus

uint32_t PACKED::gpioStatus

General purpose I/O status

Definition at line 1317 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gprmc

uint32_t PACKED::gprmc

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1169 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gps1AntOffset

float PACKED::gps1AntOffset[3]

X,Y,Z offset in meters from Sensor Frame origin to GPS 1 antenna.

Definition at line 1874 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gps2AntOffset

float PACKED::gps2AntOffset[3]

X,Y,Z offset in meters from DOD_ Frame origin to GPS 2 antenna.

Definition at line 1910 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsMinimumElevation

float PACKED::gpsMinimumElevation

Minimum elevation of a satellite above the horizon to be used in the solution (radians). Low elevation satellites may provide degraded accuracy, due to the long signal path through the atmosphere.

Definition at line 1940 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpspos

is_can_gps1_pos_status PACKED::gpspos

Definition at line 274 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ gpsPos

gps_pos_t PACKED::gpsPos

Definition at line 3418 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsRaw

gps_raw_t PACKED::gpsRaw

Definition at line 3430 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsRtkMisc

gps_rtk_misc_t PACKED::gpsRtkMisc

Definition at line 3422 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsRtkRel

gps_rtk_rel_t PACKED::gpsRtkRel

Definition at line 3421 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsSat

gps_sat_t PACKED::gpsSat

Definition at line 3420 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsTimeSyncPeriodMs

uint32_t PACKED::gpsTimeSyncPeriodMs

Time between GPS time synchronization pulses in milliseconds. Requires reboot to take effect.

Definition at line 1925 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpsVel

gps_vel_t PACKED::gpsVel

Definition at line 3419 of file data_sets.h.

◆ gpzda

uint32_t PACKED::gpzda

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA Data and Time. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1172 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hAcc

float PACKED::hAcc

Horizontal accuracy in meters

Definition at line 762 of file data_sets.h.

◆ handle

uint32_t PACKED::handle


Definition at line 3319 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hardwareVer

uint8_t PACKED::hardwareVer[4]

Hardware version

Definition at line 445 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hDop

float PACKED::hDop

Horizontal dilution of precision (meters)

Definition at line 2647 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hdwBitStatus

uint32_t PACKED::hdwBitStatus

Hardware BIT status (see eHdwBitStatusFlags)

Definition at line 1429 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hdwStatus

uint32_t PACKED::hdwStatus

Hardware status flags (eHdwStatusFlags). Copy of DID_SYS_PARAMS.hdwStatus

System status 2 flags (eHdwStatusFlags)

Definition at line 40 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ headingToBase

int16_t PACKED::headingToBase

Angle from north to vectorToBase in local tangent plane. (rad)

Definition at line 238 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ hMSL

float PACKED::hMSL

Height above mean sea level (MSL) in meters

Definition at line 759 of file data_sets.h.

◆ humidity [1/2]

float PACKED::humidity

Relative humidity as a percent (rH). Range is 0% - 100%

Definition at line 662 of file data_sets.h.

◆ humidity [2/2]

f_t PACKED::humidity

Definition at line 1195 of file data_sets.h.

◆ hwVersion

uint8_t PACKED::hwVersion[10]

Hardware version

Definition at line 870 of file data_sets.h.

◆ I

imus_t PACKED::I

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)

Definition at line 617 of file data_sets.h.

◆ i


Definition at line 1988 of file data_sets.h.

◆ imu [1/2]

dual_imu_t PACKED::imu

dual imu - raw or pre-integrated depending on data id

Definition at line 696 of file data_sets.h.

◆ imu [2/2]

imu_t PACKED::imu

Definition at line 3410 of file data_sets.h.

◆ imuPeriodMs

uint32_t PACKED::imuPeriodMs

IMU sample period in milliseconds. Zero disables sampling.

Definition at line 1054 of file data_sets.h.

◆ imuTemp

float PACKED::imuTemp

IMU temperature

Definition at line 1042 of file data_sets.h.

◆ inl2NedSigma

inl2_ned_sigma_t PACKED::inl2NedSigma

Definition at line 3424 of file data_sets.h.

◆ inl2States

inl2_states_t PACKED::inl2States

Definition at line 3423 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ins1

ins_1_t PACKED::ins1

Definition at line 3406 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ins2

ins_2_t PACKED::ins2

Definition at line 3407 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ins3

ins_3_t PACKED::ins3

Definition at line 3408 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ins4

ins_4_t PACKED::ins4

Definition at line 3409 of file data_sets.h.

◆ insDynModel

uint8_t PACKED::insDynModel

INS dynamic platform model. Options are: 0=PORTABLE, 2=STATIONARY, 3=PEDESTRIAN, 4=AUTOMOTIVE, 5=SEA, 6=AIRBORNE_1G, 7=AIRBORNE_2G, 8=AIRBORNE_4G, 9=WRIST. Used to balance noise and performance characteristics of the system. The dynamics selected here must be at least as fast as your system or you experience accuracy error. This is tied to the GPS position estimation model and intend in the future to be incorporated into the INS position model.

Definition at line 1877 of file data_sets.h.

◆ insHdg

float PACKED::insHdg

Definition at line 1350 of file data_sets.h.

◆ insOffset

float PACKED::insOffset[3]

X,Y,Z offset in meters from Intermediate Output Frame to INS Output Frame.

Definition at line 1871 of file data_sets.h.

◆ insRoll

int16_t PACKED::insRoll

Euler roll, roll rates from each IMU(DID_DUAL_IMU)

Definition at line 244 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ insRotation

float PACKED::insRotation[3]

Roll, pitch, yaw euler angle rotation in radians from INS Sensor Frame to Intermediate Output Frame. Order applied: heading, pitch, roll.

Definition at line 1868 of file data_sets.h.

◆ insStatus

uint32_t PACKED::insStatus

INS status flags (eInsStatusFlags). Copy of DID_SYS_PARAMS.insStatus

System status 1 flags (eInsStatusFlags)

Definition at line 37 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ insstatus

is_can_ins_status PACKED::insstatus

Definition at line 253 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ invalid_base_position

uint8_t PACKED::invalid_base_position

Definition at line 2049 of file data_sets.h.

◆ invCommand

uint32_t PACKED::invCommand

Error checking field that must be set to bitwise inverse of command field for the command to take effect.

Definition at line 1112 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ioConfig

uint32_t PACKED::ioConfig

Hardware interface configuration bits (see eIoConfig).

Definition at line 1904 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ion

ion_model_utc_alm_t PACKED::ion

Ionosphere model and UTC parameters

Definition at line 2781 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ionUtcAlmCount

uint32_t PACKED::ionUtcAlmCount

Ionosphere model, utc and almanac count

Definition at line 2728 of file data_sets.h.

◆ key

uint32_t PACKED::key


Manufacturer method for restoring flash defaults

Definition at line 485 of file data_sets.h.

◆ L

double PACKED::L[1]

Observation data carrier-phase (cycle). The carrier phase initial ambiguity is initialized using an approximate value to make the magnitude of the phase close to the pseudorange measurement. Clock resets are applied to both phase and code measurements in accordance with the RINEX specification.

Definition at line 2291 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lack_of_valid_sats

uint8_t PACKED::lack_of_valid_sats

Definition at line 2074 of file data_sets.h.

◆ large_v2b

uint8_t PACKED::large_v2b

Definition at line 2056 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lastLla

double PACKED::lastLla[3]

Last latitude, longitude, HAE (height above ellipsoid) used to aid GPS startup (deg, deg, m)

Definition at line 1892 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lastLlaTimeOfWeekMs

uint32_t PACKED::lastLlaTimeOfWeekMs

Last LLA GPS time since week start (Sunday morning) in milliseconds

Definition at line 1895 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lastLlaUpdateDistance

float PACKED::lastLlaUpdateDistance

Distance between current and last LLA that triggers an update of lastLla

Definition at line 1901 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lastLlaWeek

uint32_t PACKED::lastLlaWeek

Last LLA GPS number of weeks since January 6th, 1980

Definition at line 1898 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lat [1/2]

double PACKED::lat

WGS84 latitude (degrees)

Definition at line 97 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ lat [2/2]

is_can_ins_lat PACKED::lat

Definition at line 259 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ leapS

uint8_t PACKED::leapS

GPS leap second (GPS-UTC) offset. Receiver's best knowledge of the leap seconds offset from UTC to GPS time. Subtract from GPS time of week to get UTC time of week. (18 seconds as of December 31, 2016)

Definition at line 777 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lf


Definition at line 1990 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lla

double PACKED::lla

WGS84 latitude, longitude, height above ellipsoid (degrees,degrees,meters)

WGS84 latitude, longitude, height above ellipsoid in meters (not MSL)

Position - WGS84 latitude, longitude, height above ellipsoid (not MSL) (degrees, m)

Latitude, longitude and height above ellipsoid (rad, rad, m)

Definition at line 511 of file data_sets.h.


uint8_t PACKED::LLI[1]

Loss of Lock Indicator. Set to non-zero values only when carrier-phase is valid (L > 0). bit1 = loss-of-lock, bit2 = half-cycle-invalid

Definition at line 2276 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lon [1/2]

double PACKED::lon

WGS84 longitude (degrees)

Definition at line 105 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ lon [2/2]

is_can_ins_lon PACKED::lon

Definition at line 260 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ lotNumber

uint32_t PACKED::lotNumber

Lot number

Definition at line 479 of file data_sets.h.

◆ lsq_error

uint8_t PACKED::lsq_error

Definition at line 2073 of file data_sets.h.

◆ m

evb_flash_cfg_t PACKED::m

Definition at line 61 of file globals.h.

◆ mag [1/3]

float PACKED::mag

Magnetometers in Gauss

Definition at line 642 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag [2/3]

f_t PACKED::mag[3]

Definition at line 1184 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag [3/3]

magnetometer_t PACKED::mag

Definition at line 3412 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag1

magnetometer_t PACKED::mag1

mag 1

Definition at line 699 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag2

magnetometer_t PACKED::mag2

Definition at line 700 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag_cal_done

int PACKED::mag_cal_done

Definition at line 923 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mag_cal_good

int PACKED::mag_cal_good

Definition at line 922 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magCal

mag_cal_t PACKED::magCal

Definition at line 3413 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magDec

float PACKED::magDec

(rad) Magnetic declination

Definition at line 902 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magDeclination

float PACKED::magDeclination

Earth magnetic field (magnetic north) declination (heading offset from true north) in radians

Definition at line 1922 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magHdg

float PACKED::magHdg

Definition at line 1349 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magHdgOffset

float PACKED::magHdgOffset

Definition at line 1356 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magInc

float PACKED::magInc

(rad) Magnetic inclination

Definition at line 905 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magInclination

float PACKED::magInclination

Earth magnetic field (magnetic north) inclination (negative pitch offset) in radians

Definition at line 1919 of file data_sets.h.

◆ magInsHdgDelta

float PACKED::magInsHdgDelta

Definition at line 1351 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mallocSize

uint32_t PACKED::mallocSize

Total memory allocated using RTOS pvPortMalloc()

Definition at line 3329 of file data_sets.h.

◆ manufacturer


Manufacturer name

Definition at line 460 of file data_sets.h.

◆ marker

uint32_t PACKED::marker

Definition at line 58 of file communications.h.

◆ maxRunTimeUs

uint32_t PACKED::maxRunTimeUs

Max run time microseconds

Definition at line 3307 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mcuTemp

float PACKED::mcuTemp

MCU temperature (not available yet)

Definition at line 1048 of file data_sets.h.

◆ moveb_time_sync_error

uint8_t PACKED::moveb_time_sync_error

Definition at line 2069 of file data_sets.h.

◆ mpu

Definition at line 1192 of file data_sets.h.

◆ msl [1/2]

float PACKED::msl

Height above mean sea level (MSL) in meters

height above mean sea level (MSL) in meters

Definition at line 165 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ msl [2/2]

is_can_msl PACKED::msl

Definition at line 267 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ mslBar

float PACKED::mslBar

MSL altitude from barometric pressure sensor in meters

Definition at line 656 of file data_sets.h.

◆ name


Task name

Definition at line 3292 of file data_sets.h.

◆ navPeriodMs

uint32_t PACKED::navPeriodMs

Nav filter update period in milliseconds. Zero disables nav filter.

Definition at line 1057 of file data_sets.h.

◆ Ncal_samples

uint32_t PACKED::Ncal_samples

Definition at line 1344 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ne

is_can_north_east PACKED::ne

Definition at line 262 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ned

float PACKED::ned[3]

North, east and down offset from reference latitude, longitude, and altitude to current latitude, longitude, and altitude

Definition at line 514 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ned1

float PACKED::ned1

North offset from reference latitude, longitude, and altitude to current latitude, longitude, and altitude

Definition at line 121 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ned2

float PACKED::ned2

East offset from reference latitude, longitude, and altitude to current latitude, longitude, and altitude

Definition at line 123 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ned3

float PACKED::ned3

Down offset from reference latitude, longitude, and altitude to current latitude, longitude, and altitude

Definition at line 131 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ nis

float PACKED::nis

Definition at line 1352 of file data_sets.h.

◆ nis_threshold

float PACKED::nis_threshold

Definition at line 1353 of file data_sets.h.

◆ no_base_obs_data

uint8_t PACKED::no_base_obs_data

Definition at line 2066 of file data_sets.h.

◆ numSats

uint32_t PACKED::numSats

Number of satellites in the sky

Definition at line 858 of file data_sets.h.

◆ nv

int32_t PACKED::nv

Definition at line 2032 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obs

Satellite observation data

Definition at line 2766 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obs_count_bas

uint8_t PACKED::obs_count_bas

Definition at line 2097 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obs_count_rov

uint8_t PACKED::obs_count_rov

Definition at line 2098 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obs_pairs_filtered

uint8_t PACKED::obs_pairs_filtered

Definition at line 2100 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obs_pairs_used

uint8_t PACKED::obs_pairs_used

Definition at line 2101 of file data_sets.h.

◆ obsCount

uint8_t PACKED::obsCount

Number of observations in data (obsd_t) when dataType==1 (raw_data_type_observation).

Definition at line 2797 of file data_sets.h.

◆ omega_l

float PACKED::omega_l

Left wheel angular rate (rad/s)

Definition at line 1787 of file data_sets.h.

◆ omega_r

float PACKED::omega_r

Right wheel angular rate (rad/s)

Definition at line 1790 of file data_sets.h.

◆ options

uint32_t PACKED::options

Options: Port selection0x0=current, 0xFF=all, 0x1=ser0, 0x2=ser1, 0x4=USB

Options to select alternate ports to output data, etc. (see RMC_OPTIONS_...)

Definition at line 1139 of file data_sets.h.

◆ outc_ovfl

uint8_t PACKED::outc_ovfl

Definition at line 2053 of file data_sets.h.

◆ outlier

uint32_t PACKED::outlier

Definition at line 1348 of file data_sets.h.

◆ P

double PACKED::P[1]

Observation data pseudorange (m). GLONASS inter frequency channel delays are compensated with an internal calibration table

Definition at line 2294 of file data_sets.h.

◆ PABias

float PACKED::PABias[3]

Acceleration bias error sigma

Definition at line 1956 of file data_sets.h.

◆ padding

uint32_t PACKED::padding[BOOTLOADER_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]

Definition at line 62 of file globals.h.

◆ pashr

uint32_t PACKED::pashr

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII NMEA Inertial Attitude Data. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1175 of file data_sets.h.

◆ PattNED

float PACKED::PattNED[3]

NED attitude error sigma

Definition at line 1954 of file data_sets.h.

◆ payload

is_can_payload PACKED::payload

Definition at line 51 of file communications.h.

◆ PBaroBias

float PACKED::PBaroBias

Barometric altitude bias error sigma

Definition at line 1960 of file data_sets.h.

◆ PDeclination

float PACKED::PDeclination

Mag declination error sigma

Definition at line 1962 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pDop

float PACKED::pDop

Position dilution of precision (unitless)

Definition at line 768 of file data_sets.h.

◆ periodMs

uint32_t PACKED::periodMs

Task period ms

Definition at line 3301 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pgpsp

uint32_t PACKED::pgpsp

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII GPS position data. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1154 of file data_sets.h.

◆ phase_large_residual

uint8_t PACKED::phase_large_residual

Definition at line 2048 of file data_sets.h.

◆ phase_outlier

uint8_t PACKED::phase_outlier

Definition at line 2045 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pimu [1/2]

preintegrated_imu_t PACKED::pimu

dual preintegrated imu

Definition at line 708 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pimu [2/2]

uint32_t PACKED::pimu

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII dual IMU data. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1142 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pImu

preintegrated_imu_t PACKED::pImu

Definition at line 3417 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pImu1

int16_t PACKED::pImu1

Definition at line 245 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ pImu2

int16_t PACKED::pImu2

Definition at line 246 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ pimupx

is_can_preint_imu_px PACKED::pimupx

Definition at line 268 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ pimuqy

is_can_preint_imu_qy PACKED::pimuqy

Definition at line 269 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ pimurz

is_can_preint_imu_rz PACKED::pimurz

Definition at line 270 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ pin

uint32_t PACKED::pin

Strobe input pin

Definition at line 1975 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pins1

uint32_t PACKED::pins1

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII INS output: euler rotation w/ respect to NED, NED position from reference LLA. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1148 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pins2

uint32_t PACKED::pins2

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII INS output: quaternion rotation w/ respect to NED, ellipsoid altitude. 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1151 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pnt_pos_error

uint8_t PACKED::pnt_pos_error

Definition at line 2065 of file data_sets.h.

◆ posMeasurement

pos_measurement_t PACKED::posMeasurement

Definition at line 3416 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ppimu

uint32_t PACKED::ppimu

Broadcast period (ms) - ASCII preintegrated dual IMU: delta theta (rad) and delta velocity (m/s). 0 to disable.

Definition at line 1145 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pqr [1/2]

float PACKED::pqr

Gyroscope P, Q, R in radians / second

Gyros in radians / second

PQR motion (angular rate)

Definition at line 603 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pqr [2/2]

f_t PACKED::pqr[3]

Definition at line 1182 of file data_sets.h.

◆ pqrSigma

float PACKED::pqrSigma

Angular rate standard deviation

Definition at line 1453 of file data_sets.h.

◆ priority

uint32_t PACKED::priority

Task priority (0 - 8)

Definition at line 3295 of file data_sets.h.

◆ progress

float PACKED::progress

Mag recalibration progress indicator: 0-100 %

Definition at line 1335 of file data_sets.h.

◆ protocolVer

uint8_t PACKED::protocolVer[4]

Communications protocol version

Definition at line 454 of file data_sets.h.

◆ prRes

int16_t PACKED::prRes

(m) Pseudo range residual

Definition at line 822 of file data_sets.h.

◆ psi

float PACKED::psi

Heading with respect to NED frame (rad)

Definition at line 423 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ptype

protocol_type_t PACKED::ptype

Definition at line 59 of file communications.h.

◆ PvelNED

float PACKED::PvelNED[3]

NED velocity error sigma

Definition at line 1952 of file data_sets.h.

◆ PWBias

float PACKED::PWBias[3]

Angular rate bias error sigma

Definition at line 1958 of file data_sets.h.

◆ PxyzNED

float PACKED::PxyzNED[3]

NED position error sigma

Definition at line 1950 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qb

double PACKED::qb[24]

Definition at line 2025 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qe2b

float PACKED::qe2b

Quaternion body rotation with respect to ECEF: W, X, Y, Z

Quaternion body rotation with respect to ECEF

Definition at line 589 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qe2b1

int16_t PACKED::qe2b1

Quaternion body rotation with respect to ECEF: W, X, Y, Z (scaled by 10000)

Definition at line 68 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qe2b2

int16_t PACKED::qe2b2

Definition at line 69 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qe2b3

int16_t PACKED::qe2b3

Definition at line 70 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qe2b4

int16_t PACKED::qe2b4

Definition at line 71 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qn2b

float PACKED::qn2b

Quaternion body rotation with respect to NED: W, X, Y, Z

Definition at line 534 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qn2b1

int16_t PACKED::qn2b1

Quaternion body rotation with respect to NED: W, X, Y, Z (scaled by 10000)

Definition at line 58 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qn2b2

int16_t PACKED::qn2b2

Definition at line 59 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qn2b3

int16_t PACKED::qn2b3

Definition at line 60 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qn2b4

int16_t PACKED::qn2b4

Definition at line 61 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ qr

double PACKED::qr[6]

Definition at line 2023 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qualL

uint8_t PACKED::qualL[1]

Estimated carrier phase measurement standard deviation (0.004 cycles), zero means invalid

Definition at line 2282 of file data_sets.h.

◆ qualP

uint8_t PACKED::qualP[1]

Estimated pseudorange measurement standard deviation (0.01 m), zero means invalid

Definition at line 2285 of file data_sets.h.

◆ quate2b

is_can_ins_quate2b PACKED::quate2b

Definition at line 256 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ quatn2b

is_can_ins_quatn2b PACKED::quatn2b

Definition at line 255 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ra_ecef

double PACKED::ra_ecef[3]

Definition at line 2020 of file data_sets.h.

◆ raw_dat_queue_overrun

uint8_t PACKED::raw_dat_queue_overrun

Definition at line 2103 of file data_sets.h.

◆ raw_ptr_queue_overrun

uint8_t PACKED::raw_ptr_queue_overrun

Definition at line 2102 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rcv

uint8_t PACKED::rcv

receiver number

Definition at line 2270 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ready

uint32_t PACKED::ready

Definition at line 1345 of file data_sets.h.

◆ recalCmd

uint32_t PACKED::recalCmd

Set mode and start recalibration. 1 = multi-axis, 2 = single-axis, 101 = abort.

Definition at line 1332 of file data_sets.h.

◆ receiverIndex

uint8_t PACKED::receiverIndex


Definition at line 2791 of file data_sets.h.

◆ refLla

double PACKED::refLla[3]

Reference latitude, longitude and height above ellipsoid for north east down (NED) calculations (deg, deg, m)

Definition at line 1889 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rej_ovfl

uint8_t PACKED::rej_ovfl

Definition at line 2043 of file data_sets.h.

◆ repoRevision

uint32_t PACKED::repoRevision

Repository revision number

Definition at line 457 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rescode_err_marker

uint8_t PACKED::rescode_err_marker

Definition at line 2083 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reserved [1/2]

uint8_t PACKED::reserved

Reserved bits

Broadcast period (ms) - Reserved. Leave zero.

ensure 32 bit aligned in memory


reserved, for alignment

Definition at line 439 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reserved [2/2]

uint8_t PACKED::reserved

Reserved for future use

ensure 32 bit aligned in memory


reserved, for alignment

Definition at line 780 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reserved1 [1/2]

float PACKED::reserved1


Definition at line 1051 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reserved1 [2/2]

uint8_t PACKED::reserved1

Definition at line 2089 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reserved2

float PACKED::reserved2[2]


Definition at line 1063 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reset_bias

uint8_t PACKED::reset_bias

Definition at line 2060 of file data_sets.h.

◆ reset_timer

uint8_t PACKED::reset_timer

Definition at line 2054 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rmc

rmc_t PACKED::rmc

Definition at line 3432 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rollrollrate

is_can_roll_rollRate PACKED::rollrollrate

Definition at line 276 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ rot_motion

int PACKED::rot_motion

Definition at line 914 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rover_position_error

uint8_t PACKED::rover_position_error

Definition at line 2059 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverBeidouEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverBeidouEphemerisCount

Rover beidou ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2707 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverBeidouObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverBeidouObservationCount

Rover beidou observation element counter

Definition at line 2677 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGalileoEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGalileoEphemerisCount

Rover galileo ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2701 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGalileoObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGalileoObservationCount

Rover galileo observation element counter

Definition at line 2671 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGlonassEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGlonassEphemerisCount

Rover glonass ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2695 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGlonassObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGlonassObservationCount

Rover glonass observation element counter

Definition at line 2665 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGpsEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGpsEphemerisCount

Rover gps ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2689 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverGpsObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverGpsObservationCount

Rover gps observation element counter

Definition at line 2659 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverQzsEphemerisCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverQzsEphemerisCount

Rover qzs ephemeris element counter

Definition at line 2713 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverQzsObservationCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverQzsObservationCount

Rover qzs observation element counter

Definition at line 2683 of file data_sets.h.

◆ roverSbasCount

uint32_t PACKED::roverSbasCount

Rover sbas element counter

Definition at line 2719 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rp_ecef

double PACKED::rp_ecef[3]

Definition at line 2018 of file data_sets.h.

◆ RTKCfgBits

uint32_t PACKED::RTKCfgBits

RTK configuration bits (see eRTKConfigBits).

Definition at line 1931 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rtkrel

is_can_gps1_rtk_rel PACKED::rtkrel

Definition at line 275 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ rtosInfo

rtos_info_t PACKED::rtosInfo

Definition at line 3429 of file data_sets.h.

◆ runTimeUs

uint32_t PACKED::runTimeUs

Last run time microseconds

Definition at line 3304 of file data_sets.h.

◆ rv_ecef

double PACKED::rv_ecef[3]

Definition at line 2019 of file data_sets.h.

◆ s


Definition at line 1998 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sAcc

float PACKED::sAcc

Speed accuracy in meters / second

Definition at line 796 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sat [1/2]

Satellite information list

Definition at line 860 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sat [2/2]

uint8_t PACKED::sat

Satellite number in RTKlib notation. GPS: 1-32, GLONASS: 33-59, Galilleo: 60-89, SBAS: 90-95

Definition at line 2267 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sat_id

uint8_t PACKED::sat_id[24]

Definition at line 2026 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sat_id_i

uint8_t PACKED::sat_id_i[24]

Definition at line 2033 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sat_id_j

uint8_t PACKED::sat_id_j[24]

Definition at line 2034 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sbas

sbsmsg_t PACKED::sbas

Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) data

Definition at line 2775 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sensorConfig

uint32_t PACKED::sensorConfig

Sensor config (see eSensorConfig in data_sets.h)

Definition at line 1934 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sensorsAdc

sys_sensors_adc_t PACKED::sensorsAdc

Definition at line 3431 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sensorTruePeriod

double PACKED::sensorTruePeriod

Actual sample period relative to GPS PPS

Definition at line 1060 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ser0BaudRate

uint32_t PACKED::ser0BaudRate

Serial port 0 baud rate in bits per second

Definition at line 1862 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ser1BaudRate

uint32_t PACKED::ser1BaudRate

Serial port 1 baud rate in bits per second

Definition at line 1865 of file data_sets.h.

◆ serialNumber

uint32_t PACKED::serialNumber

Serial number

Definition at line 442 of file data_sets.h.

◆ size

uint32_t PACKED::size

Size of group or union, which is nvm_group_x_t + padding

Definition at line 60 of file communications.h.


uint8_t PACKED::SNR[1]

Cno, carrier-to-noise density ratio (signal strength) (0.25 dB-Hz)

Definition at line 2273 of file data_sets.h.

◆ solStatus

uint8_t PACKED::solStatus

Definition at line 2082 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sta

sta_t PACKED::sta

Base station information (base position, antenna position, antenna height, etc.)

Definition at line 2778 of file data_sets.h.

◆ stackUnused

uint32_t PACKED::stackUnused

Stack high water mark bytes

Definition at line 3298 of file data_sets.h.

◆ start_proc_done

int PACKED::start_proc_done

Definition at line 921 of file data_sets.h.

◆ start_relpos

uint8_t PACKED::start_relpos

Definition at line 2061 of file data_sets.h.

◆ start_rtkpos

uint8_t PACKED::start_rtkpos

Definition at line 2064 of file data_sets.h.

◆ startByte

uint8_t PACKED::startByte

Definition at line 48 of file communications.h.

◆ startupGPSDtMs

uint32_t PACKED::startupGPSDtMs

GPS measurement (system input data) update period in milliseconds set on startup. 200ms minimum (5Hz max).

Definition at line 1928 of file data_sets.h.

◆ startupImuDtMs

uint32_t PACKED::startupImuDtMs

IMU sample (system input data) period in milliseconds set on startup. Cannot be larger than startupNavDtMs. Zero disables sensor/IMU sampling.

Definition at line 1856 of file data_sets.h.

◆ startupNavDtMs

uint32_t PACKED::startupNavDtMs

Nav filter (system output data) update period in milliseconds set on startup. 1ms minimum (1KHz max). Zero disables nav filter updates.

Definition at line 1859 of file data_sets.h.

◆ stat_magfield

int PACKED::stat_magfield

Definition at line 924 of file data_sets.h.

◆ state

uint32_t PACKED::state

Built-in self-test state (see eBitState)

Definition at line 1426 of file data_sets.h.

◆ status

uint32_t PACKED::status

(see eGpsStatus) GPS status: [0x000000xx] number of satellites used, [0x0000xx00] fix type, [0x00xx0000] status flags

IMU Status (eImuStatus)

(see eGpsStatus) GPS status: [0x000000xx] number of satellites used, [0x0000xx00] fix type, [0x00xx0000] status flags, NMEA input flag


Status Word

Definition at line 114 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ surveyIn

survey_in_t PACKED::surveyIn

Definition at line 3426 of file data_sets.h.

◆ svId

uint8_t PACKED::svId

Satellite identifier

Definition at line 810 of file data_sets.h.

◆ swVersion

uint8_t PACKED::swVersion[30]

Software version

Definition at line 868 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sysCfgBits

uint32_t PACKED::sysCfgBits

System configuration bits (see eSysConfigBits).

Definition at line 1886 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sysParams

sys_params_t PACKED::sysParams

Definition at line 3427 of file data_sets.h.

◆ sysSensors

sys_sensors_t PACKED::sysSensors

Definition at line 3428 of file data_sets.h.

◆ t_i2l

float PACKED::t_i2l[3]

Translation from the imu to the left wheel, expressed in the imu frame

Definition at line 1817 of file data_sets.h.

◆ task

rtos_task_t PACKED::task


Definition at line 3335 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcAccBias

float PACKED::tcAccBias

Definition at line 1436 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcAccLinearity

float PACKED::tcAccLinearity

Definition at line 1444 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcAccSlope

float PACKED::tcAccSlope

Definition at line 1440 of file data_sets.h.

◆ Tcal

float PACKED::Tcal

Definition at line 1357 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcPqrBias

float PACKED::tcPqrBias

Temperature calibration bias

Definition at line 1435 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcPqrLinearity

float PACKED::tcPqrLinearity

Temperature calibration linearity

Definition at line 1443 of file data_sets.h.

◆ tcPqrSlope

float PACKED::tcPqrSlope

Temperature calibration slope

Definition at line 1439 of file data_sets.h.

◆ temp [1/2]

float PACKED::temp

Temperature in Celsius

Definition at line 977 of file data_sets.h.

◆ temp [2/2]

f_t PACKED::temp

Definition at line 1185 of file data_sets.h.

◆ theta

float PACKED::theta[3]

Euler angles: roll, pitch, yaw in radians with respect to NED

Definition at line 505 of file data_sets.h.

◆ theta0

int16_t PACKED::theta0

Definition at line 171 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ theta1 [1/2]

int16_t PACKED::theta1

Euler angles: roll, pitch, yaw in radians with respect to NED (scaled by 10000)

Definition at line 48 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ theta1 [2/2]

float PACKED::theta1[3]

IMU 1 delta theta (gyroscope {p,q,r} integral) in radians in sensor frame

Definition at line 673 of file data_sets.h.

◆ theta2 [1/2]

int16_t PACKED::theta2

Definition at line 49 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ theta2 [2/2]

float PACKED::theta2[3]

IMU 2 delta theta (gyroscope {p,q,r} integral) in radians in sensor frame

Definition at line 676 of file data_sets.h.

◆ theta3

int16_t PACKED::theta3

Definition at line 50 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ theta_l

float PACKED::theta_l

Left wheel angle (rad)

Definition at line 1781 of file data_sets.h.

◆ theta_r

float PACKED::theta_r

Right wheel angle (rad)

Definition at line 1784 of file data_sets.h.

◆ time [1/3]

gtime_t PACKED::time

Time since boot up in seconds. Convert to GPS time of week by adding gps.towOffset

Time in seconds

Receiver local time approximately aligned to the GPS time system (GPST)

Definition at line 252 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ time [2/3]

double PACKED::time

Time since boot up in seconds. Convert to GPS time of week by adding gps.towOffset

Time in seconds

Definition at line 614 of file data_sets.h.

◆ time [3/3]

gtime_t PACKED::time

Receiver local time approximately aligned to the GPS time system (GPST)

Definition at line 2017 of file data_sets.h.

◆ timeOfWeek

double PACKED::timeOfWeek

GPS time of week (since Sunday morning) in seconds

Time of measurement wrt current week

Definition at line 417 of file data_sets.h.

◆ timeOfWeekMs [1/3]

uint32_t PACKED::timeOfWeekMs

Time of week (since Sunday morning) in milliseconds, GMT

GPS time of week (since Sunday morning) in milliseconds

Definition at line 29 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ timeOfWeekMs [2/3]

uint32_t PACKED::timeOfWeekMs

GPS time of week (since Sunday morning) in milliseconds

Definition at line 747 of file data_sets.h.

◆ timeOfWeekMs [3/3]

unsigned int PACKED::timeOfWeekMs

Timestamp in milliseconds

Definition at line 1948 of file data_sets.h.

◆ timeToFirstFixMs

uint32_t PACKED::timeToFirstFixMs

Time to first RTK fix.

Definition at line 2734 of file data_sets.h.

◆ towOffset

double PACKED::towOffset

Time sync offset between local time since boot up to GPS time of week in seconds. Add this to IMU and sensor time to get GPS time of week in seconds.

Definition at line 774 of file data_sets.h.

◆ type

uint8_t PACKED::type[24]

Definition at line 2035 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ubx_error

float PACKED::ubx_error

Definition at line 2080 of file data_sets.h.

◆ use_ubx_position

uint8_t PACKED::use_ubx_position

Definition at line 2055 of file data_sets.h.

◆ uvw [1/2]

float PACKED::uvw

Velocity U, V, W in meters per second. Convert to NED velocity using "quatRot(vel_ned, qn2b, uvw)".

Velocities in body frames of X, Y and Z (m/s)

Definition at line 257 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ uvw [2/2]

float PACKED::uvw[3]

Velocity U, V, W in meters per second. Convert to NED velocity using "vectorBodyToReference( uvw, theta, vel_ned )".

Velocity U, V, W in meters per second. Convert to NED velocity using "quatRot(vel_ned, qn2b, uvw)".

Velocities in body frames of X, Y and Z (m/s)

Definition at line 508 of file data_sets.h.

◆ uvw1

int16_t PACKED::uvw1

Velocity U, V, W in meters per second (scaled by 100). Convert to NED velocity using "vectorBodyToReference( uvw, theta, vel_ned )".

Definition at line 78 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ uvw2

int16_t PACKED::uvw2

Definition at line 79 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ uvw3

int16_t PACKED::uvw3

Definition at line 80 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ v

double PACKED::v[24]

Definition at line 2036 of file data_sets.h.

◆ vAcc

float PACKED::vAcc

Vertical accuracy in meters

Definition at line 765 of file data_sets.h.

◆ val [1/2]

float PACKED::val

Three axis sensor

Definition at line 934 of file data_sets.h.

◆ val [2/2]

double PACKED::val[3]

Three axis sensor

Definition at line 967 of file data_sets.h.

◆ val1

float PACKED::val1[3]

First three axis sensor

Definition at line 954 of file data_sets.h.

◆ val2

float PACKED::val2[3]

Second three axis sensor

Definition at line 957 of file data_sets.h.

◆ vDop

float PACKED::vDop

Vertical dilution of precision (meters)

Definition at line 2650 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ve [1/2]

float PACKED::ve

(m/s) Velocity in ECEF frame

Definition at line 258 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ve [2/2]

float PACKED::ve[3]

Velocity in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) frame in meters per second

(m/s) Velocity in ECEF frame

Definition at line 592 of file data_sets.h.

◆ ve1

int16_t PACKED::ve1

Velocity in ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) (scaled by 100) frame in meters per second

Definition at line 87 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ve2

int16_t PACKED::ve2

Definition at line 88 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ ve3

int16_t PACKED::ve3

Definition at line 89 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ vel

float PACKED::vel[3]

if status flag GPS_STATUS_FLAGS_GPS_NMEA_DATA = 0, Speed in ECEF {vx,vy,vz} (m/s) if status flag GPS_STATUS_FLAGS_GPS_NMEA_DATA = 1, Speed in NED {vN, vE, 0} (m/s)

Definition at line 793 of file data_sets.h.

◆ vel0

int16_t PACKED::vel0

Definition at line 172 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ vel1 [1/2]

int16_t PACKED::vel1

Definition at line 181 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ vel1 [2/2]

float PACKED::vel1[3]

IMU 1 delta velocity (accelerometer {x,y,z} integral) in m/s in sensor frame

Definition at line 679 of file data_sets.h.

◆ vel2 [1/2]

int16_t PACKED::vel2

Definition at line 191 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ vel2 [2/2]

float PACKED::vel2[3]

IMU 2 delta velocity (accelerometer {x,y,z} integral) in m/s in sensor frame

Definition at line 682 of file data_sets.h.

◆ vin

float PACKED::vin

EVB system input voltage in volts. uINS pin 5 (G2/AN2). Use 10K/1K resistor divider between Vin and GND.

Definition at line 1001 of file data_sets.h.

◆ waiting_for_base_packet

uint8_t PACKED::waiting_for_base_packet

Definition at line 2071 of file data_sets.h.

◆ waiting_for_rover_packet

uint8_t PACKED::waiting_for_rover_packet

Definition at line 2070 of file data_sets.h.

◆ warning_code

uint8_t PACKED::warning_code

Definition at line 2092 of file data_sets.h.

◆ warning_count

uint8_t PACKED::warning_count

Definition at line 2091 of file data_sets.h.

◆ Wcal

float PACKED::Wcal[9]

Definition at line 1354 of file data_sets.h.

◆ week

uint32_t PACKED::week

Weeks since January 6th, 1980

GPS number of weeks since January 6th, 1980

Definition at line 26 of file CAN_comm.h.

◆ wheelConfig

wheel_config_t PACKED::wheelConfig

Wheel encoder: euler angles describing the rotation from imu to left wheel

Definition at line 1937 of file data_sets.h.

◆ wheelEncoder

wheel_encoder_t PACKED::wheelEncoder

Definition at line 3415 of file data_sets.h.

◆ wrap_count_l

uint32_t PACKED::wrap_count_l

Left wheel revolution count

Definition at line 1793 of file data_sets.h.

◆ wrap_count_r

uint32_t PACKED::wrap_count_r

Right wheel revolution count

Definition at line 1796 of file data_sets.h.

◆ zero_accel

int PACKED::zero_accel

Definition at line 911 of file data_sets.h.

◆ zero_angrate

int PACKED::zero_angrate

Definition at line 912 of file data_sets.h.

◆ zero_vel

int PACKED::zero_vel

Definition at line 915 of file data_sets.h.

◆ zeroVelOffset

float PACKED::zeroVelOffset[3]

X,Y,Z offset in meters from Intermediate ZeroVelocity Frame to Zero Velocity Frame.

Definition at line 1916 of file data_sets.h.

◆ zeroVelRotation

float PACKED::zeroVelRotation[3]

Euler (roll, pitch, yaw) rotation in radians from INS Sensor Frame to Intermediate ZeroVelocity Frame. Order applied: heading, pitch, roll.

Definition at line 1913 of file data_sets.h.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following files:

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:09