Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCostmapDataLagExceptionIndicates costmap is out of date because data in not up to date
 CCostmapExceptionExtensible exception class for all costmap-related problems
 CCostmapSafetyExceptionGeneral container for exceptions thrown when the costmap thinks any movement would be unsafe
 CGenericBoundsTemplatized class that represents a two dimensional bounds with ranges [min_x, max_x] [min_y, max_y] inclusive
 CGlobalPlannerProvides an interface for global planners used in navigation
 CGlobalPlannerExceptionGeneral container for exceptions thrown from the Global Planner
 CGlobalPlannerTimeoutExceptionException thrown when the global planner has spent too long looking for a path
 CGoalBoundsExceptionException thrown when the goal location of the global planner is out of the expected bounds
 CIllegalTrajectoryExceptionThrown when one of the critics encountered a fatal error
 CInvalidGoalPoseExceptionException thrown when there is a problem at the goal location for the global planner
 CInvalidStartPoseExceptionException thrown when there is a problem at the start location for the global planner
 CLocalPlannerProvides an interface for local planners used in navigation
 CLocalPlannerExceptionGeneral container for exceptions thrown from the Local Planner
 CNoGlobalPathExceptionException thrown when the global planner cannot find a path from the start to the goal
 CNoLegalTrajectoriesExceptionThrown when all the trajectories explored are illegal
 COccupiedGoalExceptionException thrown when the goal location of the global planner is occupied in the costmap
 COccupiedStartExceptionException thrown when the start location of the global planner is occupied in the costmap
 CPlannerExceptionParent type of all exceptions defined within
 CPlannerTFExceptionThrown when either the global or local planner cannot complete its operation due to TF errors
 CStartBoundsExceptionException thrown when the start location of the global planner is out of the expected bounds

autogenerated on Sun Jan 10 2021 04:08:27