Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #define XML_NODE_SWISSRANGER   "SwissRangerRemoteSensor"
00005 #define XML_PROPERTY_TOPIC     "Topic"
00007 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud.h>
00008 //#include <point_cloud_mapping/cloud_io.h>
00009 #include <sstream>
00011 #include <XMLTag.h>
00013 extern bool s_initedPCDPublisher;
00014 extern ros::Publisher s_sensorPublisher;
00017 class SwissRangerReading : public cop::Reading
00018 {
00019 public:
00020   SwissRangerReading(const sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr& pcdcloud, SwissRangerReading* integrate_with, cop::RelPose* parent) :
00021       Reading(ReadingType_PointCloud),
00022       m_integrationcounter(0)
00023   {
00024       if(parent != NULL)
00025         SetPose(parent);
00026       if(integrate_with != NULL && m_relPose != NULL && integrate_with->m_relPose != NULL)
00027       {
00028         double  dist = m_relPose->DistanceTo(integrate_with->m_relPose->m_uniqueID);
00029         if(dist < 0.0005)
00030         {
00031           IntegratePointCloud( *pcdcloud, integrate_with->m_image, integrate_with->m_integrationcounter);
00032         }
00033         else
00034         {
00035           m_image = (*pcdcloud);
00036         }
00037       }
00038       else
00039       {
00040         m_image = (*pcdcloud);
00041       }
00042       /*if(s_initedPCDPublisher)
00043         s_sensorPublisher.publish(m_image);*/
00044   }
00046 SwissRangerReading(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud& pcdcloud, SwissRangerReading* integrate_with, cop::RelPose* parent) :
00047       Reading(ReadingType_PointCloud),
00048       m_integrationcounter(0)
00049   {
00050       if(parent != NULL)
00051         SetPose(parent);
00052       if(integrate_with != NULL && m_relPose != NULL && integrate_with->m_relPose != NULL)
00053       {
00054         double  dist = m_relPose->DistanceTo(integrate_with->m_relPose->m_uniqueID);
00055         if(dist < 0.0005)
00056         {
00057           IntegratePointCloud( pcdcloud, integrate_with->m_image, integrate_with->m_integrationcounter);
00058         }
00059         else
00060         {
00061           m_image = (pcdcloud);
00062         }
00063       }
00064       else
00065       {
00066         m_image = (pcdcloud);
00067       }
00068       /*if(s_initedPCDPublisher)
00069         s_sensorPublisher.publish(m_image);*/
00070   }
00072   SwissRangerReading() :
00073       Reading(ReadingType_PointCloud),
00074       m_integrationcounter(0)
00075   {
00076   }
00077 #define min_l(A, B) (((A) < (B)) ? (A) : (B))
00078   void IntegratePointCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud& p_new, const sensor_msgs::PointCloud p_old, int count_old)
00079   {
00084     double weight_new = (10.0 - min_l(count_old, 9.0)) / 10.0;
00085     double weight_old = 1.0  -  weight_new;
00086     //printf("weight new %f, weight old %f\n", weight_new, weight_old);
00087     if(p_new.points.size() == p_old.points.size() && p_new.channels.size() > 0 &&
00088        p_old.channels.size() > 0 && p_new.channels[0].values.size() ==
00089          p_old.channels[0].values.size())
00090     {
00091       m_image.header = p_new.header;
00092       m_image.points.resize(p_new.points.size());
00093       m_image.channels.resize(1);
00094       m_image.channels[0].values.resize( p_new.channels[0].values.size());
00095       for(size_t i = 0; i < p_new.points.size(); i++)
00096       {
00097         if( p_new.points[i].z != p_new.points[i].z ||  p_old.points[i].z !=  p_old.points[i].z)
00098         {
00099           if(p_new.points[i].z == p_new.points[i].z)
00100           {
00101             m_image.points[i].x = p_new.points[i].x;
00102             m_image.points[i].y = p_new.points[i].y;
00103             m_image.points[i].z = p_new.points[i].z;
00104             m_image.channels[0].values[i] = weight_new * p_new.channels[0].values[i] + weight_old * p_old.channels[0].values[i];
00105           }
00106           else if(p_old.points[i].z == p_old.points[i].z)
00107           {
00108             m_image.points[i].x = p_old.points[i].x;
00109             m_image.points[i].y = p_old.points[i].y;
00110             m_image.points[i].z = p_old.points[i].z;
00111             m_image.channels[0].values[i] = weight_new * p_new.channels[0].values[i] + weight_old * p_old.channels[0].values[i];
00112           }
00113           else
00114           {
00115             m_image.points[i].x = 0.0;
00116             m_image.points[i].y = 0.0;
00117             m_image.points[i].z = 0.0;
00118             m_image.channels[0].values[i] = weight_new * p_new.channels[0].values[i] + weight_old * p_old.channels[0].values[i];
00119           }
00120         }
00121         else
00122         {
00123           m_image.points[i].x = weight_new * p_new.points[i].x + weight_old * p_old.points[i].x;
00124           m_image.points[i].y = weight_new * p_new.points[i].y + weight_old * p_old.points[i].y;
00125           m_image.points[i].z = weight_new * p_new.points[i].z + weight_old * p_old.points[i].z;
00126           m_image.channels[0].values[i] = weight_new * p_new.channels[0].values[i] + weight_old * p_old.channels[0].values[i];
00127         }
00128       }
00129       m_integrationcounter = count_old + 1;
00130     }
00131     else
00132     {
00133       m_integrationcounter = 1;
00134     }
00135   }
00136   ~SwissRangerReading()
00137   {
00138   }
00143   virtual cop::XMLTag* Save()
00144   {
00145     using namespace cop;
00146     /*TODO: Save to file and save filename to an XMLTag*/
00147     XMLTag* tag = new XMLTag("PointCloud");
00149     std::ostringstream os;
00150     os << "pcd_"<< tag->date() << ".pcd";
00151     tag->AddProperty("FileName", os.str());
00152     //cloud_io::savePCDFile (os.str().c_str(), m_image);
00153     //TODO
00155     return  tag;
00156   }
00160   virtual cop::Reading* Clone()
00161   {
00162     /*TODO: Copy m_pcd and create new reading*/
00163     return  NULL;
00164   }
00165   sensor_msgs::PointCloud m_image;
00166   int m_integrationcounter;
00167 };
00169 #endif 

Author(s): U. Klank
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 10:59:31