Public Slots | Signals | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ComThread Class Reference

#include <comthread.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void changedBoxSize (double)
void createKinectModel (QDir &parent_dir, const QString &model_name)
void createRe_visionModel (QDir &parent_dir, const QString &model_name)
void markerSizeChanged (double value)
void markerSpacingChanged (double value)
void maxScanNumberChanged (int)
void recording (bool startstop)
void removeCloud (QStringList)
void reset ()
void selectCloud (QStringList)


void addStatusMessage (QString)
void newCloudReceived (QString)

Public Member Functions

 ComThread (QObject *parent=0)
bool createPreview (QDir &model_dir)
void loadPointCloud (const QString &filename)
void pointCloudReceived (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &pcl_msg)
virtual ~ComThread ()

Protected Member Functions

int addPointCloud (boost::shared_ptr< pcl::PointCloud< PointType > > cloud)
void getMergedPointCloud (pcl::PointCloud< PointType > &merged_pcl)
void run ()
void saveFaces (QDir)
void saveMergedPCL (QString)

Protected Attributes

pcl::visualization::CloudViewer * cloudViewer
bool isRecording
unsigned int max_pointclouds
 maximum number of pointclouds to keep in memory
QMutex mutex
int npoints
std::map< int,
< pcl::PointCloud< PointType > > > 
ros::Subscriber sub
tf::TransformListener tf

Detailed Description

Main ROS communication thread. Also receives and stores point clouds.

Definition at line 71 of file comthread.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ComThread::ComThread ( QObject *  parent = 0) [explicit]

Definition at line 59 of file comthread.cpp.

ComThread::~ComThread ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 71 of file comthread.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int ComThread::addPointCloud ( boost::shared_ptr< pcl::PointCloud< PointType > >  cloud) [protected]

Add a pointcloud to the storage and to the visualization.

the id of the added point cloud
cloudthe cloud to add

Definition at line 235 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::addStatusMessage ( QString  ) [signal]

Add a status message to the message log QTextEdit in the UI.

QStringmessage to show
void ComThread::changedBoxSize ( double  size) [slot]

Updates the new bounding box size in the cloud viewer.

doublenew bounding box size

Definition at line 347 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::createKinectModel ( QDir &  parent_dir,
const QString &  model_name 
) [slot]

Export a kinect object model (i.e. a set of dense .pcd files)

parent_dirdirectory in which to store the model
model_namename of the model

Definition at line 379 of file comthread.cpp.

bool ComThread::createPreview ( QDir &  model_dir)

Create a preview image of the object. It gets saved in model_dir.

model_dirtarget directory for the image file
true when a preview image was created

Definition at line 408 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::createRe_visionModel ( QDir &  parent_dir,
const QString &  model_name 
) [slot]

Export an object recognition model compatible with re_vision.

parent_dirdirectory in which to store the model
model_namename of the model

Definition at line 364 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::getMergedPointCloud ( pcl::PointCloud< PointType > &  merged_pcl) [protected]

Merge all recorded point clouds.

merged_pcloutput parameter for the merged point cloud

Definition at line 312 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::loadPointCloud ( const QString &  filename)

Load and add a pointcloud from a .pcd file.

filenamepath to the pcd file

Definition at line 224 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::markerSizeChanged ( double  value) [slot]

User changed edge length of AR markers.

valueNew AR marker size.

Definition at line 396 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::markerSpacingChanged ( double  value) [slot]

User changed spacing of AR markers.

valueNew AR marker spacing.

Definition at line 402 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::maxScanNumberChanged ( int  value) [slot]

The user changed the number of maximum scans in the UI.

intnew maximum number of scans

Definition at line 392 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::newCloudReceived ( QString  ) [signal]

Signals that a new point cloud was received

QStringthe name of the cloud in the viewer or "-" if the cloud was not recorded
void ComThread::pointCloudReceived ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &  pcl_msg)

Point cloud callback

pcl_msgthe received point cloud message

Definition at line 104 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::recording ( bool  startstop) [slot]

Definition at line 83 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::removeCloud ( QStringList  ids) [slot]

Removes the given point clouds.

QStringListthe names of the point clouds to remove

Definition at line 257 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::reset ( ) [slot]

Resets the cloud viewer and removes all recorded point clouds.

Definition at line 87 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::run ( void  ) [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::saveFaces ( QDir  model_dir) [protected]

Store all point clouds in a directory.

QDirtarget directory

Definition at line 337 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::saveMergedPCL ( QString  filename) [protected]

Merge all point clouds and save them in a pcd file.


Definition at line 330 of file comthread.cpp.

void ComThread::selectCloud ( QStringList  newSelections) [slot]

Selects the given point clouds.

thenames of the point clouds to select

Definition at line 270 of file comthread.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

pcl::visualization::CloudViewer* ComThread::cloudViewer [protected]

Definition at line 194 of file comthread.h.

Definition at line 191 of file comthread.h.

unsigned int ComThread::max_pointclouds [protected]

maximum number of pointclouds to keep in memory

Definition at line 198 of file comthread.h.

QMutex ComThread::mutex [protected]

Definition at line 195 of file comthread.h.

int ComThread::npoints [protected]

Definition at line 193 of file comthread.h.

std::map<int, boost::shared_ptr< pcl::PointCloud<PointType> > > ComThread::pcls [protected]

Definition at line 192 of file comthread.h.

Definition at line 190 of file comthread.h.

Definition at line 189 of file comthread.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Andreas Koch
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:39:13