Classes | Typedefs | Functions
pose_graph Namespace Reference


struct  DisconnectedNodesException
 Exception when expected two nodes to be connected and they aren't. More...
struct  DuplicateEdgeIdException
 Exception for trying to add an EdgeId that already exists. More...
struct  DuplicateNodeIdException
 Exception for trying to add a NodeId that already exists. More...
class  EdgeId
 Used for referring to edges in a graph. Basically an unsigned long int, but typechecked. More...
struct  EdgeInfo
struct  FileFormatException
 Exception for incorrect format of saved graph. More...
struct  FileOpenException
 Exception for failing to open a file. More...
struct  GraphOptimizationException
 Exception when SPA optimization fails. More...
class  Id
class  NodeId
 Used for referring to nodes in a graph. Basically an unsigned long int, but typechecked. More...
struct  NodeInfo
struct  NonexistentParamException
 Exception for not finding a ros parameter. More...
struct  PoseConstraint
 A single pose constraint (including precision matrix) between two nodes. More...
class  PoseGraph
class  PoseGraphException
 A base class for all pose_graph exceptions; provides a handy boost::format parent constructor. More...
class  PoseGraphImpl
struct  ShortestPathResult
 Result of a shortest path query. More...
struct  Spa2DConversionResult
struct  SpaConversionResult
struct  UnknownEdgeIdException
 Exception for unknown EdgeId. More...
struct  UnknownNodeIdException
 Exception for unknown NodeId. More...
struct  UnknownTopicException
 Exception for a topic that hasn't been registered with a pose graph. More...


< pair< EdgeId, PoseConstraint > > 
typedef set< EdgeIdEdgeIdSet
typedef pair< NodeId, NodeIdIncidentNodes
typedef set< NodeIdNodeIdSet
typedef std::map< NodeId,
unsigned > 
typedef std::pair< NodeId, NodeIdNodePair
typedef std::map< NodeId,
 Maps Node ids to poses.
typedef map< EdgeId,
PoseConstraint, std::less
< EdgeId >, Allocator
typedef adjacency_list
< multisetS, listS,
undirectedS, NodeInfo,
typedef graph_traits
< PoseGraphAdjacencyList >
typedef graph_traits
< PoseGraphAdjacencyList >
typedef Eigen3::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > PrecisionMatrix
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< sba::SysSPA2d > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< sba::SysSPA > 


Pose addRelativePose (const PoseGraphImpl *g, const Pose &pose, const EdgeId e)
void applyDiff (PoseGraph *g, const PoseGraphDiff &m)
 Apply a diff to a pose graph.
Pose applyTransform (const Affine3d &trans, const Pose &pose)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS pose.
PoseGraphDiff composeDiffs (const std::vector< PoseGraphDiff::ConstPtr > &diffs)
 Compose diffs: new diff formed by applying d1 then d2.
PoseGraphDiff composeDiffs (const vector< PoseGraphDiff::ConstPtr > &diffs)
geometry_msgs::Point computeBarycenter (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan &scan)
gm::Point computeBarycenter (const sm::LaserScan &scan)
template<class T >
std::string concatenate (const std::string &s, const T &x)
PoseConstraint constraintFromRos (const PoseWithPrecision &m)
 Helper for converting a ros message to a PoseConstraint.
PoseWithPrecision constraintToRos (const PoseConstraint &constraint)
 Helper for converting an individual constraint to a ros message.
template<class Key , class Container >
bool contains (const Container &container, const Key &key)
geometry_msgs::Point convertToPoint (const geometry_msgs::Point32 &p)
Point convertToPoint (const Point32 &p)
Pose convertToPose (const Pose2D &pose2d)
 Convert to Pose.
Pose convertToPose (const Affine3d trans)
 Convert transform to pose.
const string DUMMY_TOPIC ("dummy")
EdgeId edgeId (const PoseGraphAdjacencyList &graph, const PoseGraphEdge &e)
double euclideanDistance (const geometry_msgs::Point &p1, const geometry_msgs::Point &p2)
double euclideanDistance (const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &p1, const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &p2, const double rad_to_m=1.0)
double euclideanDistance (const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
double euclideanDistance (const gm::Pose2D &p1, const gm::Pose2D &p2, const double mult)
template<class K , class V >
getKey (const pair< K, V > entry)
nav_msgs::MapMetaData getMapInfo (const Pose &pose, const double size, const double resolution)
 Return dimensions of a map centered at pose of the given size (meters) and resolution.
nm::MapMetaData getMapInfo (const gm::Pose &pose, const double size, const double resolution)
 Return dimensions of a map centered at pose of the given size (meters) and resolution.
geometry_msgs::Pose getNodePose (const sba::Node &n)
 Return the Pose corresponding to a spa node.
geometry_msgs::Pose getNodePose (const sba::Node2d &n)
 Return the Pose corresponding to a spa node.
geometry_msgs::Pose getPose (const PoseConstraint &c)
 Given a pose constraint, return the expected relative pose.
double getYaw (const Quaterniond &q)
template<class K , class V , class C , class A >
const V & keyValue (const map< K, V, C, A > &m, const K &key)
double length (const Eigen3::Vector3d &v)
 Norm of a vector.
double length (const PoseConstraint &constraint)
 Norm of mean translation part of a Pose constraint.
double length (const geometry_msgs::Point &p)
double length (const Vector3d &v)
double length (const gm::Point &p)
PoseConstraint makeConstraint (const Eigen3::Affine3d &trans, const Eigen3::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > &prec)
PoseConstraint makeConstraint (const Affine3d &trans, const Eigen3::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > &prec)
Node makeNode (const Pose &initial_pose)
Node2d makeNode (const double x, const double y, const double theta)
Pose2D makePose2D (double x, double y, double theta=0.0)
 Construct a pose2d.
PrecisionMatrix makePrecisionMatrix (const double x_prec, const double y_prec, const double theta_prec)
 Given precisions of x, y, and theta (yaw), construct a 6x6 diagonal precision matrix Precisions of unspecified components (z, roll, pitch) are set to 1. Theta precision is converted to precision of z component of quaternion using a crude approximation.
PrecisionMatrix makePrecisionMatrix (const double x_prec, const double y_prec, const double xy_prec, const double theta_prec)
 Given precisions of x, y, and theta (yaw), as well as xy precision, construct a 6x6 diagonal precision matrix Precisions of unspecified components (z, roll, pitch) are set to 1. Theta precision is converted to precision of z component of quaternion using a crude approximation.
Con2dP2 makeSpa2DConstraint (const PoseConstraint &constraint)
ConP2 makeSpaConstraint (const PoseConstraint &constraint)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &str, const PoseConstraint &constraint)
const std::string OPTIMIZED_FRAME ("graph_optimization")
 Implicit frame for graph optimization.
NodePoseMap optimizeGraph (const PoseGraph &g)
 Optimize a graph using SPA.
NodePoseMap optimizeGraph2D (const PoseGraph &g)
 Optimize a graph using SPA 2d.
Pose perturbPose (const Pose &pose, double r)
 Perturb x, y components of pose by uniform noise between -r and r.
Point pointInReferenceFrame (const Point &p, const Pose &pose)
 Given point coordinates w.r.t a pose, return its coordinates in reference frame.
void poseEigenToMsg (const Eigen3::Affine3d &e, geometry_msgs::Pose &m)
PoseGraph poseGraphFromRos (const PoseGraphMessage &g)
 Converts a PoseGraphMessage into a PoseGraph.
PoseGraphMessage poseGraphToRos (const PoseGraph &g)
 Converts a PoseGraph into a PoseGraphMessage.
SpaConversionResult poseGraphToSpa (const PoseGraph &pose_graph)
 Convert a pose graph into a SysSPA object and return it.
Spa2DConversionResult poseGraphToSpa2D (const PoseGraph &pose_graph)
 Convert a pose graph into a SysSPA object and return it.
Affine3d poseToWorldTransform (const Pose &pose)
 Return transformation from pose frame to world frame.
Pose2D projectToPose2D (const Pose &pose)
 Project Pose to Pose2D.
Eigen3::Vector4d quaternionMsgToVector4d (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &m)
 Convert ROS quaternion to Eigen Vector4d in x,y,z,w order.
PoseGraph readFromFile (const string &filename)
 Reads a PoseGraph from a file.
Pose relativePose (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
Affine3d relativeTransform (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
 Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.
Affine3d relativeTransform (const Pose2D &pose1, const Pose2D &pose2)
 Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.
string toString (const gm::Pose2D &pose)
string toString (const gm::Point &p)
string toString (const Eigen3::Affine3d &trans)
string toString (const PoseConstraint &constraint)
string toString (const gm::Pose &pose)
template<class T >
std::string toString (const std::set< T > &set)
template<class T >
std::string toString (const std::vector< T > &v)
std::string toString (const PrecisionMatrix &m)
string toString2D (const gm::Pose &pose)
string toString2D (const Eigen3::Affine3d &trans)
Affine3d transformBetween (const Pose &pose1, const Pose &pose2)
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid transformGrid (const Affine3d &trans, const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &g)
 Transform an occupancy grid (just transforms the origin)
OccupancyGrid transformGrid (const Affine3d &trans, const OccupancyGrid &g)
Point32 transformPoint (const Affine3d &trans, const Point32 &pt)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.
Point transformPoint (const Affine3d &trans, const Point &pt)
 Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.
Eigen3::Vector4d translationToVector4d (const geometry_msgs::Point &p)
 Convert a ROS point to an Eigen 4d vector with 1 at the end.
NodeId vertexId (const PoseGraphAdjacencyList &graph, const PoseGraphVertex &v)
void writeToFile (const PoseGraph &g, const string &filename)
 Writes a PoseGraph to a file.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Eigen3::aligned_allocator<pair<EdgeId, PoseConstraint> > pose_graph::Allocator

Definition at line 95 of file pose_graph_impl.h.

Definition at line 64 of file pose_graph.cpp.

Definition at line 69 of file pose_graph.cpp.

typedef PoseGraphAdjacencyList::in_edge_iterator pose_graph::InEdgeIter

Definition at line 67 of file pose_graph.cpp.

Definition at line 65 of file pose_graph.cpp.

typedef std::map< NodeId, unsigned > pose_graph::NodeIndexMap

Definition at line 56 of file spa_2d_conversion.h.

typedef std::pair<NodeId, NodeId> pose_graph::NodePair

Definition at line 21 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

Maps Node ids to poses.

Definition at line 76 of file pose_graph.h.

typedef PoseGraphAdjacencyList::out_edge_iterator pose_graph::OutEdgeIter

Definition at line 66 of file pose_graph.cpp.

Definition at line 96 of file pose_graph_impl.h.

typedef adjacency_list<multisetS, listS, undirectedS, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo> pose_graph::PoseGraphAdjacencyList

Definition at line 100 of file pose_graph_impl.h.

typedef graph_traits<PoseGraphAdjacencyList>::edge_descriptor pose_graph::PoseGraphEdge

Definition at line 101 of file pose_graph_impl.h.

typedef graph_traits<PoseGraphAdjacencyList>::vertex_descriptor pose_graph::PoseGraphVertex

Definition at line 102 of file pose_graph_impl.h.

typedef Eigen3::Matrix<double, 6, 6> pose_graph::PrecisionMatrix

Definition at line 54 of file geometry.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<sba::SysSPA2d> pose_graph::Spa2DPtr

Definition at line 55 of file spa_2d_conversion.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<sba::SysSPA> pose_graph::SpaPtr

Definition at line 51 of file spa_conversion.h.

typedef PoseGraphAdjacencyList::vertex_iterator pose_graph::VertexIter

Definition at line 68 of file pose_graph.cpp.

Function Documentation

Pose pose_graph::addRelativePose ( const PoseGraphImpl *  g,
const Pose pose,
const EdgeId  e 

Definition at line 354 of file pose_graph.cpp.

void pose_graph::applyDiff ( PoseGraph *  g,
const PoseGraphDiff &  m 

Apply a diff to a pose graph.

Definition at line 168 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::applyTransform ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const Pose pose 

Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS pose.

Definition at line 88 of file transforms.cpp.

PoseGraphDiff pose_graph::composeDiffs ( const std::vector< PoseGraphDiff::ConstPtr > &  diffs)

Compose diffs: new diff formed by applying d1 then d2.

PoseGraphDiff pose_graph::composeDiffs ( const vector< PoseGraphDiff::ConstPtr > &  diffs)

Definition at line 187 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

geometry_msgs::Point pose_graph::computeBarycenter ( const sensor_msgs::LaserScan &  scan)
gm::Point pose_graph::computeBarycenter ( const sm::LaserScan &  scan)

Sum up the hit points

Definition at line 143 of file geometry.cpp.

template<class T >
std::string pose_graph::concatenate ( const std::string &  s,
const T &  x 

Definition at line 166 of file utils.h.

PoseConstraint pose_graph::constraintFromRos ( const PoseWithPrecision &  m)

Helper for converting a ros message to a PoseConstraint.

Definition at line 125 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

PoseWithPrecision pose_graph::constraintToRos ( const PoseConstraint &  constraint)

Helper for converting an individual constraint to a ros message.

Definition at line 70 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

template<class Key , class Container >
bool pose_graph::contains ( const Container &  container,
const Key &  key 

Definition at line 66 of file utils.h.

geometry_msgs::Point pose_graph::convertToPoint ( const geometry_msgs::Point32 &  p)
Point pose_graph::convertToPoint ( const Point32 &  p)

Definition at line 133 of file geometry.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::convertToPose ( const Pose2D &  pose2d)

Convert to Pose.

Definition at line 189 of file transforms.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::convertToPose ( const Affine3d  trans)

Convert transform to pose.

Definition at line 199 of file transforms.cpp.

const string pose_graph::DUMMY_TOPIC ( "dummy"  )
EdgeId pose_graph::edgeId ( const PoseGraphAdjacencyList &  graph,
const PoseGraphEdge &  e 

Definition at line 111 of file pose_graph.cpp.

double pose_graph::euclideanDistance ( const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &  p1,
const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &  p2,
const double  rad_to_m = 1.0 
double pose_graph::euclideanDistance ( const Point p1,
const Point p2 

Definition at line 127 of file geometry.cpp.

double pose_graph::euclideanDistance ( const gm::Pose2D &  p1,
const gm::Pose2D &  p2,
const double  mult 

Definition at line 168 of file geometry.cpp.

template<class K , class V >
K pose_graph::getKey ( const pair< K, V >  entry)

Definition at line 119 of file pose_graph.cpp.

nav_msgs::MapMetaData pose_graph::getMapInfo ( const Pose pose,
const double  size,
const double  resolution 

Return dimensions of a map centered at pose of the given size (meters) and resolution.

nm::MapMetaData pose_graph::getMapInfo ( const gm::Pose pose,
const double  size,
const double  resolution 

Return dimensions of a map centered at pose of the given size (meters) and resolution.

Definition at line 225 of file transforms.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::getNodePose ( const sba::Node &  n)

Return the Pose corresponding to a spa node.

Definition at line 81 of file spa_conversion.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::getNodePose ( const sba::Node2d &  n)

Return the Pose corresponding to a spa node.

Definition at line 105 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::getPose ( const PoseConstraint &  c)

Given a pose constraint, return the expected relative pose.

Definition at line 104 of file geometry.cpp.

double pose_graph::getYaw ( const Quaterniond &  q)

Definition at line 38 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

template<class K , class V , class C , class A >
const V& pose_graph::keyValue ( const map< K, V, C, A > &  m,
const K &  key 

Definition at line 75 of file utils.h.

double pose_graph::length ( const Eigen3::Vector3d &  v)

Norm of a vector.

double pose_graph::length ( const PoseConstraint &  constraint)

Norm of mean translation part of a Pose constraint.

Definition at line 93 of file geometry.cpp.

double pose_graph::length ( const Vector3d &  v)

Definition at line 87 of file geometry.cpp.

double pose_graph::length ( const gm::Point p)

Definition at line 98 of file geometry.cpp.

PoseConstraint pose_graph::makeConstraint ( const Eigen3::Affine3d &  trans,
const Eigen3::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > &  prec 
PoseConstraint pose_graph::makeConstraint ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const Eigen3::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > &  prec 

Definition at line 121 of file geometry.cpp.

Node pose_graph::makeNode ( const Pose initial_pose)

Definition at line 20 of file spa_conversion.cpp.

Node2d pose_graph::makeNode ( const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  theta 

Definition at line 24 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

Pose2D pose_graph::makePose2D ( double  x,
double  y,
double  theta = 0.0 

Construct a pose2d.

Definition at line 214 of file transforms.cpp.

PrecisionMatrix pose_graph::makePrecisionMatrix ( const double  x_prec,
const double  y_prec,
const double  theta_prec 

Given precisions of x, y, and theta (yaw), construct a 6x6 diagonal precision matrix Precisions of unspecified components (z, roll, pitch) are set to 1. Theta precision is converted to precision of z component of quaternion using a crude approximation.

Definition at line 180 of file geometry.cpp.

PrecisionMatrix pose_graph::makePrecisionMatrix ( const double  x_prec,
const double  y_prec,
const double  xy_prec,
const double  theta_prec 

Given precisions of x, y, and theta (yaw), as well as xy precision, construct a 6x6 diagonal precision matrix Precisions of unspecified components (z, roll, pitch) are set to 1. Theta precision is converted to precision of z component of quaternion using a crude approximation.

Definition at line 189 of file geometry.cpp.

Con2dP2 pose_graph::makeSpa2DConstraint ( const PoseConstraint &  constraint)

Definition at line 44 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

ConP2 pose_graph::makeSpaConstraint ( const PoseConstraint &  constraint)

Definition at line 34 of file spa_conversion.cpp.

ostream & pose_graph::operator<< ( ostream &  str,
const PoseConstraint &  constraint 

Definition at line 76 of file geometry.cpp.

const std::string pose_graph::OPTIMIZED_FRAME ( "graph_optimization"  )

Implicit frame for graph optimization.

NodePoseMap pose_graph::optimizeGraph ( const PoseGraph &  g)

Optimize a graph using SPA.

Return values:
mapfrom node id to optimized pose

Definition at line 101 of file spa_conversion.cpp.

NodePoseMap pose_graph::optimizeGraph2D ( const PoseGraph &  g)

Optimize a graph using SPA 2d.

Return values:
mapfrom node id to optimized pose

Definition at line 120 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::perturbPose ( const Pose pose,
double  r 

Perturb x, y components of pose by uniform noise between -r and r.

Definition at line 130 of file transforms.cpp.

Point pose_graph::pointInReferenceFrame ( const Point p,
const Pose pose 

Given point coordinates w.r.t a pose, return its coordinates in reference frame.

Definition at line 145 of file transforms.cpp.

void pose_graph::poseEigenToMsg ( const Eigen3::Affine3d &  e,
geometry_msgs::Pose m 
) [inline]

Definition at line 118 of file utils.h.

PoseGraph pose_graph::poseGraphFromRos ( const PoseGraphMessage &  g)

Converts a PoseGraphMessage into a PoseGraph.

Definition at line 139 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

PoseGraphMessage pose_graph::poseGraphToRos ( const PoseGraph &  g)

Converts a PoseGraph into a PoseGraphMessage.

Definition at line 92 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

SpaConversionResult pose_graph::poseGraphToSpa ( const PoseGraph &  pose_graph)

Convert a pose graph into a SysSPA object and return it.

Definition at line 48 of file spa_conversion.cpp.

Spa2DConversionResult pose_graph::poseGraphToSpa2D ( const PoseGraph &  pose_graph)

Convert a pose graph into a SysSPA object and return it.

Definition at line 62 of file spa_2d_conversion.cpp.

Affine3d pose_graph::poseToWorldTransform ( const Pose pose)

Return transformation from pose frame to world frame.

Definition at line 63 of file transforms.cpp.

Pose2D pose_graph::projectToPose2D ( const Pose pose)

Project Pose to Pose2D.

Definition at line 164 of file transforms.cpp.

Eigen3::Vector4d pose_graph::quaternionMsgToVector4d ( const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &  m)

Convert ROS quaternion to Eigen Vector4d in x,y,z,w order.

Definition at line 152 of file transforms.cpp.

PoseGraph pose_graph::readFromFile ( const string &  filename)

Reads a PoseGraph from a file.


Definition at line 224 of file pose_graph_message.cpp.

Pose pose_graph::relativePose ( const Pose pose1,
const Pose pose2 

pose1 and pose2 are poses specified in some reference frame. This function returns the representation of pose1 in the frame at pose2.

Definition at line 182 of file transforms.cpp.

Affine3d pose_graph::relativeTransform ( const Pose pose1,
const Pose pose2 

Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.

Definition at line 72 of file transforms.cpp.

Affine3d pose_graph::relativeTransform ( const Pose2D &  pose1,
const Pose2D &  pose2 

Return transformation from frame of pose1 to frame of pose2.

Definition at line 175 of file transforms.cpp.

string pose_graph::toString ( const gm::Pose2D &  pose) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString ( const gm::Point p) [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString ( const Eigen3::Affine3d &  trans) [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString ( const PoseConstraint &  constraint) [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString ( const gm::Pose pose) [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file utils.h.

template<class T >
std::string pose_graph::toString ( const std::set< T > &  set)

Definition at line 173 of file utils.h.

template<class T >
std::string pose_graph::toString ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 180 of file utils.h.

std::string pose_graph::toString ( const PrecisionMatrix &  m) [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString2D ( const gm::Pose pose) [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file utils.h.

string pose_graph::toString2D ( const Eigen3::Affine3d &  trans) [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file utils.h.

Affine3d pose_graph::transformBetween ( const Pose pose1,
const Pose pose2 

Return transformation that sends pose1 to pose2. As opposed to relativeTransform which maps coordinates w.r.t pose1 to coordinates w.r.t pose2

Definition at line 80 of file transforms.cpp.

nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid pose_graph::transformGrid ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &  g 

Transform an occupancy grid (just transforms the origin)

OccupancyGrid pose_graph::transformGrid ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const OccupancyGrid &  g 

Definition at line 206 of file transforms.cpp.

Point32 pose_graph::transformPoint ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const Point32 &  pt 

Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.

Definition at line 106 of file transforms.cpp.

Point pose_graph::transformPoint ( const Affine3d &  trans,
const Point pt 

Apply an Eigen transformation to a ROS point.

Definition at line 118 of file transforms.cpp.

Convert a ROS point to an Eigen 4d vector with 1 at the end.

Definition at line 157 of file transforms.cpp.

NodeId pose_graph::vertexId ( const PoseGraphAdjacencyList &  graph,
const PoseGraphVertex &  v 

Definition at line 106 of file pose_graph.cpp.

void pose_graph::writeToFile ( const PoseGraph &  g,
const string &  filename 

Writes a PoseGraph to a file.


Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:17:15