
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
footstep_planner::EuclideanHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by the euclidean distance between two states
footstep_planner::EuclStepCostHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by the euclidean distance between two states, the expected step costs to get from one state to the other and the difference between the orientation of the two states multiplied by some cost factor. (NOTE: choosing this angular difference cost might overestimate the heuristic value.)
footstep_planner::FootstepA class representing a footstep (i.e. a translation and rotation of a specific foot with respect to the supporting leg) that can be performed by a humanoid robot
footstep_planner::FootstepNavigationA class to control the performance of a planned footstep path on the NAO robot
footstep_planner::FootstepPlannerA class to control the interaction between ROS and the footstep planner
footstep_planner::FootstepPlannerEnvironmentA class defining a footstep planner environment for humanoid robots used by the SBPL to perform planning tasks
footstep_planner::FootstepPlannerNodeWrapper class for FootstepPlanner, providing callbacks for the node functionality
FootstepPlannerWallsNodeWrapper class for FootstepPlanner, providing callbacks for the node functionality. This node additionally sets wall regions for the footstep planner, from a dedicated map callback
footstep_planner::HeuristicAn abstract super class providing methods necessary to be used as heuristic function within the FootstepPlanner
footstep_planner::FootstepPlannerEnvironment::less< operator for planning states
footstep_planner::PathCostHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by calculating a 2D path from each grid cell of the map to the goal and using the path length as expected distance
footstep_planner::PlanningStateA class representing the robot's pose (i.e. position and orientation) in the underlying SBPL. More precisely a planning state is a discrete representation of the robot's supporting leg
footstep_planner::StateA class representing the robot's pose (i.e. position and orientation) in the (continuous) world view. More precisely a state points to the robot's supporting leg
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Author(s): Johannes Garimort, Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 11:44:03 2013