
ArUco: Augmented Reality library from the University of Cordoba

ArUco is a minimal C++ library for detection of Augmented Reality markers based on OpenCv exclusively.

It is an educational project to show student how to detect augmented reality markers and it is provided under BSD license.


The library relies on the use of coded markers. Each marker has an unique code indicated by the black and white colors in it. The libary detect borders, and analyzes into the rectangular regions which of them are likely to be markers. Then, a decoding is performed and if the code is valid, it is considered that the rectangle is a marker.

The codification included into the marker is a slighly modified version of the Hamming Code. It has a total a 25 bits didived in 5 rows of 5 bits each. So, we have 5 words of 5 bits. Each word, contains only 2 bits of real information, the rest is for and error detection/correction (error correction is yet to be done). As a conclusion, a marker contains 10 bits of real information wich allows 1024 different markers.


Aruco allows the possibility to employ board. Boards are markers composed by an array of markers arranged in a known order. The advantages of using boards instead of simple markers are:


The library comes with five applications that will help you to learn how to use the library:


The ArUco library contents are divided in two main directories. The src directory, which contains the library itself. And the utils directory which contains the applications.

The library main classes are:



Go to the aruco library and do

>mkdir build
>cd build
>cmake ..
>make install (optional)

NOTE ON OPENGL: The library supports eaily the integration with OpenGL. In order to compile with support for OpenGL, you just have installed in your system the develop packages for GL and glut (or freeglut).


The library has been compiled using MinGW and codeblocks. Below I describe the best way to compile it that I know. If you know better, please let me know.

OpenGL: by default, the mingw version installed has not the glut library. So, the opengl programs are not compiled. If you want to compile with OpenGL support, you must install glut, or prefereably freeglut. Thus,

CONCLUSION: Move to Linux, things are simpler :P


For testing the applications, the library provides videos and the corresponding camera parameters of these videos. Into the directories you will find information on how to run the examples.


 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Julian Brunner
autogenerated on Tue Dec 4 01:11:12 2012