
aruco::BoardDetector Class Reference

This class detects AR boards. More...

#include <boarddetector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float detect (const vector< Marker > &detectedMarkers, const BoardConfiguration &BConf, Board &Bdetected, CameraParameters cp, float markerSizeMeters=-1) throw (cv::Exception)
float detect (const vector< Marker > &detectedMarkers, const BoardConfiguration &BConf, Board &Bdetected, Mat camMatrix=Mat(), Mat distCoeff=Mat(), float markerSizeMeters=-1) throw (cv::Exception)

Private Member Functions

void rotateXAxis (Mat &rotation)

Detailed Description

This class detects AR boards.

Definition at line 13 of file boarddetector.h.

Member Function Documentation

float aruco::BoardDetector::detect ( const vector< Marker > &  detectedMarkers,
const BoardConfiguration BConf,
Board Bdetected,
CameraParameters  cp,
float  markerSizeMeters = -1 
) throw (cv::Exception)

Definition at line 13 of file boarddetector.cpp.

float aruco::BoardDetector::detect ( const vector< Marker > &  detectedMarkers,
const BoardConfiguration BConf,
Board Bdetected,
Mat  camMatrix = Mat(),
Mat  distCoeff = Mat(),
float  markerSizeMeters = -1 
) throw (cv::Exception)

Given the markers detected, determines if there is the board passed

detectedMarkers result provided by aruco::ArMarkerDetector
BConf the board you want to see if is present
Bdetected output information of the detected board
camMatrix camera matrix with intrinsics
distCoeff camera distorsion coeff
camMatrix intrinsic camera information.
distCoeff camera distorsion coefficient. If set Mat() if is assumed no camera distorion
markerSizeMeters size of the marker sides expressed in meters
value indicating the likelihood of having found the marker

find among detected markers these that belong to the board configuration

Definition at line 21 of file boarddetector.cpp.

void aruco::BoardDetector::rotateXAxis ( Mat &  rotation  )  [private]

Definition at line 109 of file boarddetector.cpp.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Julian Brunner
autogenerated on Tue Dec 4 01:11:39 2012