tfjava::TFListener Class Reference

List of all members.


class  SearchNode< V >
class  TFCallback

Public Member Functions

StampedTransform lookupTransform (String targetID, Time targetTime, String sourceID, Time sourceTime, String fixedID)
StampedTransform lookupTransform (String targetFrameID, String sourceFrameID, Time time)
void transformPoint (String targetFrameID, Time targetTime, Stamped< Point3d > stampedIn, String fixedFrameID, Stamped< Point3d > stampedOut)
void transformPoint (String targetFrameID, Stamped< Point3d > stampedIn, Stamped< Point3d > stampedOut)
void transformPose (String targetFrameID, Time targetTime, Stamped< Matrix4d > stampedIn, String fixedFrameID, Stamped< Matrix4d > stampedOut)
void transformPose (String targetFrameID, Stamped< Matrix4d > stampedIn, Stamped< Matrix4d > stampedOut)

Static Public Member Functions

static synchronized TFListener getInstance ()

Static Public Attributes

static final long MAX_STORAGE_TIME = (new Duration(10, 0)).totalNsecs()

Protected Member Functions

boolean initListener ()
void initRos (String node_name)
boolean lookupLists (Frame targetFrame, Frame sourceFrame, long time, LinkedList< TransformStorage > inverseTransforms, LinkedList< TransformStorage > forwardTransforms)
Frame lookupOrInsertFrame (String frameID)
boolean setTransform (TransformStamped transform)
void spinInSeperateThread ()
StampedTransform StorageToStampedTransform (TransformStorage ts)
 TFListener ()
TransformStamped TFToTransformStampedMsg (TransformStorage tf)
TransformStorage transformStampedMsgToTF (TransformStamped msg)

Protected Attributes

HashMap< String, Frameframes
String tfPrefix = ""

Static Protected Attributes

static TFListener instance
static Ros ros
static NodeHandle rosNode

Private Member Functions

String assertResolved (String prefix, String frameID)

Static Private Member Functions

static String resolve (String prefix, String frameID)

Detailed Description

A client that listens to the /tf topic, stores transforms in a buffer and allows transformation lookups from one frame to another.

The listener runs in a seperate thread. All tf messages published on the /tf topic are stored in a buffer, first sorted by child frame, then by parent frame, then by time stamp. This allows fast lookup of transformations. Tf's that are MAX_STORAGE_TIME older than the newest tf in the corresponding time cache are ignored.

To calculate a transformation from some source frame S to a target frame T at time t, TFListener uses a graph search to find the best path from S to T. At the moment, 'best' means that the largest difference between the time stamps of the transformations on the path and time t is minimized. If the tf graph is a tree, as is the case with original C++-implementation of tf, the graph will simply return the only path available (if any).

TFlistener is implemented as a singleton, which guarantees that at any time at most one client per system is listening to the /tf topic.

Sjoerd van den Dries
March 4, 2011

Definition at line 68 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tfjava::TFListener::TFListener (  )  [inline, protected]

Class constructor. Initializes ROS, creates a node handle, initializes the listener and runs it in a separate thread.

Definition at line 102 of file

Member Function Documentation

String tfjava::TFListener::assertResolved ( String  prefix,
String  frameID 
) [inline, private]

Returns the resolves version of the given frame ID, and asserts a debug message if the name was not fully resolved.

Definition at line 566 of file

static synchronized TFListener tfjava::TFListener::getInstance (  )  [inline, static]

Returns the TFListener instance.

Definition at line 87 of file

boolean tfjava::TFListener::initListener (  )  [inline, protected]

Initializes the listener.

Definition at line 125 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::initRos ( String  node_name  )  [inline, protected]

Initializes ROS.

Definition at line 113 of file

boolean tfjava::TFListener::lookupLists ( Frame  targetFrame,
Frame  sourceFrame,
long  time,
LinkedList< TransformStorage inverseTransforms,
LinkedList< TransformStorage forwardTransforms 
) [inline, protected]

Performs a bi-directional best-first graph search on the tf graph to try to find a path from sourceFrame to targetFrame, at the given time. One priority queue is used to keep a sorted list of all search nodes (from both directions, ordered descending by their potential of contributing to a good solution). At the moment, the cost of the path from A to B is defined as the largest absolute difference between the time stamps of the transforms from A to B and the given time point. This corresponds to searching for a transform path that needs the least amount of inter- and extrapolation.

Note: often in search, if we talk about expanding a search node, we say that the node expands and its _children_ are added to the queue. Yet, the tf graph is stored by linking child frames to their _parent_ frames, not the other way around. So, if a search node is expanded, the _parent_ frames are added to the queue. This may be a bit confusing.

Definition at line 370 of file

Frame tfjava::TFListener::lookupOrInsertFrame ( String  frameID  )  [inline, protected]

Looks up and returns the frame belonging to the given frame ID. If the frame does not exist yet, it is first added to the map.

Definition at line 216 of file

StampedTransform tfjava::TFListener::lookupTransform ( String  targetID,
Time  targetTime,
String  sourceID,
Time  sourceTime,
String  fixedID 
) [inline]

Returns the transform from the specified source frame at sourceTime to the target frame at a given targetTime, based on a given fixed frame; returns null if no transformation could be found.

Definition at line 343 of file

StampedTransform tfjava::TFListener::lookupTransform ( String  targetFrameID,
String  sourceFrameID,
Time  time 
) [inline]

Returns the transform from the specified source frame to the target frame at a given time; returns null if no transformation could be found.

Definition at line 280 of file

static String tfjava::TFListener::resolve ( String  prefix,
String  frameID 
) [inline, static, private]

Returns the resolves version of the given frame ID.

Definition at line 575 of file

boolean tfjava::TFListener::setTransform ( TransformStamped  transform  )  [inline, protected]

Converts transform (a geometry msg) to a TransformStorage object and adds it to the buffer.

Definition at line 172 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::spinInSeperateThread (  )  [inline, protected]

Spin the ROS node in a seperate thread. This way, lookups and transforms are allowed while listening to the /tf topic.

Definition at line 156 of file

StampedTransform tfjava::TFListener::StorageToStampedTransform ( TransformStorage  ts  )  [inline, protected]

Converts the TransformStorage datastructure (represented by quaternion and vector) to the StampedTransform datastructure (represented by a 4x4 matrix)

Definition at line 557 of file

TransformStamped tfjava::TFListener::TFToTransformStampedMsg ( TransformStorage  tf  )  [inline, protected]

Converts the given TransformStorage datastructure to a TransformStamped message

Definition at line 532 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::transformPoint ( String  targetFrameID,
Time  targetTime,
Stamped< Point3d >  stampedIn,
String  fixedFrameID,
Stamped< Point3d >  stampedOut 
) [inline]

Transforms a stamped point to the given target frame and time, based on a given fixed frame, and returns the result in stampedOut.

Definition at line 243 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::transformPoint ( String  targetFrameID,
Stamped< Point3d >  stampedIn,
Stamped< Point3d >  stampedOut 
) [inline]

Transforms a stamped point to the given target frame, and returns the result in stampedOut.

Definition at line 232 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::transformPose ( String  targetFrameID,
Time  targetTime,
Stamped< Matrix4d >  stampedIn,
String  fixedFrameID,
Stamped< Matrix4d >  stampedOut 
) [inline]

Transforms a stamped pose to the given target frame and time, based on a given fixed frame, and returns the result in stampedOut.

Definition at line 264 of file

void tfjava::TFListener::transformPose ( String  targetFrameID,
Stamped< Matrix4d >  stampedIn,
Stamped< Matrix4d >  stampedOut 
) [inline]

Transforms a stamped pose to the given target frame, and returns the result in stampedOut.

Definition at line 253 of file

TransformStorage tfjava::TFListener::transformStampedMsgToTF ( TransformStamped  msg  )  [inline, protected]

Converts the given TransformStamped message to the TransformStorage datastructure

Definition at line 515 of file

Member Data Documentation

HashMap<String, Frame> tfjava::TFListener::frames [protected]

Map that maps frame ID's (names) to frames

Definition at line 80 of file

The singleton instance

Definition at line 78 of file

final long tfjava::TFListener::MAX_STORAGE_TIME = (new Duration(10, 0)).totalNsecs() [static]

Maximum buffer storage time

Definition at line 71 of file

Ros tfjava::TFListener::ros [static, protected]

Reference to ROS

Definition at line 74 of file

NodeHandle tfjava::TFListener::rosNode [static, protected]

Ros node handle

Definition at line 76 of file

String tfjava::TFListener::tfPrefix = "" [protected]

TF name prefix, currently not used (TODO)

Definition at line 82 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables

Author(s): Sjoerd van den Dries
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:59:03 2013