sr_gazebo_virtual_tactile_sensor.cpp [code] | This is the virtual implementation of the SrGenericTactileSensor that publishes touch data obtained from the robot hand simulation in gazebo |
sr_gazebo_virtual_tactile_sensor.hpp [code] | |
sr_generic_tactile_sensor.cpp [code] | This is a generic parent class for the tactile sensors used in the Shadow Robot Dextrous Hand |
sr_generic_tactile_sensor.hpp [code] | This is a generic parent class for the tactile sensors used in the Shadow Robot Dextrous Hand. It implements virtual tactile sensors and is extended in sr_real_tactile_sensor.hpp to implement the connection to real sensors |
sr_real_tactile_sensor.cpp [code] | This is the implementation of the SrGenericTactileSensor. It fetches data from the real sensors |
sr_real_tactile_sensor.hpp [code] | This is the virtual implementation of the SrGenericTactileSensor. It computes virtual data |
sr_virtual_tactile_sensor.cpp [code] | This is the virtual implementation of the SrGenericTactileSensor. It computes virtual data |
sr_virtual_tactile_sensor.hpp [code] | |
tactile.cpp [code] | Small example on how to subscribe to the tactile sensors topics |