pr2_arm_kinematics::PR2ArmIKSolver Class Reference

#include <pr2_arm_ik_solver.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int CartToJnt (const KDL::JntArray &q_init, const KDL::Frame &p_in, std::vector< KDL::JntArray > &q_out)
 An extension of the KDL solver interface to return all solutions found. NOTE: This method only returns a solution if it exists for the free parameter value passed in. To search for a solution in the entire workspace use the CartToJntSearch method detailed below.
int CartToJnt (const KDL::JntArray &q_init, const KDL::Frame &p_in, KDL::JntArray &q_out)
 The KDL solver interface that is required to be implemented. NOTE: This method only returns a solution if it exists for the free parameter value passed in. To search for a solution in the entire workspace use the CartToJntSearch method detailed below.
int CartToJntSearch (const KDL::JntArray &q_in, const KDL::Frame &p_in, KDL::JntArray &q_out, const double &timeout, motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &error_code, const boost::function< void(const KDL::JntArray &, const KDL::Frame &, motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &)> &desired_pose_callback, const boost::function< void(const KDL::JntArray &, const KDL::Frame &, motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &)> &solution_callback)
 This method searches for and returns the first solution it finds that also satisifies both user defined callbacks.
int CartToJntSearch (const KDL::JntArray &q_in, const KDL::Frame &p_in, KDL::JntArray &q_out, const double &timeout)
 This method searches for and returns the closest solution to the initial guess in the first set of solutions it finds.
int CartToJntSearch (const KDL::JntArray &q_in, const KDL::Frame &p_in, std::vector< KDL::JntArray > &q_out, const double &timeout)
 This method searches for and returns the first set of solutions it finds.
std::string getFrameId ()
void getSolverInfo (kinematics_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo &response)
 A method to get chain information about the serial chain that the IK operates on.
 PR2ArmIKSolver (const urdf::Model &robot_model, const std::string &root_frame_name, const std::string &tip_frame_name, const double &search_discretization_angle, const int &free_angle)
 ~PR2ArmIKSolver ()

Public Attributes

bool active_
 Indicates whether the solver has been successfully initialized.
PR2ArmIK pr2_arm_ik_
 The PR2 inverse kinematics solver.

Private Member Functions

bool getCount (int &count, const int &max_count, const int &min_count)

Private Attributes

int free_angle_
std::string root_frame_name_
double search_discretization_angle_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PR2ArmIKSolver::PR2ArmIKSolver ( const urdf::Model &  robot_model,
const std::string &  root_frame_name,
const std::string &  tip_frame_name,
const double &  search_discretization_angle,
const int &  free_angle 

Definition at line 38 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

pr2_arm_kinematics::PR2ArmIKSolver::~PR2ArmIKSolver (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

Member Function Documentation

int PR2ArmIKSolver::CartToJnt ( const KDL::JntArray &  q_init,
const KDL::Frame &  p_in,
std::vector< KDL::JntArray > &  q_out 

An extension of the KDL solver interface to return all solutions found. NOTE: This method only returns a solution if it exists for the free parameter value passed in. To search for a solution in the entire workspace use the CartToJntSearch method detailed below.

< 0 if no solution is found
q_init The initial guess for the inverse kinematics solution. The solver uses the joint value q_init(pr2_ik_->free_angle_) as as an input to the inverse kinematics. pr2_ik_->free_angle_ can either be 0 or 2 corresponding to the shoulder pan or shoulder roll angle
p_in A KDL::Frame representation of the position of the end-effector for which the IK is being solved.
q_out A std::vector of KDL::JntArray containing all found solutions.

Definition at line 112 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

int PR2ArmIKSolver::CartToJnt ( const KDL::JntArray &  q_init,
const KDL::Frame &  p_in,
KDL::JntArray &  q_out 

The KDL solver interface that is required to be implemented. NOTE: This method only returns a solution if it exists for the free parameter value passed in. To search for a solution in the entire workspace use the CartToJntSearch method detailed below.

< 0 if no solution is found
q_init The initial guess for the inverse kinematics solution. The solver uses the joint value q_init(pr2_ik_->free_angle_) as as an input to the inverse kinematics. pr2_ik_->free_angle_ can either be 0 or 2 corresponding to the shoulder pan or shoulder roll angle
p_in A KDL::Frame representation of the position of the end-effector for which the IK is being solved.
q_out A single inverse kinematic solution (if it exists).

Definition at line 58 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

int PR2ArmIKSolver::CartToJntSearch ( const KDL::JntArray &  q_in,
const KDL::Frame &  p_in,
KDL::JntArray &  q_out,
const double &  timeout,
motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &  error_code,
const boost::function< void(const KDL::JntArray &, const KDL::Frame &, motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &)> &  desired_pose_callback,
const boost::function< void(const KDL::JntArray &, const KDL::Frame &, motion_planning_msgs::ArmNavigationErrorCodes &)> &  solution_callback 

This method searches for and returns the first solution it finds that also satisifies both user defined callbacks.

< 0 if no solution is found
q_init The initial guess for the inverse kinematics solution. The solver uses the joint value q_init(pr2_ik_->free_angle_) as
p_in A KDL::Frame representation of the position of the end-effector for which the IK is being solved.
q_out A std::vector of KDL::JntArray containing all found solutions.
desired_pose_callback A callback function to which the desired pose is passed in
solution_callback A callback function to which IK solutions are passed in

Definition at line 261 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

int PR2ArmIKSolver::CartToJntSearch ( const KDL::JntArray &  q_in,
const KDL::Frame &  p_in,
KDL::JntArray &  q_out,
const double &  timeout 

This method searches for and returns the closest solution to the initial guess in the first set of solutions it finds.

< 0 if no solution is found
q_in The initial guess for the inverse kinematics solution. The solver uses the joint value q_init(pr2_ik_->free_angle_) as as an input to the inverse kinematics. pr2_ik_->free_angle_ can either be 0 or 2 corresponding to the shoulder pan or shoulder roll angle
p_in A KDL::Frame representation of the position of the end-effector for which the IK is being solved.
q_out A std::vector of KDL::JntArray containing all found solutions.
timeout The amount of time (in seconds) to spend looking for a solution.

Definition at line 222 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

int PR2ArmIKSolver::CartToJntSearch ( const KDL::JntArray &  q_in,
const KDL::Frame &  p_in,
std::vector< KDL::JntArray > &  q_out,
const double &  timeout 

This method searches for and returns the first set of solutions it finds.

< 0 if no solution is found
q_in The initial guess for the inverse kinematics solution. The solver uses the joint value q_init(pr2_ik_->free_angle_) as as an input to the inverse kinematics. pr2_ik_->free_angle_ can either be 0 or 2 corresponding to the shoulder pan or shoulder roll angle
p_in A KDL::Frame representation of the position of the end-effector for which the IK is being solved.
q_out A std::vector of KDL::JntArray containing all found solutions.
timeout The amount of time (in seconds) to spend looking for a solution.

Definition at line 183 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

bool PR2ArmIKSolver::getCount ( int &  count,
const int &  max_count,
const int &  min_count 
) [private]

Definition at line 145 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

std::string PR2ArmIKSolver::getFrameId (  ) 

Definition at line 331 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

void PR2ArmIKSolver::getSolverInfo ( kinematics_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo &  response  ) 

A method to get chain information about the serial chain that the IK operates on.

response This class gets populated with information about the joints that IK operates on, including joint names and limits.

Definition at line 53 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Indicates whether the solver has been successfully initialized.

Definition at line 79 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

Definition at line 172 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

The PR2 inverse kinematics solver.

Definition at line 69 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

Definition at line 174 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

Definition at line 170 of file pr2_arm_ik_solver.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Defines

Author(s): Sachin Chitta
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:52:49 2013