Sick LMS-xxx noise model.
Systematic sampling, with variation over time.
::PointToPointWithCovErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPointWithCovErrorMinimizer
PointMatcher< double > _PointMatcherDouble
::IdentityDataPointsFilter< T > IdentityDataPointsFilter
::FixStepSamplingDataPointsFilter< T > FixStepSamplingDataPointsFilter
Subsampling. Remove point laying in a bounding box.
PointMatcher< float > _PointMatcherFloat
Reorientation of normals.
Subsampling. Filter points based on distance measured on a specific axis.
Subsampling. Filter points beyond a maximum quantile measured on a specific axis.
::MaxDistDataPointsFilter< T > MaxDistDataPointsFilter
Subsampling. Filter points before a minimum distance measured on a specific axis.
Extract observation direction.
#define ADD_TO_REGISTRAR(name, elementName, element)
The logger interface, used to output warnings and informations.
::ShadowDataPointsFilter< T > ShadowDataPointsFilter
::SimpleSensorNoiseDataPointsFilter< T > SimpleSensorNoiseDataPointsFilter
::RemoveNaNDataPointsFilter< T > RemoveNaNDataPointsFilter
Subsampling. Filter points beyond a maximum distance measured on a specific axis.
#define ADD_TO_REGISTRAR_NO_PARAM(name, elementName, element)
::ObservationDirectionDataPointsFilter< T > ObservationDirectionDataPointsFilter
const PointMatcher< float > & _getPM< float >()
Gestalt descriptors filter as described in Bosse & Zlot ICRA 2013.
Surface normals estimation. Find the normal for every point using eigen-decomposition of neighbour po...
const PointMatcher< T > & _getPM()
::SurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter< T > SurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter
::VoxelGridDataPointsFilter< T > VoxelGridDataPointsFilter
const PointMatcher< double > & _getPM< double >()
::IncidenceAngleDataPointsFilter< T > IncidenceAngleDataPointsFilter
::MaxPointCountDataPointsFilter< T > MaxPointCountDataPointsFilter
Data Filter based on Octree representation.
::OctreeGridDataPointsFilter< T > OctreeGridDataPointsFilter
::NormalSpaceDataPointsFilter< T > NormalSpaceDataPointsFilter
Constructor, populates the registrars.
::IdentityErrorMinimizer< T > IdentityErrorMinimizer
Subsampling Surfels (Elipsoids) filter. First decimate the space until there is at most knn points,...
::MinDistDataPointsFilter< T > MinDistDataPointsFilter
Sampling surface normals. First decimate the space until there is at most knn points,...
Incidence angle, compute the incidence angle of a surface normal with the observation direction.
IdentityDataPointsFilter, does nothing.
Remove points having NaN as coordinate.
::GestaltDataPointsFilter< T > GestaltDataPointsFilter
::PointToPointSimilarityErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPointSimilarityErrorMinimizer
::ElipsoidsDataPointsFilter< T > ElipsoidsDataPointsFilter
::SamplingSurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter< T > SamplingSurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter
::MaxDensityDataPointsFilter< T > MaxDensityDataPointsFilter
::OrientNormalsDataPointsFilter< T > OrientNormalsDataPointsFilter
::MaxQuantileOnAxisDataPointsFilter< T > MaxQuantileOnAxisDataPointsFilter
Subsampling. Reduce the points number by randomly removing points with a dentsity higher than a tresh...
::RandomSamplingDataPointsFilter< T > RandomSamplingDataPointsFilter
::DistanceLimitDataPointsFilter< T > DistanceLimitDataPointsFilter
::PointToPointErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPointErrorMinimizer
::CutAtDescriptorThresholdDataPointsFilter< T > CutAtDescriptorThresholdDataPointsFilter
Subsampling. Cut points with value of a given descriptor above or below a given threshold.
static const PointMatcher & get()
Return instances.
Maximum number of points.
::BoundingBoxDataPointsFilter< T > BoundingBoxDataPointsFilter
Functions and classes that are not dependant on scalar type are defined in this namespace.
::PointToPlaneWithCovErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPlaneWithCovErrorMinimizer
Shadow filter, remove ghost points appearing on edges.
::CovarianceSamplingDataPointsFilter< T > CovarianceSamplingDataPointsFilter
::PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer< T > PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer
::RemoveSensorBiasDataPointsFilter< T > RemoveSensorBiasDataPointsFilter
autogenerated on Wed Feb 26 2025 03:45:47