Go to the documentation of this file.
45 #define EIGEN_NO_DEBUG
47 #include "Eigen/StdVector"
49 #include "Eigen/Geometry"
52 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
60 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
72 #define POINTMATCHER_VERSION "1.3.1"
111 virtual void beginInfoEntry(
const char *file,
unsigned line,
const char *func);
113 virtual void finishInfoEntry(
const char *file,
unsigned line,
const char *func);
115 virtual void beginWarningEntry(
const char *file,
unsigned line,
const char *func);
120 void setLogger(std::shared_ptr<Logger> newLogger);
125 typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >
137 #define ZERO_PLUS_EPS (0. + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
138 #define ONE_MINUS_EPS (1. - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
161 typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
163 typedef std::vector<Vector, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vector> >
169 typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>
171 typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>
173 typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<std::int64_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>
175 typedef typename Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>
210 typedef Eigen::Block<Matrix>
238 for(
size_t i=0; i<labels.size(); i++)
240 stream << labels[i].text;
241 if(i != (labels.size() -1))
340 template<
typename MatrixType>
342 template<
typename MatrixType>
344 template<
typename MatrixType>
346 template<
typename MatrixType>
348 template<
typename MatrixType>
350 template<
typename MatrixType>
356 template<
typename MatrixType>
378 static constexpr T
InvalidDist = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
382 Matches(
const int knn,
const int pointsCount);
448 virtual void inPlaceFilter(
DataPoints& cloud) = 0;
478 void resetVisitCount();
479 unsigned long getVisitCount()
549 T getPointUsedRatio()
550 T getWeightedPointUsedRatio()
552 virtual T getOverlap()
553 virtual Matrix getCovariance()
598 const Vector& getLimits()
599 const Vector& getConditionVariables()
632 virtual void addStat(
const std::string& name,
double data);
633 virtual void dumpStats(std::ostream& stream);
634 virtual void dumpStatsHeader(std::ostream& stream);
638 virtual void finish(
const size_t iterationCount);
667 virtual void setDefault();
669 virtual void loadFromYaml(std::istream& in);
670 unsigned getPrefilteredReadingPtsCount()
671 unsigned getPrefilteredReferencePtsCount()
673 bool getMaxNumIterationsReached()
684 virtual void loadAdditionalYAMLContent(PointMatcherSupport::YAML::Node& doc);
688 const std::string& createModulesFromRegistrar(
const std::string& regName,
const PointMatcherSupport::YAML::Node& doc,
const R& registrar, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<typename R::TargetType> >& modules);
692 const std::string& createModuleFromRegistrar(
const std::string& regName,
const PointMatcherSupport::YAML::Node& doc,
const R& registrar, std::shared_ptr<typename R::TargetType>& module);
747 "Function now always returns map with filter chain applied. "
748 "This may have altered your program behavior."
749 "Reasons for this stated here and in associated PR: "
750 "https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher/issues/209.")
754 "Function now always returns map with filter chain applied. "
755 "This may have altered your program behavior."
756 "Reasons for this stated here and in associated PR: "
757 "https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher/issues/209")
777 #endif // __POINTMATCHER_CORE_H
virtual void setDefault()
Construct an ICP algorithm that works in most of the cases.
void clearMap()
Clear the map (reset to same state as after the object is created)
bool hasMap() const
Return whether the object currently holds a valid map.
bool timeExists(const std::string &name) const
Look if a time with a given name exist.
int nbRejectedPoints
number of points with all matches set to zero weights
Construct an empty chain.
unsigned getNbGroupedDescriptors() const
Return the number of grouped descriptors (e.g., normals can have 3 components but would count as only...
A chain of OutlierFilter.
Parametrizable::Parameters Parameters
DataPointsFilters::iterator DataPointsFiltersIt
Matrix Dists
Squared distances to closest points, dense matrix of ScalarType.
bool operator==(const Label &that) const
Return whether two labels are equals.
Dists dists
squared distances to closest points
Labels descriptorLabels
labels of descriptors
TransformationParameters compute(const DataPoints &cloudIn, const TransformationParameters &initialTransformationParameters)
Apply ICP to cloud cloudIn, with initial guess.
void swapCols(Index iCol, Index jCol)
Swap column i and j in the point cloud, swap also features and descriptors if any....
virtual void finishInfoEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Finish the entry into the info channel.
std::string text
name of the label
void validateFile(const std::string &fileName)
Throw a runtime_error exception if fileName cannot be opened.
OutlierFilters::const_iterator OutlierFiltersConstIt
std::vector< Vector, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Vector > > VectorVector
A vector of vector over ScalarType, not a matrix.
unsigned getEuclideanDim() const
Return the dimension of the point cloud.
T getMedianAbsDeviation() const
Calculate the Median of Absolute Deviation(MAD), which is median(|x-median(x)|), a kind of robust sta...
void init()
Init the chain.
Ids ids
identifiers of closest points
Matrix OutlierWeights
Weights of the associations between the points in Matches and the points in the reference.
virtual void beginInfoEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Start a new entry into the info channel.
void addTime(const std::string &name, const Int64Matrix &newTime)
Add a time by name, remove first if already exists.
void assertDescriptorConsistency() const
Assert if descriptors are not consistent with features.
TransformationCheckers transformationCheckers
transformation checkers
T pointUsedRatio
the ratio of how many points were used for error minimization
TransformationParameters compute(const DataPoints &readingIn, const DataPoints &referenceIn, const TransformationParameters &initialTransformationParameters)
Perform ICP from initial guess and return optimised transformation matrix.
void removeFeature(const std::string &name)
Remove a feature by name, the whole matrix will be copied.
void concatenate(const DataPoints &dp)
Add another point cloud after the current one. Faster merge will be achieved if all descriptor and ti...
void addFeature(const std::string &name, const Matrix &newFeature)
Add a feature by name, remove first if already exists. The 'pad' field will stay at the end for homog...
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > CsvElements
Data from a CSV file.
virtual std::ostream * infoStream()
Return the info stream, 0 if hasInfoChannel() returns false.
void allocateDescriptor(const std::string &name, const unsigned dim)
Makes sure a descriptor of a given name exists, if present, check its dimensions.
bool descriptorExists(const std::string &name) const
Look if a descriptor with a given name exist.
PointMatcherSupport::Parametrizable Parametrizable
TransformationCheckers::iterator TransformationCheckersIt
Eigen::Block< MatrixType > getViewByName(const std::string &name, const Labels &labels, MatrixType &data, const int viewRow=-1) const
T ScalarType
The scalar type.
void addDescriptor(const std::string &name, const Matrix &newDescriptor)
Add a descriptor by name, remove first if already exists.
const Eigen::Block< const MatrixType > getConstViewByName(const std::string &name, const Labels &labels, const MatrixType &data, const int viewRow=-1) const
An expception thrown when the yaml config file contains invalid configuration (e.g....
void allocateFields(const Labels &newLabels, Labels &labels, MatrixType &data) const
Make sure a vector of fields of given names exist.
bool setMap(const DataPoints &map)
Set the map using inputCloud.
An outlier filter removes or weights links between points in reading and their matched points in refe...
Eigen::Array< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Array
A dense array over ScalarType.
Functions and classes that are dependant on scalar type are defined in this templatized class.
DataPointsFilters referenceDataPointsFilters
filters for reference
Point matcher did not converge.
void setLogger(std::shared_ptr< Logger > newLogger)
Set a new logger, protected by a mutex.
A chain of DataPointsFilter.
TransformationCheckers::const_iterator TransformationCheckersConstIt
The logger interface, used to output warnings and informations.
virtual bool hasWarningChannel() const
Return whether this logger provides the warning channel.
bool maxNumIterationsReached
store if we reached the maximum number of iterations last time compute was called
Stuff common to all ICP algorithms.
Matrix getDescriptorCopyByName(const std::string &name) const
Get descriptor by name, return a matrix containing a copy of the requested descriptor.
unsigned getTimeDim() const
Return the total number of times.
Int64Matrix getTimeCopyByName(const std::string &name) const
Get time by name, return a matrix containing a copy of the requested time.
void allocateFeatures(const Labels &newLabels)
Make sure a vector of features of given names exist.
DataPoints mapPointCloud
point cloud of the map, always in global frame (frame of first point cloud)
unsigned getDescriptorStartingRow(const std::string &name) const
Return the starting row of a descriptor with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
std::vector< Quaternion, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Quaternion > > QuaternionVector
A vector of quaternions over ScalarType.
unsigned getHomogeneousDim() const
Return the dimension of the point cloud in homogeneous coordinates (one more than Euclidean dimension...
A matcher links points in the reading to points in the reference.
Labels timeLabels
labels of times.
PM_DEPRECATED("Use getPrefilteredInternalMap instead. " "Function now always returns map with filter chain applied. " "This may have altered your program behavior." "Reasons for this stated here and in associated PR: " "https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher/issues/209.") const DataPoints &getInternalMap() const
TransformationParameters operator()(const DataPoints &cloudIn)
Apply ICP to cloud cloudIn, with identity as initial guess.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Labels &labels)
Parametrizable::ParametersDoc ParametersDoc
bool operator==(const DataPoints &that) const
Return whether two point-clouds are identical (same data and same labels)
An exception thrown when one tries to use a module type that does not exist.
unsigned getTimeDimension(const std::string &name) const
Return the dimension of a time with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
unsigned getFeatureDimension(const std::string &name) const
Return the dimension of a feature with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
#define DEF_REGISTRAR_IFACE(name, ifaceName)
#define DEF_REGISTRAR(name)
const typedef Eigen::Block< const Int64Matrix > TimeConstView
a view on a const time
An exception thrown when one tries to access features or descriptors unexisting or of wrong dimension...
ConstView getFeatureViewByName(const std::string &name) const
Get a const view on a feature by name, throw an exception if it does not exist.
OutlierWeights compute(const DataPoints &filteredReading, const DataPoints &filteredReference, const Matches &input)
Apply outlier-detection chain.
const DataPoints & getPrefilteredInternalMap() const
Return the map, in internal coordinates (fast)
Eigen::Matrix< std::int64_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Int64Matrix
A dense signed 64-bits matrix.
DataPointsFilters readingDataPointsFilters
filters for reading, applied once
DataPointsFilters::const_iterator DataPointsFiltersConstIt
bool featureExists(const std::string &name) const
Look if a feature with a given name exist.
const DataPoints & getReadingFiltered() const
Return the filtered point cloud reading used in the ICP chain.
OutlierFilters::iterator OutlierFiltersIt
A structure holding data ready for minimization. The data are "normalized", for instance there are no...
void removeField(const std::string &name, Labels &labels, MatrixType &data) const
Remove a descriptor or feature by name, no copy is done.
void allocateTime(const std::string &name, const unsigned dim)
Makes sure a time of a given name exists, if present, check its dimensions.
void allocateFeature(const std::string &name, const unsigned dim)
Makes sure a feature of a given name exists, if present, check its dimensions.
In case of too few matches the dists are filled with InvalidDist.
virtual std::ostream * warningStream()
Return the warning stream, 0 if hasWarningChannel() returns false.
std::vector< ParameterDoc > ParametersDoc
The documentation of all parameters.
Constructor, populates the registrars.
unsigned getFieldStartingRow(const std::string &name, const Labels &labels) const
Return the starting row of a feature or a descriptor with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not f...
Labels featureLabels
labels of features
OutlierFilters outlierFilters
outlier filters
virtual void loadFromYaml(std::istream &in)
Construct an ICP algorithm from a YAML file.
Matches matches
void setColFrom(Index thisCol, const DataPoints &that, Index thatCol)
Set column thisCol equal to column thatCol of that, copy features and descriptors if any....
DataPoints createSimilarEmpty() const
Create an empty DataPoints of similar dimensions and labels for features, descriptors and times.
std::shared_ptr< ErrorMinimizer > errorMinimizer
error minimizer
void concatenateLabelledMatrix(Labels *labels, MatrixType *data, const Labels extraLabels, const MatrixType extraData)
Add another matrix after the current one. Faster merge will be achieved if all labels are the same....
T weightedPointUsedRatio
the ratio of how many points were used (with weight) for error minimization
Matrix descriptors
descriptors of points in the cloud, might be empty
Parameters parameters
parameters with their values encoded in string
Eigen::Block< Int64Matrix > TimeView
A view on a time.
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix
A dense matrix over ScalarType.
Construct without parameter.
DataPoints reading
reading point cloud
A data filter takes a point cloud as input, transforms it, and produces another point cloud as output...
ConstView getFeatureRowViewByName(const std::string &name, const unsigned row) const
Get a const view on a feature row by name and number, throw an exception if it does not exist.
TimeConstView getTimeViewByName(const std::string &name) const
Get a const view on a time by name, throw an exception if it does not exist.
IntMatrix Ids
Identifiers of closest points, dense matrix of integers.
void assertTimesConsistency() const
Assert if times are not consistent with features.
Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > IntMatrix
A dense integer matrix.
An exception thrown when one tries to fetch the value of an unexisting parameter.
virtual bool hasInfoChannel() const
Return whether this logger provides the info channel.
unsigned getNbPoints() const
Return the number of points contained in the point cloud.
void allocateField(const std::string &name, const unsigned dim, Labels &labels, MatrixType &data) const
Make sure a field of a given name exists, if present, check its dimensions.
TransformationParameters operator()(const DataPoints &readingIn, const DataPoints &referenceIn)
Perform ICP and return optimised transformation matrix.
Label(const std::string &text="", const size_t span=0)
Construct a label from a given name and number of data dimensions it spans.
static void swapDataPoints(DataPoints &a, DataPoints &b)
Exchange in place point clouds a and b, with no data copy.
Matrix features
features of points in the cloud
DataPoints reference
reference point cloud
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Vector
A vector over ScalarType.
const typedef Eigen::Block< const Matrix > ConstView
A view on a const feature or const descriptor.
Transformations::iterator TransformationsIt
Matrix::Index Index
An index to a row or a column.
std::shared_ptr< Matcher > matcher
TransformationParameters computeWithTransformedReference(const DataPoints &readingIn, const DataPoints &reference, const TransformationParameters &T_refIn_refMean, const TransformationParameters &initialTransformationParameters)
Perferm ICP using an already-transformed reference and with an already-initialized matcher.
virtual void beginWarningEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Start a new entry into the warning channel.
bool contains(const std::string &text) const
Return whether there is a label named text.
Parametrizable::InvalidParameter InvalidParameter
Result of the data-association step (Matcher::findClosests), before outlier rejection.
std::shared_ptr< Inspector > inspector
Int64Matrix times
time associated to each points, might be empty
void allocateTimes(const Labels &newLabels)
Make sure a vector of time of given names exist.
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...
void removeTime(const std::string &name)
Remove a descriptor by name, the whole matrix will be copied.
void assertConsistency(const std::string &dataName, const int dataRows, const int dataCols, const Labels &labels) const
Assert if a matrix is not consistent with features.
void removeDescriptor(const std::string &name)
Remove a descriptor by name, the whole matrix will be copied.
static constexpr int InvalidId
unsigned prefilteredReadingPtsCount
remaining number of points after prefiltering but before the iterative process
unsigned getTimeStartingRow(const std::string &name) const
Return the starting row of a time with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
OutlierWeights weights
weights for every association
size_t span
number of data dimensions the label spans
Construct empty Labels.
unsigned long visitCounter
number of points visited
The documentation of a parameter.
virtual ~Logger()
Virtual destructor, do nothing.
unsigned getDescriptorDimension(const std::string &name) const
Return the dimension of a descriptor with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
unsigned getDescriptorDim() const
Return the total number of descriptors.
Eigen::Block< Matrix > View
A view on a feature or descriptor.
An inspector allows to log data at the different steps, for analysis.
void conservativeResize(Index pointCount)
Resize the cloud to pointCount points, conserving existing ones.
void init(const M_string &remappings)
ConstView getDescriptorRowViewByName(const std::string &name, const unsigned row) const
Get a const view on a descriptor row by name and number, throw an exception if it does not exist.
static const PointMatcher & get()
Return instances.
int nbRejectedMatches
number of matches with zero weights
size_t totalDim() const
Return the sum of the spans of each label.
T getStandardDeviation() const
Transformations transformations
virtual void finishWarningEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Finish the entry into the warning channel.
Construct an empty point cloud.
Parametrizable::ParameterDoc ParameterDoc
An error minimizer will compute a transformation matrix such as to minimize the error between the rea...
Functions and classes that are not dependant on scalar type are defined in this namespace.
unsigned getFieldDimension(const std::string &name, const Labels &labels) const
Return the dimension of a feature or a descriptor with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not foun...
TimeConstView getTimeRowViewByName(const std::string &name, const unsigned row) const
Get a const view on a time row by name and number, throw an exception if it does not exist.
bool fieldExists(const std::string &name, const unsigned dim, const Labels &labels) const
Look if a descriptor or a feature with a given name and dimension exist.
ConfigurationError(const std::string &reason)
return an exception when a transformation has invalid parameters
T getDistsQuantile(const T quantile) const
Get the distance at the T-ratio closest point.
const DataPoints getPrefilteredMap() const
Return the map, in global coordinates (slow)
TransformationParameters T_refIn_refMean
offset for centered map
static DataPoints load(const std::string &fileName)
Load a point cloud from a file, determine format from extension.
void apply(DataPoints &cloud)
Apply this chain to cloud, mutates cloud.
void addField(const std::string &name, const MatrixType &newField, Labels &labels, MatrixType &data) const
Add a descriptor or feature by name, remove first if already exists.
ConstView getDescriptorViewByName(const std::string &name) const
Get a const view on a descriptor by name, throw an exception if it does not exist.
void save(const std::string &fileName, bool binary=false) const
Save a point cloud to a file, determine format from extension.
InvalidField(const std::string &reason)
Construct the exception with an error message.
ConvergenceError(const std::string &reason)
Construct the exception with an error message.
const std::string className
name of the class
ErrorElements lastErrorElements
memory of the last computed error
unsigned getFeatureStartingRow(const std::string &name) const
Return the starting row of a feature with a given name. Return 0 if the name is not found.
Matrix getFeatureCopyByName(const std::string &name) const
Get feature by name, return a matrix containing a copy of the requested feature.
DataPoints readingFiltered
reading point cloud after the filters were applied
unsigned prefilteredReferencePtsCount
remaining number of points after prefiltering but before the iterative process
void allocateDescriptors(const Labels &newLabels)
Make sure a vector of descriptors of given names exist.
Transformations::const_iterator TransformationsConstIt
Eigen::Quaternion< T > Quaternion
A quaternion over ScalarType.
std::map< std::string, Parameter > Parameters
Parameters stored as a map of string->string.
DataPointsFilters readingStepDataPointsFilters
filters for reading, applied at each step
std::vector< Label >::const_iterator const_iterator
Matrix TransformationParameters
A matrix holding the parameters a transformation.
InvalidModuleType(const std::string &reason)
Construct an invalid–module-type exception.
The name for a certain number of dim.
static constexpr T InvalidDist
In case of too few matches the ids are filled with InvalidId.
autogenerated on Wed Feb 26 2025 03:45:47