Go to the documentation of this file.
64 return "Does nothing.";
76 return "Keep statistics on performance.";
81 {
"base file name for the statistics files (if empty, disabled)",
82 {
"dump performance statistics to stderr on exit",
83 {
"dump the statistics on first and last step",
103 virtual void dumpStats(std::ostream& stream);
113 virtual void closeStream(std::ostream* stream) = 0;
131 virtual void finish(
const size_t iterationCount);
162 return "Dump the different steps into VTK files.";
167 {
"base file name for the VTK files ",
168 {
"dump performance statistics to stderr on exit",
169 {
"dump the statistics on first and last step",
170 {
"dump iteration info",
171 {
"dump data links at each iteration",
"0" },
172 {
"dump the reading cloud at each iteration",
173 {
"dump the reference cloud at each iteration",
174 {
"write binary VTK files",
192 virtual void finish(
const size_t iterationCount);
const bool bDumpReference
void dumpDataLinks(const DataPoints &ref, const DataPoints &reading, const Matches &matches, const OutlierWeights &featureOutlierWeights, std::ostream &stream)
PointMatcher< T >::DataPoints DataPoints
void buildScalarStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &ref, const DataPoints &reading)
virtual void closeStream(std::ostream *stream)=0
const bool bDumpDataLinks
virtual void dumpIteration(const size_t iterationNumber, const TransformationParameters ¶meters, const DataPoints &filteredReference, const DataPoints &reading, const Matches &matches, const OutlierWeights &outlierWeights, const TransformationCheckers &transformationCheckers)
Dump the state of a given iteration.
Matrix padWithZeros(const Matrix m, const int expectedRow, const int expectedCols)
Matrix OutlierWeights
Weights of the associations between the points in Matches and the points in the reference.
PointMatcher< T >::Inspector Inspector
std::ostream * streamIter
void buildGenericAttributeStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &attribute, const std::string &nameTag, const DataPoints &cloud, const int forcedDim)
const bool bDumpReference
PointMatcher< T >::Matches Matches
Parametrizable::ParametersDoc ParametersDoc
static const std::string description()
static const ParametersDoc availableParameters()
void dumpDataPoints(const DataPoints &data, std::ostream &stream)
virtual void closeStream(std::ostream *stream)
static const std::string description()
VTKFileInspector(const Parameters ¶ms=Parameters())
virtual void init()
Start a new ICP operation or sequence.
PointMatcherSupport::Parametrizable Parametrizable
Parametrizable::ParameterDoc ParameterDoc
PointMatcher< T >::Matrix Matrix
virtual std::ostream * openStream(const std::string &role)=0
PointMatcher< T >::OutlierWeights OutlierWeights
const std::string baseFileName
std::vector< ParameterDoc > ParametersDoc
The documentation of all parameters.
virtual void finish(const size_t iterationCount)
Tell the inspector the ICP operation is completed.
Parameters parameters
parameters with their values encoded in string
PointMatcher< T >::TransformationCheckers TransformationCheckers
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix
A dense matrix over ScalarType.
const bool bDumpDataLinks
void buildColorStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &cloud)
virtual void init()
Start a new ICP operation or sequence.
Result of the data-association step (Matcher::findClosests), before outlier rejection.
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...
AbstractVTKInspector(const std::string &className, const ParametersDoc paramsDoc, const Parameters ¶ms)
Matrix padWithOnes(const Matrix m, const int expectedRow, const int expectedCols)
void buildTimeStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &cloud)
The documentation of a parameter.
void buildVectorStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &ref, const DataPoints &reading)
An inspector allows to log data at the different steps, for analysis.
PointMatcher< T >::TransformationParameters TransformationParameters
const bool bDumpIterationInfo
void buildTensorStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &ref, const DataPoints &reading)
PointMatcherSupport::Parametrizable P
virtual std::ostream * openStream(const std::string &role)
void buildNormalStream(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, const DataPoints &ref, const DataPoints &reading)
const bool bDumpIterationInfo
const std::string className
name of the class
void dumpMeshNodes(const DataPoints &data, std::ostream &stream)
virtual void finish(const size_t iterationCount)
Tell the inspector the ICP operation is completed.
std::map< std::string, Parameter > Parameters
Parameters stored as a map of string->string.
Matrix TransformationParameters
A matrix holding the parameters a transformation.
Parametrizable::Parameters Parameters
autogenerated on Wed Feb 26 2025 03:45:47