examples Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for examples:


file  CameraResectioning.cpp [code]
 An example of gtsam for solving the camera resectioning problem.
file  City10000.h [code]
 Class for City10000 dataset.
file  CombinedImuFactorsExample.cpp [code]
file  CreateSFMExampleData.cpp [code]
 Create some example data that for inclusion in the data folder.
file  DiscreteBayesNet_FG.cpp [code]
 Discrete Bayes Net example using Factor Graphs.
file  DiscreteBayesNetExample.cpp [code]
 Discrete Bayes Net example with famous Asia Bayes Network.
file  easyPoint2KalmanFilter.cpp [code]
file  elaboratePoint2KalmanFilter.cpp [code]
file  EssentialViewGraphExample.cpp [code]
 View-graph calibration with essential matrices.
file  FisheyeExample.cpp [code]
 A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset. This version uses a fisheye camera model and a GaussNewton solver to solve the graph in one batch.
file  GNCExample.cpp [code]
 Simple example showcasing a Graduated Non-Convexity based solver.
file  HMMExample.cpp [code]
file  Hybrid_City10000.cpp [code]
 Example of using hybrid estimation with multiple odometry measurements.
file  ImuFactorsExample.cpp [code]
file  ImuFactorsExample2.cpp [code]
file  IMUKittiExampleGPS.cpp [code]
file  InverseKinematicsExampleExpressions.cpp [code]
 Implement inverse kinematics on a three-link arm using expressions.
file  ISAM2_City10000.cpp [code]
 Example of using ISAM2 estimation with multiple odometry measurements.
file  ISAM2Example_SmartFactor.cpp [code]
 test of iSAM with smart factors, led to bitbucket issue #367
file  LocalizationExample.cpp [code]
 Simple robot localization example, with three "GPS-like" measurements.
file  METISOrderingExample.cpp [code]
file  examples/OdometryExample.cpp [code]
 Simple robot motion example, with prior and two odometry measurements.
file  PlanarSLAMExample.cpp [code]
 Simple robotics example using odometry measurements and bearing-range (laser) measurements.
file  examples/Pose2SLAMExample.cpp [code]
 A 2D Pose SLAM example.
file  Pose2SLAMExample_g2o.cpp [code]
 A 2D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, converts it to a factor graph and does the optimization. Output is written on a file, in g2o format Syntax for the script is ./Pose2SLAMExample_g2o input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose2SLAMExample_graph.cpp [code]
 Read graph from file and perform GraphSLAM.
file  Pose2SLAMExample_graphviz.cpp [code]
 Save factor graph as graphviz dot file.
file  Pose2SLAMExample_lago.cpp [code]
 A 2D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and solve the Pose2 problem using LAGO (Linear Approximation for Graph Optimization). See class lago.h Output is written on a file, in g2o format Syntax for the script is ./Pose2SLAMExample_lago input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose2SLAMExampleExpressions.cpp [code]
 Expressions version of Pose2SLAMExample.cpp.
file  Pose2SLAMStressTest.cpp [code]
 Test GTSAM on large open-loop chains.
file  Pose2SLAMwSPCG.cpp [code]
 A 2D Pose SLAM example using the SimpleSPCGSolver.
file  Pose3Localization.cpp [code]
 A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3Localization input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose3SLAMExample_changeKeys.cpp [code]
file  Pose3SLAMExample_g2o.cpp [code]
 A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_g2o input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Chordal.cpp [code]
 A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Chordal input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Gradient.cpp [code]
 A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Gradient input.g2o output.g2o.
file  Pose3SLAMExampleExpressions_BearingRangeWithTransform.cpp [code]
 A simultaneous optimization of trajectory, landmarks and sensor-pose with respect to body-pose using bearing-range measurements done with Expressions.
file  RangeISAMExample_plaza2.cpp [code]
 A 2D Range SLAM example.
file  SelfCalibrationExample.cpp [code]
 Based on VisualSLAMExample, but with unknown (yet fixed) calibration.
file  SFMdata.h [code]
 Simple example for the structure-from-motion problems.
file  SFMExample.cpp [code]
 A structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset.
file  SFMExample_bal.cpp [code]
 Solve a structure-from-motion problem from a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" file.
file  SFMExample_bal_COLAMD_METIS.cpp [code]
 This file is to compare the ordering performance for COLAMD vs METIS. Example problem is to solve a structure-from-motion problem from a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" file.
file  SFMExample_SmartFactor.cpp [code]
 A structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset, using smart projection factor.
file  SFMExample_SmartFactorPCG.cpp [code]
 Version of SFMExample_SmartFactor that uses Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient.
file  SFMExampleExpressions.cpp [code]
 A structure-from-motion example done with Expressions.
file  SFMExampleExpressions_bal.cpp [code]
 A structure-from-motion example done with Expressions.
file  ShonanAveragingCLI.cpp [code]
 Run Shonan Rotation Averaging Algorithm on a file or example dataset.
file  SimpleRotation.cpp [code]
 This is a super-simple example of optimizing a single rotation according to a single prior.
file  SolverComparer.cpp [code]
 Incremental and batch solving, timing, and accuracy comparisons.
file  StereoVOExample.cpp [code]
 A stereo visual odometry example.
file  StereoVOExample_large.cpp [code]
 A stereo visual odometry example.
file  TimeTBB.cpp [code]
 Measure task scheduling overhead in TBB.
file  TriangulationLOSTExample.cpp [code]
 This example runs triangulation several times using 3 different approaches: LOST, DLT, and DLT with optimization. It reports the covariance and the runtime for each approach.
file  UGM_chain.cpp [code]
 UGM (undirected graphical model) examples: chain.
file  UGM_small.cpp [code]
 UGM (undirected graphical model) examples: small.
file  ViewGraphExample.cpp [code]
 View-graph calibration on a simulated dataset, a la Sweeney 2015.
file  VisualISAM2Example.cpp [code]
 A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset This version uses iSAM2 to solve the problem incrementally.
file  examples/VisualISAMExample.cpp [code]
 A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset This version uses iSAM to solve the problem incrementally.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06