Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CqbDeviceHWThe qbrobotics Device HardWare interface extends the hardware_interface::RobotHW by providing all the common structures to manage the communication with both the qbhand and qbmove devices
 CqbDeviceHWInterfacesThe qbrobotics Device HardWare Interfaces is a simple class aimed to group all the hardware_interface:: related structures in a unique place
 CqbDeviceHWResourcesThe qbrobotics Device HardWare Resources contains vectors of named joints
 CqbDeviceResourcesThe qbrobotics Device Resources contains just few device information
 CPositionJointSaturationHandleA handle used to enforce position and velocity limits of a position-controlled joint that does not have soft limits
 CPositionJointSaturationInterfaceA handle used to enforce position and velocity limits of a position-controlled joint
 CqbDeviceJointLimitsResourcesThe qbrobotics Device Joint Limits Resources is a simple class aimed to group all the joint_limits_interface:: related structures in a unique place
 CqbDeviceTransmissionResourcesThe qbrobotics Device Transmission Resources is a simple class aimed to group all the transmission_interface:: related structures in a unique place and to provide a flexible interface to manage any transmission interface

Author(s): qbroboticsĀ®
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:46:29