Defines a simple interface for single-marker tracking with ARToolKitPlus. More...
#include <TrackerSingleMarker.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual int | addPattern (const char *nFileName)=0 |
adds a pattern to ARToolKit More... | |
virtual int | calc (const unsigned char *nImage, int nPattern=-1, bool nUpdateMatrix=true, ARMarkerInfo **nMarker_info=NULL, int *nNumMarkers=NULL)=0 |
calculates the transformation matrix More... | |
virtual void | getARMatrix (ARFloat nMatrix[3][4]) const =0 |
Provides access to ARToolKit' patt_trans matrix. More... | |
virtual ARFloat | getConfidence () const =0 |
Returns the confidence value of the currently best detected marker. More... | |
virtual bool | init (const char *nCamParamFile, ARFloat nNearClip, ARFloat nFarClip, ARToolKitPlus::Logger *nLogger=NULL)=0 |
initializes TrackerSingleMarker More... | |
virtual bool | init (Camera *camera, ARFloat nNearClip, ARFloat nFarClip, ARToolKitPlus::Logger *nLogger=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | setPatternWidth (ARFloat nWidth)=0 |
Sets the width and height of the patterns. More... | |
virtual | ~TrackerSingleMarker () |
Public Member Functions inherited from ARToolKitPlus::Tracker | |
virtual void | activateAutoThreshold (bool nEnable)=0 |
Enables or disables automatic threshold calculation. More... | |
virtual void | activateBinaryMarker (int nThreshold)=0 |
activates binary markers More... | |
virtual void | activateVignettingCompensation (bool nEnable, int nCorners=0, int nLeftRight=0, int nTopBottom=0)=0 |
activates the complensation of brightness falloff in the corners of the camera image More... | |
virtual int | arDetectMarker (ARUint8 *dataPtr, int thresh, ARMarkerInfo **marker_info, int *marker_num)=0 |
marker detection using tracking history More... | |
virtual int | arDetectMarkerLite (ARUint8 *dataPtr, int thresh, ARMarkerInfo **marker_info, int *marker_num)=0 |
marker detection without using tracking history More... | |
virtual int | arFreePatt (int patno)=0 |
frees a pattern from memory More... | |
virtual ARFloat | arGetTransMat (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, ARFloat center[2], ARFloat width, ARFloat conv[3][4])=0 |
calculates the transformation matrix between camera and the given marker More... | |
virtual ARFloat | arGetTransMatCont (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, ARFloat prev_conv[3][4], ARFloat center[2], ARFloat width, ARFloat conv[3][4])=0 |
virtual int | arLoadPatt (char *filename)=0 |
loads a pattern from a file More... | |
virtual int | arMultiFreeConfig (ARMultiMarkerInfoT *config)=0 |
frees a multimarker config from memory More... | |
virtual ARFloat | arMultiGetTransMat (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, int marker_num, ARMultiMarkerInfoT *config)=0 |
calculates the transformation matrix between camera and the given multi-marker config More... | |
virtual ARMultiMarkerInfoT * | arMultiReadConfigFile (const char *filename)=0 |
reads a standard artoolkit multimarker config file More... | |
virtual ARFloat | calcOpenGLMatrixFromMarker (ARMarkerInfo *nMarkerInfo, ARFloat nPatternCenter[2], ARFloat nPatternSize, ARFloat *nOpenGLMatrix)=0 |
Calculates the OpenGL transformation matrix for a specific marker info. More... | |
virtual void | changeCameraSize (int nWidth, int nHeight)=0 |
changes the resolution of the camera after the camerafile was already loaded More... | |
virtual void | cleanup ()=0 |
does final clean up (memory deallocation) More... | |
virtual ARFloat | executeMultiMarkerPoseEstimator (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, int marker_num, ARMultiMarkerInfoT *config)=0 |
Calls the pose estimator set with setPoseEstimator() for multi marker tracking. More... | |
virtual ARFloat | executeSingleMarkerPoseEstimator (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, ARFloat center[2], ARFloat width, ARFloat conv[3][4])=0 |
Calls the pose estimator set with setPoseEstimator() for single marker tracking. More... | |
virtual int | getBitsPerPixel () const =0 |
Returns the number of bits required to store a single pixel. More... | |
virtual Camera * | getCamera ()=0 |
Returns the current camera. More... | |
virtual const char * | getDescription ()=0 |
Returns a short description with compiled-in settings. More... | |
virtual const ARFloat * | getModelViewMatrix () const =0 |
Returns an opengl-style modelview transformation matrix. More... | |
virtual int | getNumLoadablePatterns () const =0 |
Returns the maximum number of patterns that can be loaded. More... | |
virtual PIXEL_FORMAT | getPixelFormat () const =0 |
Returns the compiled-in pixel format. More... | |
virtual Profiler & | getProfiler ()=0 |
Returns the internal profiler object. More... | |
virtual const ARFloat * | getProjectionMatrix () const =0 |
Returns an opengl-style projection transformation matrix. More... | |
virtual int | getThreshold () const =0 |
Returns the current threshold value. More... | |
virtual bool | isAutoThresholdActivated () const =0 |
Returns true if automatic threshold calculation is activated. More... | |
virtual bool | loadCameraFile (const char *nCamParamFile, ARFloat nNearClip, ARFloat nFarClip)=0 |
Loads a camera calibration file and stores data internally. More... | |
virtual ARFloat | rppGetTransMat (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, ARFloat center[2], ARFloat width, ARFloat conv[3][4])=0 |
virtual ARFloat | rppMultiGetTransMat (ARMarkerInfo *marker_info, int marker_num, ARMultiMarkerInfoT *config)=0 |
virtual void | setBorderWidth (ARFloat nFraction)=0 |
Sets a new relative border width. ARToolKit's default value is 0.25. More... | |
virtual void | setCamera (Camera *nCamera)=0 |
Sets a new camera without specifying new near and far clip values. More... | |
virtual void | setCamera (Camera *nCamera, ARFloat nNearClip, ARFloat nFarClip)=0 |
Sets a new camera including specifying new near and far clip values. More... | |
virtual void | setImageProcessingMode (IMAGE_PROC_MODE nMode)=0 |
Sets an image processing mode (half or full resolution) More... | |
virtual void | setLoadUndistLUT (bool nSet)=0 |
Set to true to try loading camera undistortion table from a cache file. More... | |
virtual void | setLogger (ARToolKitPlus::Logger *nLogger)=0 |
sets an instance which implements the ARToolKit::Logger interface More... | |
virtual void | setMarkerMode (MARKER_MODE nMarkerMode)=0 |
activate the usage of id-based markers rather than template based markers More... | |
virtual void | setNumAutoThresholdRetries (int nNumRetries)=0 |
Sets the number of times the threshold is randomized in case no marker was visible (Default: 2) More... | |
virtual bool | setPixelFormat (PIXEL_FORMAT nFormat)=0 |
Sets the pixel format of the camera image. More... | |
virtual bool | setPoseEstimator (POSE_ESTIMATOR nMethod)=0 |
Changes the Pose Estimation Algorithm. More... | |
virtual void | setThreshold (int nValue)=0 |
Sets the threshold value that is used for black/white conversion. More... | |
virtual void | setUndistortionMode (UNDIST_MODE nMode)=0 |
Changes the undistortion mode. More... | |
virtual | ~Tracker () |
Defines a simple interface for single-marker tracking with ARToolKitPlus.
ARToolKitPlus::TrackerSingleMarker provides all methods to access ARToolKit for single marker tracking without needing to mess around with it low level methods directly.
A current restriction is that only the best detected marker is returned. If you need multi-marker tracking use TrackerMultiMarker.
Definition at line 61 of file TrackerSingleMarker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 64 of file TrackerSingleMarker.h.
pure virtual |
adds a pattern to ARToolKit
pass the patterns filename
pure virtual |
calculates the transformation matrix
pass the image as RGBX (32-bits) in 320x240 pixels. if nPattern is not -1 then only this pattern is accepted otherwise any found pattern will be used.
pure virtual |
Provides access to ARToolKit' patt_trans matrix.
This method is primarily for compatibility issues with code previously using ARToolKit rather than ARToolKitPlus. patt_trans is the original transformation matrix ARToolKit calculates rather than the OpenGL style version of this matrix that can be retrieved via getModelViewMatrix().
pure virtual |
Returns the confidence value of the currently best detected marker.
pure virtual |
initializes TrackerSingleMarker
nCamParamFile is the name of the camera parameter file nLogger is an instance which implements the ARToolKit::Logger interface
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Sets the width and height of the patterns.