21 #ifndef _GAZEBO_KIT_TRAY_PLUGIN_HH_ 22 #define _GAZEBO_KIT_TRAY_PLUGIN_HH_ 28 #include <gazebo/common/Plugin.hh> 29 #include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh> 30 #include <gazebo/sensors/sensors.hh> 31 #include <gazebo/util/system.hh> 49 public:
virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
52 protected:
void OnUpdate(
const common::UpdateInfo &_info);
55 protected:
void ProcessContactingModels();
61 protected:
void PublishKitMsg();
A plugin for a contact sensor on a kit tray.
ros::Publisher currentKitPub
Publisher for the kit state.
std::string trayID
ID of tray.
TrayID_t DetermineModelType(const std::string &modelName)
Determine the type of a gazebo model from its name.
ros::NodeHandle * rosNode
ROS node handle.
Class to store information about a kit.
ariac::Kit currentKit
Kit which is currently on the tray.