File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 camera1394stereo_node.cppROS driver node for IIDC-compatible IEEE 1394 digital cameras
 dev_camera1394stereo.cppLibdc1394 digital camera library interface implementation
 dev_camera1394stereo.hIEEE 1394 digital camera library interface
 driver1394stereo.cppROS driver for IIDC-compatible IEEE 1394 digital cameras
 driver1394stereo.hROS driver interface for IIDC-compatible IEEE 1394 digital cameras
 featuresstereo.cppCamera1394 features implementation
 featuresstereo.hCamera1394 features interface
 format7.hCamera1394 Format7 interface
 format7stereo.cppCamera1394 format7 implementation
 modes.cppLibdc1394 enumerated modes implementation
 modes.hLibdc1394 enumerated modes interface
 node.cppROS driver node for IIDC-compatible IEEE 1394 digital cameras
 nodelet.cppROS driver nodelet for IIDC-compatible IEEE 1394 digital cameras
 trigger.cppLibdc1394 triggering modes interfaces
 trigger.hLibdc1394 triggering modes interface
 yuv.hYUV to RGB conversion functions

Author(s): Joan Pau Beltran
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:52:45