Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // Created by tom on 09/04/16.
00003 //
00004 #include <robotican_hardware_interface/armadillo2_sim_interface.h>
00005 namespace
00006 {
00008     double clamp(const double val, const double min_val, const double max_val)
00009     {
00010         return std::min(std::max(val, min_val), max_val);
00011     }
00013 }
00015 namespace gazebo_ros_control
00016 {
00019     bool Armadillo2RobotHWSim::initSim(
00020             const std::string& robot_namespace,
00021             ros::NodeHandle model_nh,
00022             gazebo::physics::ModelPtr parent_model,
00023             const urdf::Model *const urdf_model,
00024             std::vector<transmission_interface::TransmissionInfo> transmissions)
00025     {
00026         // getJointLimits() searches joint_limit_nh for joint limit parameters. The format of each
00027         // parameter's name is "joint_limits/<joint name>". An example is "joint_limits/axle_joint".
00028         const ros::NodeHandle joint_limit_nh(model_nh, robot_namespace);
00030         // Resize vectors to our DOF
00031         n_dof_ = transmissions.size();
00032         joint_names_.resize(n_dof_);
00033         joint_types_.resize(n_dof_);
00034         joint_lower_limits_.resize(n_dof_);
00035         joint_upper_limits_.resize(n_dof_);
00036         joint_effort_limits_.resize(n_dof_);
00037         joint_control_methods_.resize(n_dof_);
00038         pid_controllers_.resize(n_dof_);
00039         joint_position_.resize(n_dof_);
00040         joint_velocity_.resize(n_dof_);
00041         joint_effort_.resize(n_dof_);
00042         joint_effort_command_.resize(n_dof_);
00043         joint_position_command_.resize(n_dof_);
00044         joint_velocity_command_.resize(n_dof_);
00046         // Initialize values
00047         for(unsigned int j=0; j < n_dof_; j++)
00048         {
00049             // Check that this transmission has one joint
00050             if(transmissions[j].joints_.size() == 0)
00051             {
00052                 ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim","Transmission " << transmissions[j].name_
00053                                                              << " has no associated joints.");
00054                 continue;
00055             }
00056             else if(transmissions[j].joints_.size() > 1)
00057             {
00058                 ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim","Transmission " << transmissions[j].name_
00059                                                              << " has more than one joint. Currently the default robot hardware simulation "
00060                                                              << " interface only supports one.");
00061                 continue;
00062             }
00064             std::vector<std::string> joint_interfaces = transmissions[j].joints_[0].hardware_interfaces_;
00065             if (joint_interfaces.empty() &&
00066                 !(transmissions[j].actuators_.empty()) &&
00067                 !(transmissions[j].actuators_[0].hardware_interfaces_.empty()))
00068             {
00069                 // TODO: Deprecate HW interface specification in actuators in ROS J
00070                 joint_interfaces = transmissions[j].actuators_[0].hardware_interfaces_;
00071                 ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim", "The <hardware_interface> element of tranmission " <<
00072                                                               transmissions[j].name_ << " should be nested inside the <joint> element, not <actuator>. " <<
00073                                                               "The transmission will be properly loaded, but please update " <<
00074                                                               "your robot model to remain compatible with future versions of the plugin.");
00075             }
00076             if (joint_interfaces.empty())
00077             {
00078                 ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim", "Joint " << transmissions[j].joints_[0].name_ <<
00079                                                               " of transmission " << transmissions[j].name_ << " does not specify any hardware interface. " <<
00080                                                               "Not adding it to the robot hardware simulation.");
00081                 continue;
00082             }
00083             else if (joint_interfaces.size() > 1)
00084             {
00085                 ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim", "Joint " << transmissions[j].joints_[0].name_ <<
00086                                                               " of transmission " << transmissions[j].name_ << " specifies multiple hardware interfaces. " <<
00087                                                               "Currently the default robot hardware simulation interface only supports one. Using the first entry!");
00088                 //continue;
00089             }
00091             // Add data from transmission
00092             joint_names_[j] = transmissions[j].joints_[0].name_;
00093             joint_position_[j] = 1.0;
00094             joint_velocity_[j] = 0.0;
00095             joint_effort_[j] = 1.0;  // N/m for continuous joints
00096             joint_effort_command_[j] = 0.0;
00097             joint_position_command_[j] = 0.0;
00098             joint_velocity_command_[j] = 0.0;
00100             const std::string& hardware_interface = joint_interfaces.front();
00102             // Debug
00103             ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim","Loading joint '" << joint_names_[j]
00104                                                           << "' of type '" << hardware_interface << "'");
00106             // Create joint state interface for all joints
00107             js_interface_.registerHandle(hardware_interface::JointStateHandle(
00108                     joint_names_[j], &joint_position_[j], &joint_velocity_[j], &joint_effort_[j]));
00110             // Decide what kind of command interface this actuator/joint has
00111             hardware_interface::JointHandle joint_handle;
00112             hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle jointHandlePosVel;
00113             if(hardware_interface == "EffortJointInterface")
00114             {
00115                 // Create effort joint interface
00116                 joint_control_methods_[j] = EFFORT;
00117                 joint_handle = hardware_interface::JointHandle(js_interface_.getHandle(joint_names_[j]),
00118                                                                &joint_effort_command_[j]);
00119                 ej_interface_.registerHandle(joint_handle);
00120             }
00121             else if(hardware_interface == "PositionJointInterface")
00122             {
00123                 // Create position joint interface
00124                 joint_control_methods_[j] = POSITION;
00125                 joint_handle = hardware_interface::JointHandle(js_interface_.getHandle(joint_names_[j]),
00126                                                                &joint_position_command_[j]);
00127                 pj_interface_.registerHandle(joint_handle);
00128             }
00129             else if(hardware_interface == "VelocityJointInterface")
00130             {
00131                 // Create velocity joint interface
00132                 joint_control_methods_[j] = VELOCITY;
00133                 joint_handle = hardware_interface::JointHandle(js_interface_.getHandle(joint_names_[j]),
00134                                                                &joint_velocity_command_[j]);
00135                 vj_interface_.registerHandle(joint_handle);
00136             }
00137             else if(hardware_interface == "PosVelJointInterface")
00138             {
00139                 // Create velocity joint interface
00140                 joint_control_methods_[j] = POS_VEL;
00142 //                joint_handle = hardware_interface::JointHandle(js_interface_.getHandle(joint_names_[j]),
00143 //                                                               &joint_velocity_command_[j]);
00144                 jointHandlePosVel = hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle(js_interface_.getHandle(joint_names_[j]), &joint_position_command_[j], &joint_velocity_command_[j]);
00145                 pvj_interface_.registerHandle(jointHandlePosVel);
00146             }
00147             else
00148             {
00149                 ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim","No matching hardware interface found for '"
00150                                                               << hardware_interface );
00151                 return false;
00152             }
00154             // Get the gazebo joint that corresponds to the robot joint.
00155             //ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("default_robot_hw_sim", "Getting pointer to gazebo joint: "
00156             //  << joint_names_[j]);
00157             gazebo::physics::JointPtr joint = parent_model->GetJoint(joint_names_[j]);
00158             if (!joint)
00159             {
00160                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM("This robot has a joint named \"" << joint_names_[j]
00161                                  << "\" which is not in the gazebo model.");
00162                 return false;
00163             }
00164             sim_joints_.push_back(joint);
00165             if(!joint_control_methods_[j] != POS_VEL) {
00166                 registerJointLimits(joint_names_[j], joint_handle, joint_control_methods_[j],
00167                                     joint_limit_nh, urdf_model,
00168                                     &joint_types_[j], &joint_lower_limits_[j], &joint_upper_limits_[j],
00169                                     &joint_effort_limits_[j]);
00170             }
00171             else {
00172                 registerJointLimits(joint_names_[j], jointHandlePosVel, joint_control_methods_[j],
00173                                     joint_limit_nh, urdf_model,
00174                                     &joint_types_[j], &joint_lower_limits_[j], &joint_upper_limits_[j],
00175                                     &joint_effort_limits_[j]);
00176             }
00179             if (joint_control_methods_[j] != EFFORT)
00180             {
00181                 // Initialize the PID controller. If no PID gain values are found, use joint->SetAngle() or
00182                 // joint->SetVelocity() to control the joint.
00183                 const ros::NodeHandle nh(model_nh, robot_namespace + "/gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/" +
00184                                                    joint_names_[j]);
00185                 if (pid_controllers_[j].init(nh, true))
00186                 {
00187                     switch (joint_control_methods_[j])
00188                     {
00189                         case POSITION:
00190                             joint_control_methods_[j] = POSITION_PID;
00191                             break;
00192                         case VELOCITY:
00193                             joint_control_methods_[j] = VELOCITY_PID;
00194                             break;
00195                     }
00196                 }
00197                 else
00198                 {
00199                     // joint->SetMaxForce() must be called if joint->SetAngle() or joint->SetVelocity() are
00200                     // going to be called. joint->SetMaxForce() must *not* be called if joint->SetForce() is
00201                     // going to be called.
00202                     joint->SetMaxForce(0, joint_effort_limits_[j]);
00204                 }
00205             }
00206         }
00208         // Register interfaces
00209         registerInterface(&js_interface_);
00210         registerInterface(&ej_interface_);
00211         registerInterface(&pj_interface_);
00212         registerInterface(&vj_interface_);
00213         registerInterface(&pvj_interface_);
00215         // Initialize the emergency stop code.
00216         e_stop_active_ = false;
00217         last_e_stop_active_ = false;
00219         return true;
00220     }
00222     void Armadillo2RobotHWSim::readSim(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
00223     {
00224         for(unsigned int j=0; j < n_dof_; j++)
00225         {
00226             // Gazebo has an interesting API...
00227             if (joint_types_[j] == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC)
00228             {
00229                 joint_position_[j] = sim_joints_[j]->GetAngle(0).Radian();
00230             }
00231             else
00232             {
00233                 joint_position_[j] += angles::shortest_angular_distance(joint_position_[j],
00234                                                                         sim_joints_[j]->GetAngle(0).Radian());
00235             }
00236             joint_velocity_[j] = sim_joints_[j]->GetVelocity(0);
00237             joint_effort_[j] = sim_joints_[j]->GetForce((unsigned int)(0));
00238         }
00239     }
00241     void Armadillo2RobotHWSim::writeSim(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period)
00242     {
00243         // If the E-stop is active, joints controlled by position commands will maintain their positions.
00244         if (e_stop_active_)
00245         {
00246             if (!last_e_stop_active_)
00247             {
00248                 last_joint_position_command_ = joint_position_;
00249                 last_e_stop_active_ = true;
00250             }
00251             joint_position_command_ = last_joint_position_command_;
00252         }
00253         else
00254         {
00255             last_e_stop_active_ = false;
00256         }
00258         ej_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00259         ej_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00260         pj_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00261         pj_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00262         vj_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00263         vj_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period);
00265         for(unsigned int j=0; j < n_dof_; j++)
00266         {
00267             switch (joint_control_methods_[j])
00268             {
00270                 case POS_VEL:
00272                     sim_joints_[j]->SetPosition(0, joint_position_command_[j]);
00273 #else
00274                     sim_joints_[j]->SetAngle(0, joint_position_command_[j]);
00275 #endif
00276                     sim_joints_[j]->SetVelocity(0, e_stop_active_ ? 0 : joint_velocity_command_[j]);
00277                     break;
00279                 case EFFORT:
00280                 {
00281                     const double effort = e_stop_active_ ? 0 : joint_effort_command_[j];
00282                     sim_joints_[j]->SetForce(0, effort);
00283                 }
00284                     break;
00286                 case POSITION:
00288                     sim_joints_[j]->SetPosition(0, joint_position_command_[j]);
00289 #else
00290                     sim_joints_[j]->SetAngle(0, joint_position_command_[j]);
00291 #endif
00292                     break;
00294                 case POSITION_PID:
00295                 {
00296                     double error;
00297                     switch (joint_types_[j])
00298                     {
00299                         case urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE:
00300                             angles::shortest_angular_distance_with_limits(joint_position_[j],
00301                                                                           joint_position_command_[j],
00302                                                                           joint_lower_limits_[j],
00303                                                                           joint_upper_limits_[j],
00304                                                                           error);
00305                             break;
00306                         case urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS:
00307                             error = angles::shortest_angular_distance(joint_position_[j],
00308                                                                       joint_position_command_[j]);
00309                             break;
00310                         default:
00311                             error = joint_position_command_[j] - joint_position_[j];
00312                     }
00314                     const double effort_limit = joint_effort_limits_[j];
00315                     const double effort = clamp(pid_controllers_[j].computeCommand(error, period),
00316                                                 -effort_limit, effort_limit);
00317                     sim_joints_[j]->SetForce(0, effort);
00318                 }
00319                     break;
00321                 case VELOCITY:
00322                     sim_joints_[j]->SetVelocity(0, e_stop_active_ ? 0 : joint_velocity_command_[j]);
00323                     break;
00325                 case VELOCITY_PID:
00326                     double error;
00327                     if (e_stop_active_)
00328                         error = -joint_velocity_[j];
00329                     else
00330                         error = joint_velocity_command_[j] - joint_velocity_[j];
00331                     const double effort_limit = joint_effort_limits_[j];
00332                     const double effort = clamp(pid_controllers_[j].computeCommand(error, period),
00333                                                 -effort_limit, effort_limit);
00334                     sim_joints_[j]->SetForce(0, effort);
00335                     break;
00337             }
00338         }
00339     }
00341     void Armadillo2RobotHWSim::eStopActive(const bool active)
00342     {
00343         e_stop_active_ = active;
00344     }
00346 // Register the limits of the joint specified by joint_name and joint_handle. The limits are
00347 // retrieved from joint_limit_nh. If urdf_model is not NULL, limits are retrieved from it also.
00348 // Return the joint's type, lower position limit, upper position limit, and effort limit.
00349     void Armadillo2RobotHWSim::registerJointLimits(const std::string& joint_name,
00350                                                   const hardware_interface::JointHandle& joint_handle,
00351                                                   const ControlMethod ctrl_method,
00352                                                   const ros::NodeHandle& joint_limit_nh,
00353                                                   const urdf::Model *const urdf_model,
00354                                                   int *const joint_type, double *const lower_limit,
00355                                                   double *const upper_limit, double *const effort_limit)
00356     {
00357         *joint_type = urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN;
00358         *lower_limit = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00359         *upper_limit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00360         *effort_limit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00362         joint_limits_interface::JointLimits limits;
00363         bool has_limits = false;
00364         joint_limits_interface::SoftJointLimits soft_limits;
00365         bool has_soft_limits = false;
00367         if (urdf_model != NULL)
00368         {
00369             const boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> urdf_joint = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name);
00370             if (urdf_joint != NULL)
00371             {
00372                 *joint_type = urdf_joint->type;
00373                 // Get limits from the URDF file.
00374                 if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(urdf_joint, limits))
00375                     has_limits = true;
00376                 if (joint_limits_interface::getSoftJointLimits(urdf_joint, soft_limits))
00377                     has_soft_limits = true;
00378             }
00379         }
00380         // Get limits from the parameter server.
00381         if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(joint_name, joint_limit_nh, limits))
00382             has_limits = true;
00384         if (!has_limits)
00385             return;
00387         if (*joint_type == urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN)
00388         {
00389             // Infer the joint type.
00391             if (limits.has_position_limits)
00392             {
00393                 *joint_type = urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE;
00394             }
00395             else
00396             {
00397                 if (limits.angle_wraparound)
00398                     *joint_type = urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS;
00399                 else
00400                     *joint_type = urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC;
00401             }
00402         }
00404         if (limits.has_position_limits)
00405         {
00406             *lower_limit = limits.min_position;
00407             *upper_limit = limits.max_position;
00408         }
00409         if (limits.has_effort_limits)
00410             *effort_limit = limits.max_effort;
00412         if (has_soft_limits)
00413         {
00414             switch (ctrl_method)
00415             {
00416                 case EFFORT:
00417                 {
00418                     const joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSoftLimitsHandle
00419                             limits_handle(joint_handle, limits, soft_limits);
00420                     ej_limits_interface_.registerHandle(limits_handle);
00421                 }
00422                     break;
00423                 case POSITION:
00424                 {
00425                     const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSoftLimitsHandle
00426                             limits_handle(joint_handle, limits, soft_limits);
00427                     pj_limits_interface_.registerHandle(limits_handle);
00428                 }
00429                     break;
00430                 case VELOCITY:
00431                 {
00432                     const joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSoftLimitsHandle
00433                             limits_handle(joint_handle, limits, soft_limits);
00434                     vj_limits_interface_.registerHandle(limits_handle);
00435                 }
00436                     break;
00437             }
00438         }
00439         else
00440         {
00441             switch (ctrl_method)
00442             {
00443                 case EFFORT:
00444                 {
00445                     const joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationHandle
00446                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00447                     ej_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00448                 }
00449                     break;
00450                 case POSITION:
00451                 {
00452                     const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationHandle
00453                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00454                     pj_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00455                 }
00456                     break;
00457                 case VELOCITY:
00458                 {
00459                     const joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSaturationHandle
00460                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00461                     vj_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00462                 }
00463                     break;
00464             }
00465         }
00466     }
00469     void Armadillo2RobotHWSim::registerJointLimits(const std::string& joint_name,
00470                                                   const hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle& joint_handle,
00471                                                   const ControlMethod ctrl_method,
00472                                                   const ros::NodeHandle& joint_limit_nh,
00473                                                   const urdf::Model *const urdf_model,
00474                                                   int *const joint_type, double *const lower_limit,
00475                                                   double *const upper_limit, double *const effort_limit)
00476     {
00477         *joint_type = urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN;
00478         *lower_limit = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00479         *upper_limit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00480         *effort_limit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00482         joint_limits_interface::JointLimits limits;
00483         bool has_limits = false;
00484         joint_limits_interface::SoftJointLimits soft_limits;
00485         bool has_soft_limits = false;
00487         if (urdf_model != NULL)
00488         {
00489             const boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> urdf_joint = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name);
00490             if (urdf_joint != NULL)
00491             {
00492                 *joint_type = urdf_joint->type;
00493                 // Get limits from the URDF file.
00494                 if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(urdf_joint, limits))
00495                     has_limits = true;
00496                 if (joint_limits_interface::getSoftJointLimits(urdf_joint, soft_limits))
00497                     has_soft_limits = true;
00498             }
00499         }
00500         // Get limits from the parameter server.
00501         if (joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits(joint_name, joint_limit_nh, limits))
00502             has_limits = true;
00504         if (!has_limits)
00505             return;
00507         if (*joint_type == urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN)
00508         {
00509             // Infer the joint type.
00511             if (limits.has_position_limits)
00512             {
00513                 *joint_type = urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE;
00514             }
00515             else
00516             {
00517                 if (limits.angle_wraparound)
00518                     *joint_type = urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS;
00519                 else
00520                     *joint_type = urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC;
00521             }
00522         }
00524         if (limits.has_position_limits)
00525         {
00526             *lower_limit = limits.min_position;
00527             *upper_limit = limits.max_position;
00528         }
00529         if (limits.has_effort_limits)
00530             *effort_limit = limits.max_effort;
00532       /*  if (has_soft_limits)
00533         {
00534             switch (ctrl_method)
00535             {
00536                 case POS_VEL:
00537                 {
00538                     const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSoftLimitsHandle limits_handle(joint_handle., limits, soft_limits);
00539                     pj_limits_interface_.registerHandle(limits_handle);
00540                 }
00541                     break;
00542             };
00543         }
00544         else
00545         {
00546             switch (ctrl_method)
00547             {
00548                 case EFFORT:
00549                 {
00550                     const joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationHandle
00551                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00552                     ej_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00553                 }
00554                     break;
00555                 case POSITION:
00556                 {
00557                     const joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationHandle
00558                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00559                     pj_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00560                 }
00561                     break;
00562                 case VELOCITY:
00563                 {
00564                     const joint_limits_interface::VelocityJointSaturationHandle
00565                             sat_handle(joint_handle, limits);
00566                     vj_sat_interface_.registerHandle(sat_handle);
00567                 }
00568                     break;
00569             }
00570         }*/
00571     }
00573     PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(gazebo_ros_control::Armadillo2RobotHWSim, gazebo_ros_control::RobotHWSim)
00574 }

autogenerated on Fri Oct 27 2017 03:02:48