Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import serial
00002 import time
00003 import roslaunch
00004 import rosnode
00005 from BAL.Devices.DevicesBuilder.deviceBuilder import DeviceBuilder
00006 from BAL.Exceptions.VersionError import VersionError, NEED_TO_UPDATE
00007 from BAL.Handlers.incomingDataHandler import IncomingDataHandler
00008 from BAL.Handlers.incomingHandler import IncomingHandler, MOTOR_RES, CLOSE_DIFF_RES, URF_RES, SWITCH_RES, IMU_RES, \
00009     GPS_RES, \
00011 from BAL.Handlers.incomingMsgHandler import IncomingMsgHandler
00012 from BAL.Handlers.serialWriteHandler import SerialWriteHandler, HEADER_START, HEADER_DEBUG, KEEP_ALIVE_HEADER
00013 from BAL.Header.Response.IMUPublishResponse import IMUPublishResponse
00014 from BAL.Header.Response.ServoPublishResponse import ServoPublishResponse
00015 from BAL.Header.Response.URFPublishResponse import URFPublishResponse
00016 from BAL.Header.Response.VersionResponds import VersionResponds
00017 from BAL.Header.Response.batteryPublishResponse import BatteryPublishResponse
00018 from BAL.Header.Response.closeDiffPublishResponse import CloseDiffPublishRepose
00019 from BAL.Header.Response.closeLoopPublishResponse import CloseLoopPublishResponse
00020 from BAL.Header.Response.gpsPublishResponse import GPSPublishResponse
00021 from BAL.Header.Response.imuCalibResponse import ImuCalibResponse
00022 from BAL.Header.Response.ppmPublishResponse import PPMPublishResponse
00023 from BAL.Header.Response.switchResponse import SwitchResponse
00025 from BAL.ServerPkg.server import Server
00027 __author__ = 'tom1231'
00028 import roslib;
00030 roslib.load_manifest('ric_board')
00031 import rospy
00032 import subprocess
00033 import shlex
00034 from BAL.Header.Response.ConnectionResponse import ConnectionResponse, RES_ID
00035 from BAL.Header.Requests.ConnectionRequest import ConnectionRequest
00036 from BAL.RiCParam.RiCParam import RiCParam
00037 from serial import Serial, SerialException
00038 from threading import Thread
00040 CON_REQ = 1
00042 SERVO_RES = 102
00043 STATUS_RES = 100
00045 INFO = 0
00046 ERROR = 1
00047 WARRNING = 2
00049 VERSION = 7.0
00051 WD_TIMEOUT = 5000
00054 class Program:
00055     def __init__(self):
00056         try:
00058             self._toQuit = False
00060             rospy.init_node('RiCTraffic')
00061             params = RiCParam()
00062             ser = Serial('/dev/%s' % params.getConPort())
00063             ser.flushInput()
00064             ser.flushOutput()
00065             incomingHandler = IncomingHandler()
00066             input = ser
00067             output = SerialWriteHandler(ser, incomingHandler, input)
00068             data = []
00069             toPrint = ''
00070             input.baudrate = 9600
00071             incomingLength = 0
00072             headerId = 0
00073             devBuilder = DeviceBuilder(params, output, input, incomingHandler)
00074             gotHeaderStart = False
00075             gotHeaderDebug = False
00076             msgHandler = None
00077             server = None
00079             rospy.loginfo("Current version: %.2f" % VERSION)
00080             is_wd_active = False
00081             try:
00082                 self.waitForConnection(output)
00083                 if self.checkVer(input):
00084                     input.timeout = None
00085                     rospy.loginfo("Configuring devices...")
00086                     devBuilder.createServos()
00087                     devBuilder.createCLMotors()
00088                     devBuilder.createDiff()
00089                     devBuilder.createURF()
00090                     devBuilder.createSwitchs()
00091                     devBuilder.createPPM()
00092                     devBuilder.createIMU()
00093                     devBuilder.createRelays()
00094                     devBuilder.createGPS()
00095                     devBuilder.createOpenLoopMotors()
00096                     devBuilder.createBattery()
00097                     devBuilder.createOpenDiff()
00098                     devBuilder.createDiffFour()
00099                     devBuilder.createEmergencySwitch()
00100                     devs = devBuilder.getDevs()
00101                     devBuilder.sendFinishBuilding()
00102                     input.timeout = None
00103                     rospy.loginfo("Done, RiC Board is ready.")
00104                     msgHandler = IncomingMsgHandler(devs, output)
00105                     server = Server(devs, params)
00106                     Thread(target=self.checkForSubscribers, args=(devs,)).start()
00107                     Thread(, args=()).start()
00108                     wd_keep_alive = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
00109                     while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not is_wd_active:
00110                         if gotHeaderStart:
00111                             if len(data) < 1:
00112                                 data.append(
00113                                 incomingLength, headerId = incomingHandler.getIncomingHeaderSizeAndId(data)
00114                             elif incomingLength >= 1:
00115                                 for i in range(1, incomingLength):
00116                                     data.append(
00117                                 msg = self.genData(data, headerId)
00118                                 if msg is not None and msg.getId() != CON_REQ:
00119                                     msgHandler.addMsg(msg)
00120                                 elif msg.getId() == CON_REQ and not msg.toConnect():
00121                                     subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("pkill -f RiCTraffic"))
00122                                     rospy.logerr("Emergency button is activated.")
00123                                     break
00124                                 data = []
00125                                 gotHeaderStart = False
00126                             else:
00127                                 data = []
00128                                 gotHeaderStart = False
00129                         elif gotHeaderDebug:
00130                             size = ord(
00132                             for i in xrange(size):
00133                                 toPrint +=
00135                             code = ord(
00137                             if code == INFO:
00138                                 rospy.loginfo(toPrint)
00139                             elif code == ERROR:
00140                                 rospy.logerr(toPrint)
00141                             elif code == WARRNING:
00142                                 rospy.logwarn(toPrint)
00144                             toPrint = ''
00145                             gotHeaderDebug = False
00146                         elif input.inWaiting() > 0:
00147                             checkHead = ord(
00148                             if checkHead == HEADER_START:
00149                                 gotHeaderStart = True
00150                             elif checkHead == HEADER_DEBUG:
00151                                 gotHeaderDebug = True
00152                             elif checkHead == KEEP_ALIVE_HEADER:
00153                                 wd_keep_alive = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
00154                         is_wd_active = (int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - wd_keep_alive) > WD_TIMEOUT
00155                 else:
00156                     raise VersionError(NEED_TO_UPDATE)
00157                 if is_wd_active:
00158                     rospy.logerr(
00159                         "RiCBoard isn't responding.\nThe Following things can make this happen:"
00160                         "\n1) If accidentally the manual driving is turn on, If so turn it off the relaunch the RiCBoard"
00161                         "\n2) If accidentally the RiCTakeovver gui is turn on,If so turn it off the relaunch the RiCBoard"
00162                         "\n3) The RiCBoard is stuck, If so please power off the robot and start it again. And contact RobotICan support by this email:")
00163             except KeyboardInterrupt:
00164                 pass
00166             except VersionError:
00167                 rospy.logerr("Can't load RiCBoard because the version don't mach please update the firmware.")
00170             finally:
00171                 if not is_wd_active:
00172                     con = ConnectionResponse(False)
00173                     output.writeAndWaitForAck(con.dataTosend(), RES_ID)
00174                 ser.close()
00175                 if msgHandler != None: msgHandler.close()
00176                 self._toQuit = True
00178         except SerialException:
00179             rospy.logerr("Can't find RiCBoard, please check if its connected to the computer.")
00181     def checkForSubscribers(self, devs):
00182         while not self._toQuit:
00183             if len(devs['servos']) > 0:
00184                 for servo in devs['servos']:
00185                     servo.checkForSubscribers()
00186             if len(devs['motorsCl']) > 0:
00187                 for motor in devs['motorsCl']:
00188                     motor.checkForSubscribers()
00189             if len(devs['urf']) > 0:
00190                 for urf in devs['urf']:
00191                     urf.checkForSubscribers()
00192             if len(devs['switch']) > 0:
00193                 for switch in devs['switch']:
00194                     switch.checkForSubscribers()
00195             if len(devs['diff']) > 0:
00196                 devs['diff'][0].checkForSubscribers()
00197             if len(devs['imu']) > 0:
00198                 devs['imu'][0].checkForSubscribers()
00199             if len(devs['gps']) > 0:
00200                 devs['gps'][0].checkForSubscribers()
00201             if len(devs['ppm']) > 0:
00202                 devs['ppm'][0].checkForSubscribers()
00203             if len(devs['battery']) > 0:
00204                 devs['battery'][0].checkForSubscribers()
00206     def genData(self, data, headerId):
00207         result = None
00208         if headerId == CON_REQ: result = ConnectionRequest()
00209         if headerId == SERVO_RES: result = ServoPublishResponse()
00210         if headerId == MOTOR_RES: result = CloseLoopPublishResponse()
00211         if headerId == CLOSE_DIFF_RES: result = CloseDiffPublishRepose()
00212         if headerId == URF_RES: result = URFPublishResponse()
00213         if headerId == SWITCH_RES: result = SwitchResponse()
00214         if headerId == IMU_RES: result = IMUPublishResponse()
00215         if headerId == GPS_RES: result = GPSPublishResponse()
00216         if headerId == PPM_RES: result = PPMPublishResponse()
00217         if headerId == BAT_RES: result = BatteryPublishResponse()
00218         if headerId == IMU_CLIB_RES: result = ImuCalibResponse()
00220         if result is not None: result.buildRequest(data)
00221         return result
00223     def waitForConnection(self, output):
00224         output.writeAndWaitForAck(ConnectionResponse(True).dataTosend(), RES_ID)
00226     def checkVer(self, input):
00227         data = []
00228         gotHeaderStart = False
00229         verInfo = VersionResponds()
00230         input.setTimeout(1)
00231         countUntilTimeout = 0
00232         while not rospy.is_shutdown() and countUntilTimeout < 3:
00233             try:
00234                 if gotHeaderStart:
00235                     for i in range(1, 11):
00236                         data.append(
00237                     verInfo.buildRequest(data)
00239                     if verInfo.checkPackage() and abs(verInfo.getVersion() - VERSION) < 1:
00240                         if verInfo.getVersion() < VERSION:
00241                             rospy.logwarn(
00242                                 "RiCBord has a firmware %.2f please update the firmware for better performers" % (
00243                                     verInfo.getVersion()))
00244                         elif verInfo.getVersion() > VERSION:
00245                             rospy.logwarn(
00246                                 "RiCBord has a firmware %.2f please update your package for better performers" % (
00247                                     verInfo.getVersion()))
00248                         return True
00249                     else:
00250                         return False
00252                 elif ord( == HEADER_START:
00253                     gotHeaderStart = True
00255             except TypeError:
00256                 pass
00257             finally:
00258                 countUntilTimeout += 1
00259         return False

Author(s): RoboTiCan
autogenerated on Fri Oct 27 2017 03:02:30