Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00018 #include <cob_gazebo_ros_control/hwi_switch_gazebo_ros_control_plugin.h>
00019 #include <urdf/model.h>
00021 namespace cob_gazebo_ros_control
00022 {
00024 // Overloaded Gazebo entry point
00025 void HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr parent, sdf::ElementPtr sdf)
00026 {
00027   ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Loading cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin");
00028   enable_joint_filtering_ = false;
00030   // Save pointers to the model
00031   parent_model_ = parent;
00032   sdf_ = sdf;
00034   // Error message if the model couldn't be found
00035   if (!parent_model_)
00036   {
00037     ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","parent model is NULL");
00038     return;
00039   }
00041   // Check that ROS has been initialized
00042   if(!ros::isInitialized())
00043   {
00044     ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. "
00045       << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)");
00046     return;
00047   }
00049   // Get namespace for nodehandle
00050   if(sdf_->HasElement("robotNamespace"))
00051   {
00052     robot_namespace_ = sdf_->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>();
00053   }
00054   else
00055   {
00056     robot_namespace_ = parent_model_->GetName(); // default
00057   }
00059   // Get robot_description ROS param name
00060   if (sdf_->HasElement("robotParam"))
00061   {
00062     robot_description_ = sdf_->GetElement("robotParam")->Get<std::string>();
00063   }
00064   else
00065   {
00066     robot_description_ = "robot_description"; // default
00067   }
00069   // Get the robot simulation interface type
00070   if(sdf_->HasElement("robotSimType"))
00071   {
00072     //robot_hw_sim_type_str_ = sdf_->Get<std::string>("robotSimType");
00073     robot_hw_sim_type_str_ = "cob_gazebo_ros_control/HWISwitchRobotHWSim";
00074     ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Tag 'robotSimType' is currently ignored. Using default plugin for RobotHWSim \""<<robot_hw_sim_type_str_<<"\"");
00075   }
00076   else
00077   {
00078     robot_hw_sim_type_str_ = "cob_gazebo_ros_control/HWISwitchRobotHWSim";
00079     ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Using default plugin for RobotHWSim (none specified in URDF/SDF)\""<<robot_hw_sim_type_str_<<"\"");
00080   }
00082   // Get the Gazebo simulation period
00083   ros::Duration gazebo_period(parent_model_->GetWorld()->GetPhysicsEngine()->GetMaxStepSize());
00085   // Decide the plugin control period
00086   if(sdf_->HasElement("controlPeriod"))
00087   {
00088     control_period_ = ros::Duration(sdf_->Get<double>("controlPeriod"));
00090     // Check the period against the simulation period
00091     if( control_period_ < gazebo_period )
00092     {
00093       ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Desired controller update period ("<<control_period_
00094         <<" s) is faster than the gazebo simulation period ("<<gazebo_period<<" s).");
00095     }
00096     else if( control_period_ > gazebo_period )
00097     {
00098       ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Desired controller update period ("<<control_period_
00099         <<" s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period ("<<gazebo_period<<" s).");
00100     }
00101   }
00102   else
00103   {
00104     control_period_ = gazebo_period;
00105     ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Control period not found in URDF/SDF, defaulting to Gazebo period of "
00106       << control_period_);
00107   }
00109   // Get parameters/settings for controllers from ROS param server
00110   model_nh_ = ros::NodeHandle(robot_namespace_);
00112   // Initialize the emergency stop code.
00113   e_stop_active_ = false;
00114   last_e_stop_active_ = false;
00115   if (sdf_->HasElement("eStopTopic"))
00116   {
00117     const std::string e_stop_topic = sdf_->GetElement("eStopTopic")->Get<std::string>();
00118     e_stop_sub_ = model_nh_.subscribe(e_stop_topic, 1, &HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::eStopCB, this);
00119   }
00121   // Initialize the code to handle state_valid.
00122   state_valid_ = true;
00123   if (sdf_->HasElement("stateValidTopic"))
00124   {
00125     const std::string state_valid_topic = sdf_->GetElement("stateValidTopic")->Get<std::string>();
00126     state_valid_sub_ = model_nh_.subscribe(state_valid_topic, 1, &HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::stateValidCB, this);
00127   }
00129   // Determine whether to filter joints
00130   if(sdf_->HasElement("filterJointsParam"))
00131   {
00132     enable_joint_filtering_ = true;
00133     filterJointsParam_ = sdf_->Get<std::string>("filterJointsParam");
00134     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Enable joint-filtering. Using joint_names from parameter: \""<<filterJointsParam_<<"\"");
00135   }
00136   else
00137   {
00138     enable_joint_filtering_ = false;
00139     filterJointsParam_ = "";
00140     ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Joint-filtering is disabled. The plugin will set up JointHandles for all joints!");
00141   }
00143   ROS_INFO_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control", "Starting cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: %s", robot_namespace_.c_str());
00145   // Read urdf from ros parameter server then
00146   // setup actuators and mechanism control node.
00147   // This call will block if ROS is not properly initialized.
00148   const std::string urdf_string = getURDF(robot_description_);
00149   if (!parseTransmissionsFromURDF(urdf_string))
00150   {
00151     ROS_ERROR_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control", "Error parsing URDF in cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin, plugin not active.\n");
00152     return;
00153   }
00155   // Load the RobotHWSim abstraction to interface the controllers with the gazebo model
00156   try
00157   {
00158     //robot_hw_sim_loader_.reset
00159       //(new pluginlib::ClassLoader<gazebo_ros_control::RobotHWSim>
00160         //("gazebo_ros_control",
00161           //"gazebo_ros_control::RobotHWSim"));
00163     //robot_hw_sim_ = robot_hw_sim_loader_->createInstance(robot_hw_sim_type_str_);
00165     hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_.reset(new cob_gazebo_ros_control::HWISwitchRobotHWSim());
00168     urdf::Model urdf_model;
00169     const urdf::Model *const urdf_model_ptr = urdf_model.initString(urdf_string) ? &urdf_model : NULL;
00171     if(enable_joint_filtering_)
00172     {
00173       if(!hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->enableJointFiltering(model_nh_, filterJointsParam_))
00174       {
00175         ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Joint-filtering was enabled but param '"<<filterJointsParam_<<"' was not found");
00176         return;
00177       }
00178     }
00180     if(!hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->initSim(robot_namespace_, model_nh_, parent_model_, urdf_model_ptr, transmissions_))
00181     {
00182       ROS_FATAL_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Could not initialize robot simulation interface");
00183       return;
00184     }
00186     // Create the controller manager
00187     ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Loading controller_manager");
00188     controller_manager_.reset
00189       (new controller_manager::ControllerManager(hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_.get(), model_nh_));
00191     // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every simulation iteration.
00192     update_connection_ =
00193       gazebo::event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin
00194       (boost::bind(&HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::Update, this));
00196   }
00197   catch(pluginlib::LibraryLoadException &ex)
00198   {
00199     ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control","Failed to create robot simulation interface loader: "<<ex.what());
00200   }
00202   ROS_INFO_NAMED("cob_gazebo_ros_control", "Loaded cob_gazebo_ros_control.");
00203 }
00205 // Called by the world update start event
00206 void HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::Update()
00207 {
00208   // Get the simulation time and period
00209   gazebo::common::Time gz_time_now = parent_model_->GetWorld()->GetSimTime();
00210   ros::Time sim_time_ros(gz_time_now.sec, gz_time_now.nsec);
00211   ros::Duration sim_period = sim_time_ros - last_update_sim_time_ros_;
00213   hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->eStopActive(e_stop_active_);
00214   hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->stateValid(state_valid_);
00215   e_stop_active_ = e_stop_active_ || not state_valid_;
00217   // Check if we should update the controllers
00218   if(sim_period >= control_period_) {
00219     // Store this simulation time
00220     last_update_sim_time_ros_ = sim_time_ros;
00222     // Update the robot simulation with the state of the gazebo model
00223     hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->readSim(sim_time_ros, sim_period);
00225     // Compute the controller commands
00226     bool reset_ctrlrs;
00227     if (e_stop_active_)
00228     {
00229       reset_ctrlrs = false;
00230       last_e_stop_active_ = true;
00231     }
00232     else
00233     {
00234       if (last_e_stop_active_)
00235       {
00236         reset_ctrlrs = true;
00237         last_e_stop_active_ = false;
00238       }
00239       else
00240       {
00241         reset_ctrlrs = false;
00242       }
00243     }
00244     controller_manager_->update(sim_time_ros, sim_period, reset_ctrlrs);
00245   }
00247   // Update the gazebo model with the result of the controller
00248   // computation
00249   hwi_switch_robot_hw_sim_->writeSim(sim_time_ros, sim_time_ros - last_write_sim_time_ros_);
00250   last_write_sim_time_ros_ = sim_time_ros;
00251 }
00253 // Emergency stop callback
00254 void HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::eStopCB(const std_msgs::BoolConstPtr& e_stop_active)
00255 {
00256   e_stop_active_ = e_stop_active->data;
00257 }
00259 // State valid callback
00260 void HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin::stateValidCB(const std_msgs::BoolConstPtr& state_valid)
00261 {
00262   state_valid_ = state_valid->data;
00263 }
00265 // Register this plugin with the simulator
00266 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN(HWISwitchGazeboRosControlPlugin);
00267 } // namespace

Author(s): Felix Messmer
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:53:57