Package roslaunch :: Module loader :: Class Loader
[frames] | no frames]

Class Loader

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Lower-level library for loading ROS launch model. It provides an abstraction between the representation (e.g. XML) and the validation of the property values.

Instance Methods
add_param(self, ros_config, param_name, param_value, verbose=True)
Add Param instances to launch config.
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load_rosparam(self, context, ros_config, cmd, param, file_, text, verbose=True)
Load rosparam setting
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load_env(self, context, ros_config, name, value)
Load environment variable setting
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param_value(self, verbose, name, ptype, value, textfile, binfile, command)
Parse text representation of param spec into Python value
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

add_param(self, ros_config, param_name, param_value, verbose=True)

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Add Param instances to launch config. Dictionary values are unrolled into individual parameters.

  • ros_config (ROSLaunchConfig) - launch configuration
  • param_name (str) - name of parameter namespace to load values into. If param_name is '/', param_value must be a dictionary
  • param_value (str) - value to assign to param_name. If param_value is a dictionary, it's values will be unrolled into individual parameters.
  • ValueError - if parameters cannot be processed into valid Params

load_rosparam(self, context, ros_config, cmd, param, file_, text, verbose=True)

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Load rosparam setting

  • context (LoaderContext) - Loader context
  • ros_config (ROSLaunchConfig) - launch configuration
  • cmd (str) - 'load', 'dump', or 'delete'
  • file_ (str) - filename for rosparam to use or None
  • text (str) - text for rosparam to load. Ignored if file_ is set.
  • ValueError - if parameters cannot be processed into valid rosparam setting

load_env(self, context, ros_config, name, value)

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Load environment variable setting

  • context (LoaderContext) - Loader context
  • ros_config (ROSLaunchConfig) - launch configuration
  • name (str) - environment variable name
  • value (str) - environment variable value

param_value(self, verbose, name, ptype, value, textfile, binfile, command)

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Parse text representation of param spec into Python value

  • name (str) - param name, for error message use only
  • verbose (bool) - print verbose output
  • textfile (str) - name of text file to load from, or None
  • binfile (str) - name of binary file to load from, or None
  • command (str) - command to execute for parameter value, or None
  • ValueError - if parameters are invalid