Package roslaunch :: Module core :: Class Test
[frames] | no frames]

Class Test

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object --+    
      Node --+

A Test is a Node with special semantics that it performs a unit/integration test. The data model is the same except the option to set the respawn flag is removed.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, test_name, package, node_type, name=None, namespace='/', machine_name=None, args='', remap_args=None, env_args=None, time_limit=None, cwd=None, launch_prefix=None, retry=None, filename='<unknown>')
Construct a new test node.
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xmltype(self) source code
NOTE: xmlattrs does not necessarily produce identical XML as to what it was initialized with, though the properties are the same
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convert representation into remote representation. (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
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convert representation into XML representation. (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

  args (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  cwd (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  env_args (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  filename (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  launch_prefix (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  machine (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  machine_name (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  name (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  namespace (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  output (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  package (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  process_name (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  remap_args (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  required (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  respawn (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)
  type (Inherited from roslaunch.core.Node)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, test_name, package, node_type, name=None, namespace='/', machine_name=None, args='', remap_args=None, env_args=None, time_limit=None, cwd=None, launch_prefix=None, retry=None, filename='<unknown>')

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Construct a new test node.
:param test_name: name of test for recording in test results, ``str``
:param time_limit: number of seconds that a test
  should run before marked as a failure, ``int/float/long``

Overrides: object.__init__


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Overrides: Node.xmltype


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NOTE: xmlattrs does not necessarily produce identical XML as to what it was initialized with, though the properties are the same

Overrides: Node.xmlattrs