Go to the documentation of this file.
00063 // OpenCV:
00064 #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
00065 #include <cv.h>
00066 #include <highgui.h>
00068 // Boost:
00069 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
00070 #include <boost/timer.hpp>
00071 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
00073 // PCL:
00074 #include <pcl/point_types.h>
00075 #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
00076 #include <pcl/PointIndices.h>
00077 #include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h>
00078 #include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
00079 #include <pcl/visualization/point_cloud_handlers.h>
00081 // Package Includes:
00082 #include "cob_3d_mapping_common/point_types.h"
00083 #include "cob_3d_features/organized_normal_estimation.h"
00084 #include "cob_3d_features/organized_curvature_estimation_omp.h"
00085 #include "cob_3d_features/curvature_classifier.h"
00086 #include "cob_3d_features/impl/curvature_classifier.hpp"
00089 using namespace std;
00090 using namespace pcl;
00092 typedef visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointXYZRGB> ColorHdlRGB;
00094 string file_in_, file_out_, file_cluster_;
00095 float rn_;
00096 int rfp_;
00097 float ex_th_;
00098 bool en_one_;
00100 void readOptions(int argc, char* argv[])
00101 {
00102   using namespace boost::program_options;
00103   options_description options("Options");
00104   options.add_options()
00105     ("help", "produce help message")
00106     ("in,i", value<string>(&file_in_), "input pcd file")
00107     ("cl,c", value<string>(&file_cluster_), "input indices file")
00108     ("out,o", value<string>(&file_out_), "output pcd file")
00109     ("normal,n", value<float>(&rn_)->default_value(0.025),
00110      "set normal estimation radius")
00111     ("feature,f", value<int>(&rfp_)->default_value(20),
00112      "set 3d edge estimation radius")
00113     ("extraction_th,x", value<float>(&ex_th_)->default_value(0.1),
00114       "set the strength threshold for edge extraction")
00115     ("one", "use organized normal estimation (one) instead of original normal estimation (ne)")
00116     ;
00118   positional_options_description p_opt;
00119   p_opt.add("in", 1);
00120   variables_map vm;
00121   store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options).positional(p_opt).run(), vm);
00122   notify(vm);
00124   if (vm.count("help"))
00125   {
00126     cout << options << endl;
00127     exit(0);
00128   }
00129   en_one_ = vm.count("one");
00130 }
00132 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00133 {
00134   readOptions(argc, argv);
00135   boost::timer t;
00137   // 3D point clouds
00138   PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr p(new PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>);
00139   PointCloud<Normal>::Ptr n(new PointCloud<Normal>);
00140   PointCloud<PrincipalCurvatures>::Ptr pc(new PointCloud<PrincipalCurvatures>);
00141   PointCloud<PointLabel>::Ptr l(new PointCloud<PointLabel>);
00143   PCDReader r;
00144   if (r.read(file_in_, *p) == -1) return(0);
00146   vector<PointIndices> indices;
00147   ifstream fs;
00149   string line;
00150   fs.open(file_cluster_.c_str());
00151   if (fs.is_open())
00152   {
00153     while(fs.good())
00154     {
00155       getline (fs,line);
00156       istringstream iss(line);
00157       PointIndices pi;
00158       do
00159       {
00160         int temp;
00161         iss >> temp;
00162         pi.indices.push_back(temp);
00163       } while(iss);
00164       if(pi.indices.size()>0)
00165         indices.push_back(pi);
00166     }
00167   }
00168   std::cout << "indices file read successfully" << std::endl;
00170   // --- Normal Estimation ---
00171   if (en_one_)
00172   {
00173     t.restart();
00174     cob_3d_features::OrganizedNormalEstimation<PointXYZRGB, Normal, PointLabel>one;
00175     one.setInputCloud(p);
00176     one.setOutputLabels(l);
00177     //one.setPixelSearchRadius(pns_n_,points_,circle_); //radius,pixel,circle
00178     one.setPixelSearchRadius(8,2,2);
00179     one.setSkipDistantPointThreshold(12);
00180     one.compute(*n);
00181     cout << t.elapsed() << "s\t for Organized Normal Estimation" << endl;
00182   }
00183   else
00184   {
00185     t.restart();
00186     #ifdef PCL_VERSION_COMPARE //fuerte
00187       pcl::search::KdTree<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointXYZRGB>());
00188     #else //electric
00189       pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree (new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointXYZRGB> ());
00190     #endif
00191     NormalEstimation<PointXYZRGB, Normal> ne;
00192     ne.setRadiusSearch(rn_);
00193     ne.setSearchMethod(tree);
00194     ne.setInputCloud(p);
00195     ne.compute(*n);
00196     cout << t.elapsed() << "s\t for normal estimation" << endl;
00197   }
00198   cob_3d_features::OrganizedCurvatureEstimationOMP<PointXYZRGB, Normal, PointLabel, PrincipalCurvatures> oce;
00199   oce.setInputCloud(p);
00200   oce.setInputNormals(n);
00201   oce.setPixelSearchRadius(8,2,2);
00202   oce.setSkipDistantPointThreshold(12);
00204   //KdTreeFLANN<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree(new KdTreeFLANN<PointXYZRGB>);
00205   //ne.setRadiusSearch(rn_);
00206   //ne.setSearchMethod(tree);
00207   if (indices.size() == 0)
00208   {
00209     oce.setOutputLabels(l);
00210     oce.compute(*pc);
00211     cob_3d_features::CurvatureClassifier<PrincipalCurvatures, PointLabel>cc;
00212     cc.setInputCloud(pc);
00213     cc.classify(*l);
00214   }
00215   else
00216   {
00217     for(unsigned int i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
00218     {
00219       std::cout << "cluster " << i << " has " << indices[i].indices.size() << " points" << std::endl;
00220       if(i==3)
00221       {
00222         /*for(unsigned int j=0; j<indices[i].indices.size(); j++)
00223           std::cout << indices[i].indices[j] << ",";
00224           std::cout << std::endl;*/
00225         //cout << i << ": " << indices[i].indices.front() << "!" << endl;
00226         t.restart();
00227         boost::shared_ptr<PointIndices> ind_ptr = boost::make_shared<PointIndices>(indices[i]);
00228         std::cout << ind_ptr->indices.size() << std::endl;
00229         oce.setIndices(ind_ptr);
00230         oce.setOutputLabels(l);
00231         oce.compute(*pc);
00232         cout << t.elapsed() << "s\t for principal curvature estimation" << endl;
00234         cob_3d_features::CurvatureClassifier<PrincipalCurvatures, PointLabel>cc;
00235         cc.setInputCloud(pc);
00236         cc.setIndices(ind_ptr);
00237         cc.classify(*l);
00238       }
00239     }
00240   }
00241   // colorize edges of 3d point cloud
00242   for (size_t i = 0; i < l->points.size(); i++)
00243   {
00244     //std::cout << l->points[i].label << std::endl;
00245     if (l->points[i].label == I_UNDEF)
00246     {
00247       p->points[i].r = 0;
00248       p->points[i].g = 0;
00249       p->points[i].b = 0;
00250     }
00251     else if (l->points[i].label == I_NAN)
00252     {
00253       p->points[i].r = 0;
00254       p->points[i].g = 255;
00255       p->points[i].b = 0;
00256     }
00257     else if (l->points[i].label == I_EDGE)
00258     {
00259       p->points[i].r = 0;
00260       p->points[i].g = 0;
00261       p->points[i].b = 255;
00262     }
00263     else if (l->points[i].label == I_BORDER)
00264     {
00265       p->points[i].r = 255;
00266       p->points[i].g = 0;
00267       p->points[i].b = 0;
00268     }
00269     else if (l->points[i].label == I_PLANE)
00270     {
00271       p->points[i].r = 255;
00272       p->points[i].g = 255;
00273       p->points[i].b = 0;
00274     }
00275     else if (l->points[i].label == I_CYL)
00276     {
00277       p->points[i].r = 255;
00278       p->points[i].g = 0;
00279       p->points[i].b = 255;
00280     }
00281     else
00282     {
00283       p->points[i].r = 255;
00284       p->points[i].g = 255;
00285       p->points[i].b = 255;
00286     }
00287   }
00289   visualization::PCLVisualizer v;
00290   v.setBackgroundColor(0,127,127);
00291   ColorHdlRGB col_hdl(p);
00292   v.addPointCloud<PointXYZRGB>(p,col_hdl, "segmented");
00294   while(!v.wasStopped())
00295   {
00296     v.spinOnce(100);
00297     usleep(100000);
00298   }
00301   return(0);
00302 }

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:02:26