Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 import numpy as np
00003 import sys
00004 from threading import Lock
00006 import roslib
00007 roslib.load_manifest('hrl_ellipsoidal_control')
00009 import rospy
00010 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
00012 import hrl_geom.transformations as trans
00013 from hrl_geom.pose_converter import PoseConv
00015 def min_jerk_traj(n):
00016     return [(10 * t**3 - 15 * t**4 + 6 * t**5)
00017             for t in np.linspace(0, 1, n)]
00019 class CartTrajController(object):
00020     def __init__(self):
00021         self._moving_lock = Lock()
00022         self._timer = None
00024     def stop_moving(self, wait=False):
00025         self._stop_moving = True
00026         if wait:
00027             self.wait_until_stopped()
00029     def is_moving(self):
00030         return self._timer is not None
00032     def wait_until_stopped(self):
00033         if self._timer is not None:
00034             self._timer.join()
00036     def execute_cart_traj(self, cart_arm, traj, time_step, blocking=True):
00037         if self._moving_lock.acquire(False):
00038             self._stop_moving = False
00039             self._is_blocking = blocking
00040             def execute_cart_traj_cb(event):
00041                 self._cur_result = self._execute_cart_traj(cart_arm, traj, time_step)
00042                 self._timer = None
00043                 if not self._is_blocking:
00044                     self._moving_lock.release()
00045             self._timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.00000001), execute_cart_traj_cb, oneshot=True)
00046             if self._is_blocking:
00047                 self.wait_until_stopped()
00048                 retval = self._cur_result
00049                 self._moving_lock.release()
00050                 return retval
00051             else:
00052                 return True
00053         else:
00054             return False
00056     def _execute_cart_traj(self, cart_arm, traj, time_step):
00057         rate = rospy.Rate(1.0/time_step)
00058         for ep in traj:
00059             if rospy.is_shutdown() or self._stop_moving:
00060                 return False
00061             cart_arm.set_ep(ep)
00062             rate.sleep()
00063         return True
00065 class CartesianStepController(CartTrajController):
00066     def __init__(self):
00067         super(CartesianStepController, self).__init__()
00069         self.time_step = 1. / 20.
00070         self.arm = None
00071         self.cmd_lock = Lock()
00072         self.start_pub = rospy.Publisher("/start_pose", PoseStamped)
00073         self.end_pub = rospy.Publisher("/end_pose", PoseStamped)
00075     def set_arm(self, arm):
00076         self.arm = arm
00078     def _run_traj(self, traj, blocking=True):
00079         self.start_pub.publish(
00080                 PoseConv.to_pose_stamped_msg("/torso_lift_link", traj[0]))
00081         self.end_pub.publish(
00082                 PoseConv.to_pose_stamped_msg("/torso_lift_link", traj[-1]))
00083         # make sure traj beginning is close to current end effector position
00084         init_pos_tolerance = rospy.get_param("~init_pos_tolerance", 0.05)
00085         init_rot_tolerance = rospy.get_param("~init_rot_tolerance", np.pi/12)
00086         ee_pos, ee_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(self.arm.get_end_effector_pose())
00087         _, rot_diff = PoseConv.to_pos_euler((ee_pos, ee_rot * traj[0][1].T))
00088         pos_diff = np.linalg.norm(ee_pos - traj[0][0])
00089         if pos_diff > init_pos_tolerance:
00090             rospy.logwarn("[controller_base] End effector too far from current position. " + 
00091                           "Pos diff: %.3f, Tolerance: %.3f" % (pos_diff, init_pos_tolerance))
00092             return False
00093         if np.linalg.norm(rot_diff) > init_rot_tolerance:
00094             rospy.logwarn("[controller_base] End effector too far from current rotation. " + 
00095                           "Rot diff: %.3f, Tolerance: %.3f" % (np.linalg.norm(rot_diff), 
00096                                                                init_rot_tolerance))
00097             return False
00098         return self.execute_cart_traj(self.arm, traj, self.time_step, blocking=blocking)
00100     def execute_cart_move(self, change_ep, abs_sel, velocity=0.001,
00101                           num_samps=None, blocking=True):
00102         if not self.cmd_lock.acquire(False):
00103             return False
00104         cur_pos, cur_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(self.arm.get_ep())
00105         change_pos_ep, change_rot_ep = change_ep
00106         abs_cart_ep_sel, is_abs_rot = abs_sel
00107         pos_f = np.where(abs_cart_ep_sel, change_pos_ep, 
00108                          np.array(cur_pos + cur_rot * np.mat(change_pos_ep).T).T[0])
00109         if is_abs_rot:
00110             rot_mat_f = change_rot_ep
00111         else:
00112             rpy = change_rot_ep
00113             _, cur_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(self.arm.get_ep())
00114             rot_mat = np.mat(trans.euler_matrix(*rpy))[:3,:3]
00115             rot_mat_f = cur_rot * rot_mat
00116         traj = self._create_cart_trajectory(pos_f, rot_mat_f, velocity, num_samps)
00117         retval = self._run_traj(traj, blocking=blocking)
00118         self.cmd_lock.release()
00119         return retval
00121     def _create_cart_trajectory(self, pos_f, rot_mat_f, velocity=0.001, num_samps=None):
00122         cur_pos, cur_rot = PoseConv.to_pos_rot(self.arm.get_ep())
00124         rpy = trans.euler_from_matrix(cur_rot.T * rot_mat_f) # get roll, pitch, yaw of angle diff
00126         if num_samps is None:
00127             num_samps = np.max([2, int(np.linalg.norm(pos_f - cur_pos) / velocity), 
00128                                    int(np.linalg.norm(rpy) / velocity)])
00130         traj = self.arm.interpolate_ep([cur_pos, cur_rot], 
00131                                        [np.mat(pos_f).T, rot_mat_f], 
00132                                        min_jerk_traj(num_samps))
00133         return traj

Author(s): Kelsey Hawkins
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:41:49