Class PitchAndRollEstimator

Class Documentation

class PitchAndRollEstimator

A class for estimating image warping based on perspective distortion. Primarily intended for use with downward-facing camera methods.

Public Functions

inline PitchAndRollEstimator()


cv::Mat EstimateNominalAngle(double &nominal_pitch, double &nominal_roll, bool show_image_diff, rclcpp::Logger logger = rclcpp::get_logger("swri_image_util"))

Estimates the nominal pitch and roll of the camera (from perfectly vertical) from two overlapping images.


Returns the rotation matrix for the computed pitch and roll

Public Static Functions

static cv::Mat EstimateNominalAngle(const cv::Mat &points1, const cv::Mat &points2, const cv::Size &image_size, double &nominal_pitch, double &nominal_roll)

Estimates the nominal pitch and roll of the camera (from perfectly vertical) from two overlapping images.


Returns the rotation matrix for the computed pitch and roll