Class TcpSocket

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class TcpSocket : public visionary::ITransport

Public Functions

int connect(const std::string &hostname, uint16_t port)
int openServer(uint16_t port)
int openTcp(uint16_t port)
bool WaitForConnection()
int shutdown()
virtual int send(const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &buffer) override

Send data on socket to device

All bytes are sent on the socket. It is regarded as error if this is not possible.


buffer[in] buffer containing the bytes that shall be sent.


OS error code.

virtual int recv(std::vector<std::uint8_t> &buffer, std::size_t maxBytesToReceive) override

Receive data on socket to device

Receive at most maxBytesToReceive bytes.

  • buffer[in] buffer containing the bytes that shall be sent.

  • maxBytesToReceive[in] maximum number of bytes to receive.


number of received bytes, negative values are OS error codes.

virtual int read(std::vector<std::uint8_t> &buffer, std::size_t nBytesToReceive) override

Read a number of bytes

Contrary to recv this method reads precisely nBytesToReceive bytes.

  • buffer[in] buffer containing the bytes that shall be sent.

  • maxBytesToReceive[in] maximum number of bytes to receive.


number of received bytes, negative values are OS error codes.