Class SafeVisionaryData

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class SafeVisionaryData : public visionary::VisionaryData

Public Functions

virtual ~SafeVisionaryData()
const std::vector<uint16_t> &getDistanceMap() const

Gets the radial distance map The unit of the distance map is 1/4 mm.


vector containing the radial distance map

const std::vector<uint16_t> &getIntensityMap() const

Gets the intensity map


vector containing the intensity map

const std::vector<uint8_t> &getStateMap() const

Gets the pixel state map


vector containing the pixel state map

uint16_t getFlags() const

Gets the flags state map


flags state

DEVICE_STATUS getDeviceStatus() const

Gets device status


received device status

DEVICE_STATUS_ELEMENT getDeviceStatusData() const

Gets Device Status element.

const ROI_DATA &getRoiData() const

Gets ROI data


received ROI data

LOCALIOS_ELEMENT getLocalIOData() const

Gets Local I/Os


received Local I/Os

const FIELDINFORMATION_DATA &getFieldInformationData() const

Gets Field Information


received field Information

const LOGICSIGNALS_DATA &getLogicSignalsData() const

Gets Logic Signals data


received Logic Signal data

const IMU_ELEMENT getIMUData() const

Gets IMU data


received IMU data

bool isDistanceMapFiltered() const

Gets the information whether the distance map is filtered.


returns true in case the distance map is filtered, otherwise returns false

bool isIntrudedPixelStateValid() const

Gets the information whether the intruded pixel state in the pixel state map is valid.


returns true in case the intruded pixel state is valid, otherwise returns false

virtual void generatePointCloud(std::vector<PointXYZ> &pointCloud) override

Calculate and return the point cloud in the camera perspective. Units are in meters.


vector[out] containing the calculated point cloud

DataHandlerError getLastError()

Gets the last error which occurred while parsing the Blob data segments.


Returns the last error, OK in case there occurred no error

virtual DataSetsActive getDataSetsActive()

Gets the structure with the active segments.


Returns the structure with the active segments

virtual void clearData(uint32_t changedCounter)

Clears the data from the last Blob in case the corresponding segment is not available any more. In case the data segment “DepthMap” is not available, use the given changed counter as framenumber. The changed counter is incremented each Blob and is identical to the frame number.


changedCounter[in] counter which shall be used as frame number

Public Static Attributes

static const float DISTANCE_MAP_UNIT

factor to convert Radial distance map from fixed point to floating point

Protected Functions

virtual bool parseXML(const std::string &xmlString, uint32_t changeCounter)

Parse the XML Metadata part to get information about the sensor and the following image data.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseBinaryData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the Binary data part to extract the image data. some variables are commented out, because they are not used in this sample.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseRoiData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the ROI data from the Blob segment “ROI”.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseDeviceStatusData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the DeviceStatus data from the Blob segment “Device Status”.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseLocalIOsData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the Local I/Os data from the Blob segment “local I/Os”.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseFieldInformationData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the field Information data from the Blob segment “Field Information “.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseLogicSignalsData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the Logic Signals data from the Blob segment “Logic Signals”.


Returns true when parsing was successful.

virtual bool parseIMUData(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator itBuf, size_t length)

Parse the IMU data from the Blob segment “IMU”.


Returns true when parsing was successful.