Template Function findIntensity

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “findIntensity” with arguments (unsigned char, ap_uint<11>, ap_uint<11>, ap_fixed<FLOW_WIDTH, FLOW_INT>, ap_fixed<FLOW_WIDTH, FLOW_INT>, int, unsigned char, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*) in doxygen xml output for project “vitis_common Doxygen Project” from directory: /tmp/ws/docs_build/vitis_common/output_staging/generated/doxygen/xml. Potential matches:

- template<unsigned short MAXHEIGHT, unsigned short MAXWIDTH, int NUM_LINES, int IT_WIDTH, int IT_INT, int ITCMP_WIDTH, int ITCMP_INT, int FLOW_WIDTH, int FLOW_INT, int RMAPPX_WIDTH, int RMAPPX_INT> ap_fixed<IT_WIDTH, IT_INT> findIntensity(unsigned char lineBuffer[NUM_LINES + 1][MAXWIDTH], ap_uint<11> i, ap_uint<11> j, ap_fixed<FLOW_WIDTH, FLOW_INT> u, ap_fixed<FLOW_WIDTH, FLOW_INT> v, int totalLinesInBuffer, unsigned char effBufferedLines, int lineStore, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols, unsigned char *fi0, unsigned char *fi1, unsigned char *fi2, unsigned char *fi3)