Struct PFLocalization::Parameters

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class PFLocalization.

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct Parameters

Subclassed by PFLocalizationNode::Parameters

Public Functions

Parameters(PFLocalization *p)

Public Members

bool debug
bool gui_mrpt
std::string ini_file
std::string map_file
std::string sensor_sources

A list of topics (e.g. laser scanners)

bool *use_motion_model_default_options

to subscribe to for sensory data. Split with “,” (e.g. “laser1,laser2”)

CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions *motion_model_options
CActionRobotMovement2D::TMotionModelOptions *motion_model_default_options