Struct Unicycle2D::StateHistoryElement

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class Unicycle2D.

Struct Documentation

struct StateHistoryElement

Structure used to maintain a history of “good” pose estimates.

Public Functions

void print(std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const
void validate() const

Validate the state components: pose, linear velocity, yaw velocity and linear acceleration.

This validates the state components are finite. It throws an exception if any validation check fails.

Public Members

fuse_core::UUID position_uuid

The uuid of the associated position variable.

fuse_core::UUID yaw_uuid

The uuid of the associated orientation variable.

fuse_core::UUID vel_linear_uuid

The uuid of the associated linear velocity variable.

fuse_core::UUID vel_yaw_uuid

The uuid of the associated angular velocity variable.

fuse_core::UUID acc_linear_uuid

The uuid of the associated linear acceleration variable

tf2_2d::Transform pose

Map-frame pose.

tf2_2d::Vector2 velocity_linear

Body-frame linear velocity.

double velocity_yaw = {0.0}

Body-frame yaw velocity.

tf2_2d::Vector2 acceleration_linear

Body-frame linear acceleration.