Template Struct emplace_set_derived_policies

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public boost::python::map_indexing_suite< Container, NoProxy, emplace_set_derived_policies< Container, NoProxy > >

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

template<class Container, bool NoProxy>
struct emplace_set_derived_policies : public boost::python::map_indexing_suite<Container, NoProxy, emplace_set_derived_policies<Container, NoProxy>>

Policies which handle the non-default constructible case and set_item() using emplace().

Subclassed by eigenpy::GenericMapVisitor< std::map< Key, T, std::less< Key >, std::allocator< std::pair< const Key, T > > >, false >, eigenpy::GenericMapVisitor< Container, NoProxy >

Public Types

typedef Container::key_type index_type
typedef Container::value_type::second_type data_type
typedef Container::value_type value_type
using DerivedPolicies = bp::detail::final_map_derived_policies<Container, NoProxy>

Public Static Functions

template<class Class>
static inline void extension_def(Class &cl)
static inline void set_item(Container &container, index_type i, data_type const &v)