Template Struct SpecialMethods< T, NPY_USERDEF >

Struct Documentation

template<typename T>
struct SpecialMethods<T, NPY_USERDEF>

Public Static Functions

static inline void copyswap(void *dst, void *src, int swap, void*)
static inline PyObject *getitem(void *ip, void *ap)
static inline int setitem(PyObject *src_obj, void *dest_ptr, void *array)

Set a python object in an array. It sets the Python object “item” into the array, arr, at the position pointed to by data. This function deals with “misbehaved” arrays. If successful, a zero is returned, otherwise, a negative one is returned (and a Python error set).

  • src_obj[in] Pointer to the location of the python object

  • dest_ptr[in] Pointer to the location in the array where the source object should be saved.

  • array[in] Pointer to the location of the array


int Success(0) or Failure(-1)

static inline void copyswapn(void *dst, long dstride, void *src, long sstride, long n, int swap, void *array)
static inline npy_bool nonzero(void *ip, void *array)
static inline void dotfunc(void *ip0_, npy_intp is0, void *ip1_, npy_intp is1, void *op, npy_intp n, void*)
static inline int fillwithscalar(void *buffer_, npy_intp length, void *value, void*)
static inline int fill(void *data_, npy_intp length, void*)