Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cros::AdvertiseOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a Publisher
 Cros::AdvertiseServiceOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceServer
 Cros::AsyncSpinnerAsyncSpinner is a spinner that does not conform to the abstract Spinner interface. Instead, it spins asynchronously when you call start(), and stops when either you call stop(), ros::shutdown() is called, or its destructor is called
 Cros::CallbackInterfaceAbstract interface for items which can be added to a CallbackQueueInterface
 Cros::CallbackQueueInterfaceAbstract interface for a queue used to handle all callbacks within roscpp
 Cros::Exception [external]
 Cros::console::LogAppender [external]
 Cros::NodeHandleRoscpp's interface for creating subscribers, publishers, etc
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< M >Generally not for outside use. Adapts a function parameter type into the message type, event type and parameter. Allows you to retrieve a parameter type from an event type
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M > >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M const > >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M > & >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M const > & >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< const M & >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M > & >
 Cros::ParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M const > & >
 Cros::PollSetManages a set of sockets being polled through the poll() function call
 Cros::PublicationA Publication manages an advertised topic
 Cros::PublisherManages an advertisement on a specific topic
 Cros::ServiceCallbackHelperAbstract base class used by service servers to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended
 Cros::ServiceClientProvides a handle-based interface to service client connections
 Cros::ServiceClientOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceClient
 Cros::ServiceEvent< MReq, MRes >Event type for services, ros::ServiceEvent<MReq, MRes>& can be used in your callback instead of MReq&, MRes&
 Cros::ServiceServerManages an service advertisement
 Cros::ServiceSpec< MReq, MRes >
 Cros::ServiceSpecCallParams< MReq, MRes >
 Cros::SpinnerAbstract interface for classes which spin on a callback queue
 Cros::StatisticsLoggerThis class logs statistics data about a ROS connection and publishs them periodically on a common topic
 Cros::SteadyTimerManages a steady-clock timer callback
 Cros::SteadyTimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::SteadyTimer
 Cros::SteadyTimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer
 Cros::topic::SubscribeHelper< M >
 Cros::SubscribeOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a Subscriber
 Cros::SubscriberManages an subscription callback on a specific topic
 Cros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperAbstract base class used by subscriptions to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended
 Cros::TimerManages a timer callback
 Cros::TimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::Timer
 Cros::TimerManager< T, D, E >::TimerInfo
 Cros::TimerManager< T, D, E >
 Cros::TimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer
 Cros::master::TopicInfoContains information retrieved from the master about a topic
 Cros::TransportHintsProvides a way of specifying network transport hints to ros::NodeHandle::subscribe() and someday ros::NodeHandle::advertise()
 Cros::WallTimerManages a wall-clock timer callback
 Cros::WallTimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::WallTimer
 Cros::WallTimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer
 CXmlRpc::XmlRpcServerMethod [external]

Author(s): Morgan Quigley, Josh Faust, Brian Gerkey, Troy Straszheim, Dirk Thomas , Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Sat Sep 14 2024 02:59:36