Collaboration diagram for AOI Register Masks:


#define AOI_BFCRT01_COUNT   (4U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_COUNT   (4U)

BFCRT01 - Boolean Function Term 0 and 1 Configuration Register for EVENTn

#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_MASK   (0x3U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_SHIFT   (0U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_MASK   (0xCU)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_SHIFT   (2U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_MASK   (0x30U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_SHIFT   (4U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_MASK   (0xC0U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_SHIFT   (6U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_MASK   (0x300U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_SHIFT   (8U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_MASK   (0xC00U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_SHIFT   (10U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_MASK   (0x3000U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_SHIFT   (12U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_MASK   (0xC000U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_SHIFT   (14U)
#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_MASK)

BFCRT23 - Boolean Function Term 2 and 3 Configuration Register for EVENTn

#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_MASK   (0x3U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_SHIFT   (0U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_MASK   (0xCU)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_SHIFT   (2U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_MASK   (0x30U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_SHIFT   (4U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_MASK   (0xC0U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_SHIFT   (6U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_MASK   (0x300U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_SHIFT   (8U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_MASK   (0xC00U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_SHIFT   (10U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_MASK   (0x3000U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_SHIFT   (12U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_MASK)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_MASK   (0xC000U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_SHIFT   (14U)
#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC(x)   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_MASK)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AOI_BFCRT01_COUNT   (4U)

Definition at line 2894 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_MASK)

PT0_AC - Product term 0, A input configuration 0b00..Force the A input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the A input in this product term 0b10..Complement the A input in this product term 0b11..Force the A input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2890 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_MASK   (0xC000U)

Definition at line 2882 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_AC_SHIFT   (14U)

Definition at line 2883 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_MASK)

PT0_BC - Product term 0, B input configuration 0b00..Force the B input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the B input in this product term 0b10..Complement the B input in this product term 0b11..Force the B input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2881 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_MASK   (0x3000U)

Definition at line 2873 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_BC_SHIFT   (12U)

Definition at line 2874 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_MASK)

PT0_CC - Product term 0, C input configuration 0b00..Force the C input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the C input in this product term 0b10..Complement the C input in this product term 0b11..Force the C input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2872 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_MASK   (0xC00U)

Definition at line 2864 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_CC_SHIFT   (10U)

Definition at line 2865 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_MASK)

PT0_DC - Product term 0, D input configuration 0b00..Force the D input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the D input in this product term 0b10..Complement the D input in this product term 0b11..Force the D input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2863 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_MASK   (0x300U)

Definition at line 2855 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT0_DC_SHIFT   (8U)

Definition at line 2856 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_MASK)

PT1_AC - Product term 1, A input configuration 0b00..Force the A input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the A input in this product term 0b10..Complement the A input in this product term 0b11..Force the A input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2854 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_MASK   (0xC0U)

Definition at line 2846 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_AC_SHIFT   (6U)

Definition at line 2847 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_MASK)

PT1_BC - Product term 1, B input configuration 0b00..Force the B input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the B input in this product term 0b10..Complement the B input in this product term 0b11..Force the B input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2845 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_MASK   (0x30U)

Definition at line 2837 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_BC_SHIFT   (4U)

Definition at line 2838 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_MASK)

PT1_CC - Product term 1, C input configuration 0b00..Force the C input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the C input in this product term 0b10..Complement the C input in this product term 0b11..Force the C input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2836 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_MASK   (0xCU)

Definition at line 2828 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_CC_SHIFT   (2U)

Definition at line 2829 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_MASK)

PT1_DC - Product term 1, D input configuration 0b00..Force the D input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the D input in this product term 0b10..Complement the D input in this product term 0b11..Force the D input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2827 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_MASK   (0x3U)

Definition at line 2819 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT01_PT1_DC_SHIFT   (0U)

Definition at line 2820 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_COUNT   (4U)

Definition at line 2973 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_MASK)

PT2_AC - Product term 2, A input configuration 0b00..Force the A input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the A input in this product term 0b10..Complement the A input in this product term 0b11..Force the A input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2969 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_MASK   (0xC000U)

Definition at line 2961 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_AC_SHIFT   (14U)

Definition at line 2962 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_MASK)

PT2_BC - Product term 2, B input configuration 0b00..Force the B input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the B input in this product term 0b10..Complement the B input in this product term 0b11..Force the B input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2960 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_MASK   (0x3000U)

Definition at line 2952 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_BC_SHIFT   (12U)

Definition at line 2953 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_MASK)

PT2_CC - Product term 2, C input configuration 0b00..Force the C input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the C input in this product term 0b10..Complement the C input in this product term 0b11..Force the C input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2951 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_MASK   (0xC00U)

Definition at line 2943 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_CC_SHIFT   (10U)

Definition at line 2944 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_MASK)

PT2_DC - Product term 2, D input configuration 0b00..Force the D input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the D input in this product term 0b10..Complement the D input in this product term 0b11..Force the D input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2942 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_MASK   (0x300U)

Definition at line 2934 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT2_DC_SHIFT   (8U)

Definition at line 2935 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_MASK)

PT3_AC - Product term 3, A input configuration 0b00..Force the A input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the A input in this product term 0b10..Complement the A input in this product term 0b11..Force the A input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2933 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_MASK   (0xC0U)

Definition at line 2925 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_AC_SHIFT   (6U)

Definition at line 2926 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_MASK)

PT3_BC - Product term 3, B input configuration 0b00..Force the B input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the B input in this product term 0b10..Complement the B input in this product term 0b11..Force the B input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2924 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_MASK   (0x30U)

Definition at line 2916 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_BC_SHIFT   (4U)

Definition at line 2917 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_MASK)

PT3_CC - Product term 3, C input configuration 0b00..Force the C input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the C input in this product term 0b10..Complement the C input in this product term 0b11..Force the C input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2915 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_MASK   (0xCU)

Definition at line 2907 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_CC_SHIFT   (2U)

Definition at line 2908 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC (   x)    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_SHIFT)) & AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_MASK)

PT3_DC - Product term 3, D input configuration 0b00..Force the D input in this product term to a logical zero 0b01..Pass the D input in this product term 0b10..Complement the D input in this product term 0b11..Force the D input in this product term to a logical one

Definition at line 2906 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_MASK   (0x3U)

Definition at line 2898 of file MIMXRT1052.h.


#define AOI_BFCRT23_PT3_DC_SHIFT   (0U)

Definition at line 2899 of file MIMXRT1052.h.

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:15:09