Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CGreedyKCentersAn instance of this class can be used to greedily select a given number of representatives from a set of data points that are all far apart from each other
 CHasRobotDescApi< KinematicsPlugin, decltype(std::declval< KinematicsPlugin & >().KinematicsPlugin::initialize(std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), std::vector< std::string >(), 0.0))>
 CHasRobotModelApi< KinematicsPlugin, decltype(std::declval< KinematicsPlugin & >().initialize(std::declval< const moveit::core::RobotModel & >(), std::string(), std::string(), std::vector< std::string >(), 0.0))>
 CIKCacheA cache of inverse kinematic solutions
 CPoseClass to represent end effector pose
 CNearestNeighborsAbstract representation of a container that can perform nearest neighbors queries
 CNearestNeighborsGNATGeometric Near-neighbor Access Tree (GNAT), a data structure for nearest neighbor search
 CIkFastFunctionsHolds function pointers for all the exported functions of ikfast
 CIkSingleDOFSolutionBaseHolds the solution for a single dof
 CIkSolutionDefault implementation of IkSolutionBase
 CIkSolutionBaseThe discrete solutions are returned in this structure
 CIkSolutionListDefault implementation of IkSolutionListBase
 CIkSolutionListBaseManages all the solutions
 CJointMimicA model of a mimic joint. Mimic joints are typically unactuated joints that are constrained to follow the motion of another joint. The constraint is linear, i.e. joint_angle_constrained_joint = joint_angle_mimicked_joint*multiplier + offset
 CKDLKinematicsPluginSpecific implementation of kinematics using KDL. This version supports any kinematic chain, also including mimic joints
 CLMAKinematicsPluginImplementation of kinematics using Levenberg-Marquardt (LMA) solver from KDL. This version supports any kinematic chain without mimic joints
 CSrvKinematicsPluginSpecific implementation of kinematics using ROS service calls to communicate with external IK solvers. This version can be used with any robot. Supports non-chain kinematic groups

Author(s): Dave Coleman , Ioan Sucan , Sachin Chitta
autogenerated on Thu Feb 27 2025 03:28:08