void | gradientAtZero (double *d) const override |
| Add gradient at zero to d TODO: is it really the goal to add ?? More...
void | hessianDiagonal (double *d) const override |
void | multiplyHessianAdd (double alpha, const double *x, double *yvalues) const |
void | multiplyHessianAdd (double alpha, const double *x, double *yvalues, std::vector< size_t > offsets) const |
| Raw memory version, with offsets TODO document reasoning. More...
void | multiplyHessianAdd (double alpha, const VectorValues &x, VectorValues &y) const override |
| RegularHessianFactor (const GaussianFactorGraph &factors) |
| Construct from a GaussianFactorGraph. More...
| RegularHessianFactor (const GaussianFactorGraph &factors, const Scatter &scatter) |
| Construct from a GaussianFactorGraph. More...
template<typename KEYS > |
| RegularHessianFactor (const KEYS &keys, const SymmetricBlockMatrix &augmentedInformation) |
| RegularHessianFactor (const KeyVector &js, const std::vector< Matrix > &Gs, const std::vector< Vector > &gs, double f) |
| RegularHessianFactor (const RegularJacobianFactor< D > &jf) |
| Construct from RegularJacobianFactor. More...
| RegularHessianFactor (Key j1, Key j2, const MatrixD &G11, const MatrixD &G12, const VectorD &g1, const MatrixD &G22, const VectorD &g2, double f) |
| RegularHessianFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3, const MatrixD &G11, const MatrixD &G12, const MatrixD &G13, const VectorD &g1, const MatrixD &G22, const MatrixD &G23, const VectorD &g2, const MatrixD &G33, const VectorD &g3, double f) |
Matrix | augmentedInformation () const override |
Matrix | augmentedJacobian () const override |
GaussianFactor::shared_ptr | clone () const override |
double & | constantTerm () |
double | constantTerm () const |
std::shared_ptr< GaussianConditional > | eliminateCholesky (const Ordering &keys) |
bool | equals (const GaussianFactor &lf, double tol=1e-9) const override |
double | error (const HybridValues &c) const override |
virtual double | error (const VectorValues &c) const |
double | error (const VectorValues &c) const override |
DenseIndex | getDim (const_iterator variable) const override |
Vector | gradient (Key key, const VectorValues &x) const override |
VectorValues | gradientAtZero () const override |
| eta for Hessian More...
std::map< Key, Matrix > | hessianBlockDiagonal () const override |
| Return the block diagonal of the Hessian for this factor. More...
void | hessianDiagonalAdd (VectorValues &d) const override |
| Add the current diagonal to a VectorValues instance. More...
| HessianFactor () |
| HessianFactor (const GaussianFactor &factor) |
| HessianFactor (const GaussianFactorGraph &factors) |
| HessianFactor (const GaussianFactorGraph &factors, const Scatter &scatter) |
| HessianFactor (const JacobianFactor &cg) |
template<typename KEYS > |
| HessianFactor (const KEYS &keys, const SymmetricBlockMatrix &augmentedInformation) |
| HessianFactor (const KeyVector &js, const std::vector< Matrix > &Gs, const std::vector< Vector > &gs, double f) |
| HessianFactor (Key j, const Matrix &G, const Vector &g, double f) |
| HessianFactor (Key j, const Vector &mu, const Matrix &Sigma) |
| HessianFactor (Key j1, Key j2, const Matrix &G11, const Matrix &G12, const Vector &g1, const Matrix &G22, const Vector &g2, double f) |
| HessianFactor (Key j1, Key j2, Key j3, const Matrix &G11, const Matrix &G12, const Matrix &G13, const Vector &g1, const Matrix &G22, const Matrix &G23, const Vector &g2, const Matrix &G33, const Vector &g3, double f) |
SymmetricBlockMatrix & | info () |
const SymmetricBlockMatrix & | info () const |
| Return underlying information matrix. More...
Matrix | information () const override |
Eigen::SelfAdjointView< SymmetricBlockMatrix::constBlock, Eigen::Upper > | informationView () const |
| Return self-adjoint view onto the information matrix (NOT augmented). More...
std::pair< Matrix, Vector > | jacobian () const override |
| Return (dense) matrix associated with factor. More...
SymmetricBlockMatrix::Block | linearTerm () |
SymmetricBlockMatrix::constBlock | linearTerm () const |
SymmetricBlockMatrix::constBlock | linearTerm (const_iterator j) const |
GaussianFactor::shared_ptr | negate () const override |
void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override |
size_t | rows () const |
VectorValues | solve () |
| Solve the system A'*A delta = A'*b in-place, return delta as VectorValues. More...
void | updateHessian (const KeyVector &keys, SymmetricBlockMatrix *info) const override |
void | updateHessian (HessianFactor *other) const |
| ~HessianFactor () override |
| GaussianFactor () |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
| GaussianFactor (const CONTAINER &keys) |
double | error (const HybridValues &c) const override |
VectorValues | hessianDiagonal () const |
| Return the diagonal of the Hessian for this factor. More...
virtual | ~Factor ()=default |
| Default destructor. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Whether the factor is empty (involves zero variables). More...
Key | front () const |
| First key. More...
Key | back () const |
| Last key. More...
const_iterator | find (Key key) const |
| find More...
const KeyVector & | keys () const |
| Access the factor's involved variable keys. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
size_t | size () const |
virtual void | printKeys (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| print only keys More...
bool | equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| check equality More...
KeyVector & | keys () |
iterator | begin () |
iterator | end () |