▼Ndynamicgraph | |
▼Ncommand | |
CCommand | |
CCommandReturnType0 | |
CCommandReturnType1 | |
CCommandReturnType2 | |
CCommandVerbose | |
CCommandVoid0 | |
CCommandVoid1 | |
CCommandVoid2 | |
CCommandVoid3 | |
CCommandVoid4 | |
CCommandVoid5 | |
CCommandVoid6 | |
CCommandVoid7 | |
CCommandVoid8 | |
CDirectGetter | |
CDirectSetter | |
CEitherType | |
CGetter | |
CSetter | |
CSetter< E, bool > | |
CSetter< E, double > | |
CSetter< E, float > | |
CSetter< E, int > | |
CSetter< E, Matrix > | |
CSetter< E, std::int64_t > | |
CSetter< E, std::string > | |
CSetter< E, std::uint64_t > | |
CSetter< E, unsigned > | |
CSetter< E, Vector > | |
CValue | This class implements a variant design pattern to handle basic types in Command |
CValueHelper | |
▼NCPU | |
CCPUData | |
CProcessData | |
CProcessList | |
CSystem | |
CCustomEntity | |
CDebugTrace | Logging class |
CEntity | This class represents an entity, i.e. a generic computational unit that provides input and output signals |
CEntityHelper | |
CEntityRegisterer | This class automatically register an Entity to the global factory at initialization and unregister it during instance destruction |
▼CExceptionAbstract | Abstract root class for all dynamic-graph exceptions |
CParam | Class owned by exceptions to store error locations |
CExceptionFactory | Generic error class |
CExceptionSignal | Exceptions raised when an error related to signals happen |
CExceptionTraces | Exceptions raised when an error related to traces happen |
CFactoryStorage | Provides a way to create Entity objects from their class name |
CLogger | Class for logging messages |
CLoggerIOStream | |
CLoggerStream | Stream for the real-time logger |
CMyEntity | |
COutStringStream | Stream for the tracer real-time |
CPoolStorage | Singleton that keeps track of all the entities |
▼CRealTimeLogger | Main class of the real-time logger |
CData | |
Cthread | |
CSignal | Signals link I/O ports of entities. They can be constant-valued signals, or copy the value of a heap variable, or evaluated as a function. See SignalPtr and SignalTimeDependent for other types of signals, and SignalArray for a way of grouping them |
Csignal_io | Class used for I/O operations in Signal<T,Time> |
Csignal_io< double > | |
Csignal_io< Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > > | Template specialization of signal_disp for Eigen objects |
Csignal_io< Eigen::Quaternion< _Scalar, _Options > > | Template specialization of signal_io for Eigen quaternion objects |
Csignal_io< std::string > | |
Csignal_io_base | |
Csignal_io_unimplemented | Inherit from this class if tracing is not implemented for a given type |
CSignalArray | TODO |
CSignalArray_const | TODO |
CSignalBase | The base class for signals: not to be used as such |
CSignalPtr | This is the only type of signal that can be plugged to, using the plug () command |
CSignalTimeDependent | A type of signal that enforces a time dependency between other signals, making sure its inputs are up to date on access, using a incrementing time tick as reference |
CTimeDependency | A helper class for setting and specifying dependencies between signals |
CTracer | Tracer plug-in main class |
CTracerRealTime | Main class of the tracer real-time plug-in |
▼Ngit-archive-all | |
CGitArchiver | |
▼Nomniidl_be_python_with_docstring | |
CCommentToConstVisitor | |
▼Nsetup | |
Cpkg_config | |
CCustomEntity | |
CdgDebug_init | |
CDummyClass | |
CMyEntity | |