Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet Class Reference

Nodelet for repeating messages coming at a slower rate (or even just a single message). More...

#include <repeat.h>

Inheritance diagram for cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet:
Inheritance graph

Protected Member Functions

void everyPeriod (const ::ros::TimerEvent &)
 Timer callback. Publish the last stored message if it is eligible. More...
virtual bool inspectStamps () const
 Whether Header should be extracted from the message and its time stamp should undergo inspection. More...
virtual void maybePublish ()
 Publish the last stored message (if it is eligible). More...
void onInit () override
virtual void onReset (const ::ros::MessageEvent< const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter > &)
 Called when the repeater should be reset. The incoming message can be of any type and should not be examined. More...
void processMessage (const ::ros::MessageEvent< const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter > &event, ::ros::Publisher &pub)
 Record the incoming message if it passes validations, and publish it if publishOnlyOnTimer is false. More...
void reset () override
 Reset the repeater, e.g. after a time jump. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from nodelet::Nodelet
ros::CallbackQueueInterfacegetMTCallbackQueue () const
ros::NodeHandlegetMTNodeHandle () const
ros::NodeHandlegetMTPrivateNodeHandle () const
const V_stringgetMyArgv () const
const std::string & getName () const
ros::NodeHandlegetNodeHandle () const
ros::NodeHandlegetPrivateNodeHandle () const
const M_stringgetRemappingArgs () const
ros::CallbackQueueInterfacegetSTCallbackQueue () const
std::string getSuffixedName (const std::string &suffix) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NodeletWithDiagnostics< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle publisherNh, ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, bool latch=false)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< Message > > advertiseDiagnosed (ros::AdvertiseOptions &options)
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(this->getNodeHandle(),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(defaultDiagParams, diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(this->getNodeHandle(),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG("",))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, diagNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, ""),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG("",))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, diagNamespace),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(defaultDiagParams, diagNamespace,))
 CRAS_NODELET_DIAG_GENERATE_OVERLOADS (CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(subscriberNh, this->getDefaultDiagNh(subscriberNh, diagNamespace),), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(const ::std::string &diagNamespace,), CRAS_SINGLE_ARG(::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >>(), diagNamespace,))
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace, const ::ros::Rate &defaultRate)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedPublisher< T > > createDiagnosedPublisher (::ros::NodeHandle nh, const ::std::string &topic, size_t queueSize, const ::std::string &paramNamespace, const ::ros::Rate &defaultRate, const ::ros::Rate &defaultMinRate, const ::ros::Rate &defaultMaxRate)
::ros::NodeHandle getDefaultDiagNh (const ::ros::NodeHandle &pubSubNh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace)
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr getDiagParams (const ::ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic)
::cras::DiagnosticUpdatergetDiagUpdater (bool forceNew=false) const
void startDiagTimer () const
void startDiagTimer (const ::ros::NodeHandle &nh) const
void stopDiagTimer () const
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber< Message > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, ::ros::SubscribeOptions &options)
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber< Message > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam< Message > &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const ::boost::function< void(const ::boost::shared_ptr< Message > &)> &cb, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< C > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< C >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, const ::boost::function< void(C)> &cb, ::ros::VoidConstPtr obj={}, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(*cb)(M), ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M) const, const ::boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M) const, T *obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M), const ::boost::shared_ptr< T > &obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
::std::unique_ptr<::cras::DiagnosedSubscriber<::cras::BaseMessage< M > > > subscribeDiagnosed (::ros::NodeHandle subscriberNh, ::ros::NodeHandle diagNh, const ::cras::SimpleTopicStatusParam<::cras::BaseMessage< M >> &defaultDiagParams, const ::std::string &diagNamespace, const ::std::string &topic, uint32_t queue_size, void(T::*cb)(M), T *obj, ::ros::TransportHints hints={})
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::TimeJumpResettable
void checkTimeJump ()
virtual void checkTimeJump (const ::ros::Time &now)
void initRos (const ::ros::NodeHandle &pnh) override
void startAutoCheckTimeJump ()
virtual void startAutoCheckTimeJump (const ::ros::WallRate &rate)
virtual void stopAutoCheckTimeJump ()
 TimeJumpResettable (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
 ~TimeJumpResettable () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cras::Resettable
 Resettable (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
virtual ~Resettable ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
void updateThreadName () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NodeletParamHelper< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
ResultType getParam (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={})
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={})
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr params (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node, const ::std::string &ns="") const
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr paramsForNodeHandle (const ::ros::NodeHandle &node) const
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr privateParams (const ::std::string &ns="") const
::cras::BoundParamHelperPtr publicParams (const ::std::string &ns="") const

Protected Attributes

bool discardOlderMessages {false}
 Whether to discard an incoming message if its stamp is older than the previously accepted message. More...
::cras::optional< bool > hasHeader {::cras::nullopt}
 Time stamp of the last stored message (only filled if inspectStamps() returns true. More...
::cras::optional<::ros::DurationmaxAge {::cras::nullopt}
 Maximum age of a message to allow publishing it (the message has to have a Header). More...
::cras::optional< size_t > maxRepeats {::cras::nullopt}
 Maximum number of repetitions of a single message (only limited when set). More...
::topic_tools::ShapeShifter::ConstPtr msg
 The last stored message (null if no message has been received yet). More...
::std::mutex msgMutex
 Mutex protecting msg, lastMsgStamp and numRepeats. More...
size_t numRepeats {0}
 Number of times the last stored message has been repeated. More...
::ros::Publisher pub
 The publisher of the repeated messages. More...
bool publishOnlyOnTimer {false}
 Whether to publish only on timer events, or also when an incoming message is received. More...
 The lazy pair of subscriber and publisher. More...
 The desired output rate. More...
bool resetOnMsg {true}
 Whether to reset the publication timer when a new message arrives. More...
::ros::Subscriber resetSub
 Subscriber to the reset topic. More...
::ros::Timer timer
 The timer periodically republishing the last stored message. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::HasLogger
::cras::LogHelperPtr log
- Protected Attributes inherited from cras::InterruptibleSleepInterface
::ros::WallDuration pollDuration

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::Nodelet
 ~Nodelet () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeletBase<::nodelet::Nodelet >
 ~NodeletBase () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from nodelet::Nodelet
void init (const std::string &name, const M_string &remapping_args, const V_string &my_argv, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *st_queue=NULL, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *mt_queue=NULL)
 Nodelet ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeletWithDiagnostics< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
 NodeletWithDiagnostics ()
virtual ~NodeletWithDiagnostics ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
::cras::NodeletAwareTFBuffergetBuffer () const override
::std::shared_ptr<::cras::NodeletAwareTFBuffergetBufferPtr () const
 NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer ()
void setBuffer (const ::std::shared_ptr<::tf2_ros::Buffer > &buffer) override
bool usesSharedBuffer () const override
 ~NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
 ~ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeletParamHelper< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
 NodeletParamHelper ()
 ~NodeletParamHelper () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::ParamHelper
::cras::LogHelperPtr getLogger () const
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
inline ::std::string getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
ResultType getParam (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< const char * > &defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ::cras::optional< ResultType > &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
inline ::cras::GetParamResult<::std::string > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const char *defaultValue, const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions<::std::string > &options={}) const
inline ::cras::GetParamResult< ResultType > getParamVerbose (const ::cras::GetParamAdapter &param, const ::std::string &name, const ResultType &defaultValue=ResultType(), const ::std::string &unit="", const ::cras::GetParamOptions< ResultType, ParamServerType > &options={}) const
 ParamHelper (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
void setLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &logger)
virtual ~ParamHelper ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::HasLogger
::cras::LogHelperConstPtr getCrasLogger () const
 HasLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
void setCrasLogger (const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &log)
- Public Member Functions inherited from StatefulNodelet< ::nodelet::Nodelet >
bool ok () const override
void requestStop () override
void shutdown ()
virtual ~StatefulNodelet ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cras::InterruptibleSleepInterface
 InterruptibleSleepInterface ()
virtual bool sleep (const ::ros::Duration &duration) const
virtual ~InterruptibleSleepInterface ()

Detailed Description

Nodelet for repeating messages coming at a slower rate (or even just a single message).

ROS parameters:

Subscribed topics:

Published topics:

Command-line arguments: This nodelet (or node) can also be called with some arguments passed on command line. This means you can pass CLI arguments specifying the topics to subscribe/publish and the rate.

If reset_on_msg and publish_only_on_timer are both true and the rate of the incoming messages is higher than rate parameter, no message will ever be published by this repeater (the timer will get reset earlier than it can ever fire).

Definition at line 94 of file repeat.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ everyPeriod()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::everyPeriod ( const ::ros::TimerEvent )

Timer callback. Publish the last stored message if it is eligible.

Definition at line 213 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ inspectStamps()

bool cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::inspectStamps ( ) const

Whether Header should be extracted from the message and its time stamp should undergo inspection.

Whether to extract the stamp.

Definition at line 208 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ maybePublish()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::maybePublish ( )

Publish the last stored message (if it is eligible).

Definition at line 183 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ onInit()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::onInit ( )

Reimplemented from NodeletBase<::nodelet::Nodelet >.

Definition at line 38 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ onReset()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::onReset ( const ::ros::MessageEvent< const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter > &  )

Called when the repeater should be reset. The incoming message can be of any type and should not be examined.

Definition at line 101 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ processMessage()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::processMessage ( const ::ros::MessageEvent< const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter > &  event,
::ros::Publisher pub 

Record the incoming message if it passes validations, and publish it if publishOnlyOnTimer is false.

[in]eventThe incoming message event.
[in]pubThe publisher to be used for publishing the repeated messages.
It is safe to call this function from multiple threads (access to the stored message is mutex-protected).

Definition at line 118 of file repeat.cpp.

◆ reset()

void cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::reset ( )

Reset the repeater, e.g. after a time jump.

Reimplemented from NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer< ::nodelet::Nodelet >.

Definition at line 106 of file repeat.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ discardOlderMessages

bool cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::discardOlderMessages {false}

Whether to discard an incoming message if its stamp is older than the previously accepted message.

Definition at line 150 of file repeat.h.

◆ hasHeader

::cras::optional<bool> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::hasHeader {::cras::nullopt}

Definition at line 170 of file repeat.h.

◆ lastMsgStamp

::cras::optional<::ros::Time> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::lastMsgStamp

Time stamp of the last stored message (only filled if inspectStamps() returns true.

Definition at line 165 of file repeat.h.

◆ maxAge

::cras::optional<::ros::Duration> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::maxAge {::cras::nullopt}

Maximum age of a message to allow publishing it (the message has to have a Header).

Definition at line 147 of file repeat.h.

◆ maxRepeats

::cras::optional<size_t> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::maxRepeats {::cras::nullopt}

Maximum number of repetitions of a single message (only limited when set).

Definition at line 144 of file repeat.h.

◆ msg

::topic_tools::ShapeShifter::ConstPtr cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::msg

The last stored message (null if no message has been received yet).

Definition at line 162 of file repeat.h.

◆ msgMutex

::std::mutex cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::msgMutex

Mutex protecting msg, lastMsgStamp and numRepeats.

Definition at line 159 of file repeat.h.

◆ numRepeats

size_t cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::numRepeats {0}

Number of times the last stored message has been repeated.

Definition at line 168 of file repeat.h.

◆ pub

::ros::Publisher cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::pub

The publisher of the repeated messages.

Definition at line 176 of file repeat.h.

◆ publishOnlyOnTimer

bool cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::publishOnlyOnTimer {false}

Whether to publish only on timer events, or also when an incoming message is received.

Definition at line 156 of file repeat.h.

◆ pubSub

::std::unique_ptr<::cras::GenericLazyPubSub> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::pubSub

The lazy pair of subscriber and publisher.

Definition at line 98 of file repeat.h.

◆ rate

::std::unique_ptr<::ros::Rate> cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::rate

The desired output rate.

Definition at line 141 of file repeat.h.

◆ resetOnMsg

bool cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::resetOnMsg {true}

Whether to reset the publication timer when a new message arrives.

Definition at line 153 of file repeat.h.

◆ resetSub

::ros::Subscriber cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::resetSub

Subscriber to the reset topic.

Definition at line 101 of file repeat.h.

◆ timer

::ros::Timer cras::RepeatMessagesNodelet::timer

The timer periodically republishing the last stored message.

Definition at line 173 of file repeat.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sun Mar 2 2025 03:51:09