cras_cpp_common Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for cras_cpp_common:


directory  diag_utils
directory  diagnostics
directory  filter_utils
directory  log_utils
directory  math_utils
directory  node_utils
directory  nodelet_utils
directory  param_utils
directory  string_utils
directory  test_utils
directory  tf2_utils
directory  thread_utils
directory  time_utils
directory  type_utils


file  any.hpp [code]
 A C++11 shim for std::any. Uses std::any when used in C++17 mode.
file  c_api.h [code]
 Support definitions for declaration of a C API of modules.
file  cloud.hpp [code]
 Utilities for comfortable working with PointCloud2 messages.
file  diag_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with diagnostics-related tools.
file  expected.hpp [code]
 An implementation of the std::expected proposal.
file  filter_chain_nodelet.hpp [code]
 A versatile nodelet that can load and run a filter chain (deprecated header).
file  filter_utils.hpp [code]
 Filter utils aggregate header. It is deprecated.
file  functional.hpp [code]
 C++ utilities for working with functions.
file  log_utils.h [code]
 ROS logging helpers.
file  math_utils.hpp [code]
 Math utilities.
file  message_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with ROS message files.
file  node_utils.hpp [code]
 This file adds utility functions to be used within nodes. It makes ParamHelper templated getParam() functions accessible via static global calls cras::getParam(nh, ...). It also exposes cras::NodeHandle utility class for even easier access to parameter getting.
file  nodelet_utils.hpp [code]
 This file contains a set of classes that make work with nodelets easier.
file  optional.hpp [code]
 A C++11 shim for std::optional. Uses std::optional when used in C++17 mode.
file  param_utils.hpp [code]
 This file provides helper methods easing access to parameters passed to nodes, nodelets and filters.
file  pool_allocator.hpp [code]
 Helper for allocating boost::shared_ptr instances in a boost shared pool. This should be useful if you publish shared_ptr messages and want to save some time during allocation of the new messages. The default pool size is 32 messages. Note that when publishing messages containing arrays, these functions only handle allocation of the message itself. Allocation of the array elements is done via the allocator specified in the message type.
file  rate_limiter.h [code]
 Various implementations of rate-limiting algorithms.
file  resettable.h [code]
 Interface for resettable nodes and nodelets. Automatic reset on time jumps.
file  set_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with sets.
file  small_map.hpp [code]
 Simple map implemented on top of a std::list<std::pair>. The map is append-only, with lock-free reads and mutex-protected insert.
file  span.hpp [code]
 A C++11 shim for std::span. Uses std::span when used in C++20 mode.
file  string_utils.hpp [code]
 Utils for working with strings.
file  suppress_warnings.h [code]
 Preprocessor macros to supress compiler warnings for a part of a file.
file  tf2_sensor_msgs.h [code]
 Transformation tools for sensor_msgs messages.
file  tf2_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with transforms.
file  thread_utils.h [code]
 Utilities for working with threads.
file  time_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with time.
file  type_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with C++ types.
file  urdf_utils.h [code]
 Utilities for conversions between URDF and other types.
file  xmlrpc_value_traits.hpp [code]
 Various type traits for XmlRpcValue.
file  xmlrpc_value_utils.hpp [code]
 Utilities for working with XmlRpcValues.

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sun Mar 2 2025 03:50:53