Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2010,
3  * François Bleibel,
4  * Olivier Stasse,
5  *
7  *
8  */
10 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
12 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 // #define VP_DEBUG
15 // #define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
16 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
18 /* SOT */
19 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
20 class sotSOT__INIT {
21  public:
22  sotSOT__INIT(void) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
23 };
24 sotSOT__INIT sotSOT_initiator;
25 #endif // #ifdef VP_DEBUG
30 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
33 #include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
35 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
36 #include <sot/core/sot.hh>
37 #include <sot/core/task.hh>
39 using namespace std;
40 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
41 using namespace dynamicgraph;
43 #include "../src/sot/sot-command.h"
45 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
46 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
47 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
51 const double Sot::INVERSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1e-4;
52 const Eigen::IOFormat python(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0,
53  ", ", // coeff sep
54  ",\n", // row sep
55  "[", "]", // row prefix and suffix
56  "[", "]" // mat prefix and suffix
57 );
59 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
60 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
61 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
62 Sot::Sot(const std::string &name)
63  : Entity(name),
64  stack(),
65  nbJoints(0),
66  enablePostureTaskAcceleration(false),
67  maxControlIncrementSquaredNorm(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()),
68  q0SIN(NULL, "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::q0"),
69  proj0SIN(NULL, "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::proj0"),
70  inversionThresholdSIN(NULL,
71  "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::damping"),
72  controlSOUT(boost::bind(&Sot::computeControlLaw, this, _1, _2),
73  inversionThresholdSIN << q0SIN << proj0SIN,
74  "sotSOT(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control") {
79  // Commands
80  //
81  std::string docstring;
83  docstring =
84  " \n"
85  " setNumberDofs.\n"
86  " \n"
87  " Input:\n"
88  " - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of "
89  "the robot.\n"
90  " \n";
92  *this, &Sot::defineNbDof, docstring));
94  docstring =
95  " \n"
96  " getNumberDofs.\n"
97  " \n"
98  " Output:\n"
99  " - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of "
100  "the robot.\n"
101  " \n";
102  addCommand("getSize",
104  *this, &Sot::getNbDof, docstring));
106  addCommand("enablePostureTaskAcceleration",
110  "option to bypass SVD computation for the posture task at "
111  "the last"
112  "level",
113  "boolean")));
115  addCommand("isPostureTaskAccelerationEnabled",
119  "option to bypass SVD computation for the posture task at "
120  "the last"
121  "level",
122  "boolean")));
124  docstring =
125  " \n"
126  " Maximum allowed squared norm of control increment.\n"
127  " A task whose control increment is above this value is\n"
128  " discarded. It defaults to the maximum double value.\n"
129  " \n"
130  " WARNING: This is a security feature and is **not** a good\n"
131  " way of adding a proper constraint on the control\n"
132  " generated by SoT.\n"
133  " \n";
135  addCommand("setMaxControlIncrementSquaredNorm",
138  docstring + " Input:\n"
139  " - a strictly positive double\n"
140  " \n"));
142  addCommand("getMaxControlIncrementSquaredNorm",
145  docstring + " Output:\n"
146  " - a double\n"
147  " \n"));
149  docstring =
150  " \n"
151  " push a task into the stack.\n"
152  " \n"
153  " Input:\n"
154  " - a string : Name of the task.\n"
155  " \n";
156  addCommand("push", new command::classSot::Push(*this, docstring));
158  docstring =
159  " \n"
160  " remove a task into the stack.\n"
161  " \n"
162  " Input:\n"
163  " - a string : Name of the task.\n"
164  " \n";
165  addCommand("remove", new command::classSot::Remove(*this, docstring));
167  docstring =
168  " \n"
169  " up a task into the stack.\n"
170  " \n"
171  " Input:\n"
172  " - a string : Name of the task.\n"
173  " \n";
174  addCommand("up", new command::classSot::Up(*this, docstring));
176  docstring =
177  " \n"
178  " down a task into the stack.\n"
179  " \n"
180  " Input:\n"
181  " - a string : Name of the task.\n"
182  " \n";
183  addCommand("down", new command::classSot::Down(*this, docstring));
185  // Display
186  docstring =
187  " \n"
188  " display the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
189  " \n";
190  addCommand("display", new command::classSot::Display(*this, docstring));
192  // Clear
193  docstring =
194  " \n"
195  " clear the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
196  " \n";
197  addCommand("clear", new command::classSot::Clear(*this, docstring));
199  // List
200  docstring =
201  " \n"
202  " returns the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
203  " \n";
204  addCommand("list", new command::classSot::List(*this, docstring));
205 }
207 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
208 /* --- STACK MANIPULATION --- */
209 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
210 void Sot::push(TaskAbstract &task) {
211  if (nbJoints == 0)
212  throw std::logic_error("Set joint size of " + getClassName() + " \"" +
213  getName() + "\" first");
214  stack.push_back(&task);
218 }
220  TaskAbstract *res = stack.back();
221  stack.pop_back();
225  return *res;
226 }
227 bool Sot::exist(const TaskAbstract &key) {
228  StackType::iterator it;
229  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
230  if (*it == &key) {
231  return true;
232  }
233  }
234  return false;
235 }
236 void Sot::remove(const TaskAbstract &key) {
237  bool find = false;
238  StackType::iterator it;
239  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
240  if (*it == &key) {
241  find = true;
242  break;
243  }
244  }
245  if (!find) {
246  return;
247  }
249  stack.erase(it);
250  removeDependency(key);
251 }
257 }
259 void Sot::up(const TaskAbstract &key) {
260  bool find = false;
261  StackType::iterator it;
262  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
263  if (*it == &key) {
264  find = true;
265  break;
266  }
267  }
268  if (stack.begin() == it) {
269  return;
270  }
271  if (!find) {
272  return;
273  }
275  StackType::iterator pos = it;
276  pos--;
277  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
278  stack.erase(it);
279  stack.insert(pos, task);
281 }
282 void Sot::down(const TaskAbstract &key) {
283  bool find = false;
284  StackType::iterator it;
285  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
286  if (*it == &key) {
287  find = true;
288  break;
289  }
290  }
291  if (stack.end() == it) {
292  return;
293  }
294  if (!find) {
295  return;
296  }
298  StackType::iterator pos = it;
299  pos++;
300  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
301  stack.erase(it);
302  if (stack.end() == pos) {
303  stack.push_back(task);
304  } else {
305  pos++;
306  stack.insert(pos, task);
307  }
309 }
311 void Sot::clear(void) {
312  for (StackType::iterator it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
313  removeDependency(**it);
314  }
315  stack.clear();
317 }
319 void Sot::defineNbDof(const unsigned int &nbDof) {
320  nbJoints = nbDof;
322 }
324 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
325 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
326 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
329  const int &iterTime) {
330  if (T != NULL) {
331  const Flags &controlSelec = T->controlSelectionSIN(iterTime);
332  sotDEBUG(25) << "Control selection = " << controlSelec << endl;
333  if (controlSelec) {
334  if (!controlSelec) {
335  Jmem = Ta->jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
336  for (int i = 0; i < Jmem.cols(); ++i)
337  if (!controlSelec(i)) Jmem.col(i).setZero();
338  return Jmem;
339  } else
340  return Ta->jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
341  } else {
342  sotDEBUG(15) << "Task not activated." << endl;
343  const Matrix &Jac = Ta->jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
344  Jmem = Matrix::Zero(Jac.rows(), Jac.cols());
345  return Jmem;
346  }
347  } else /* No selection specification: nothing to do. */
348  return Ta->jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
349 }
354 template <typename MapType, typename MatrixType>
355 inline void makeMap(MapType &map, MatrixType &m) {
356  // There is not memory allocation here.
357  // See
358  new (&map) KernelConst_t(, m.rows(), m.cols());
359 }
362  bool has_kernel, const KernelConst_t &kernel,
363  Vector &control, const double &threshold) {
364  const SVD_t &svd(mem->svd);
365  Vector &tmpTask(mem->tmpTask);
366  Vector &tmpVar(mem->tmpVar);
367  Vector &tmpControl(mem->tmpControl);
368  const Vector &err(mem->err);
370  // tmpTask <- S^-1 * U^T * err
371  tmpTask.head(rankJ).noalias() = svd.matrixU().leftCols(rankJ).adjoint() * err;
372  tmpTask.head(rankJ).array() *=
373  svd.singularValues().head(rankJ).array().inverse();
375  // control <- kernel * (V * S^-1 * U^T * err)
376  if (has_kernel) {
377  tmpVar.head(kernel.cols()).noalias() =
378  svd.matrixV().leftCols(rankJ) * tmpTask.head(rankJ);
379  tmpControl.noalias() = kernel * tmpVar.head(kernel.cols());
380  } else
381  tmpControl.noalias() = svd.matrixV().leftCols(rankJ) * tmpTask.head(rankJ);
382  if (tmpControl.squaredNorm() > threshold) return false;
383  control += tmpControl;
384  return true;
385 }
387 bool isFullPostureTask(Task *task, const Matrix::Index &nDof,
388  const int &iterTime) {
389  if (task == NULL || task->getFeatureList().size() != 1 ||
390  !task->controlSelectionSIN(iterTime))
391  return false;
392  FeaturePosture *posture =
393  dynamic_cast<FeaturePosture *>(task->getFeatureList().front());
395  assert(posture->dimensionSOUT(iterTime) <= nDof - 6);
396  return posture != NULL && posture->dimensionSOUT(iterTime) == nDof - 6;
397 }
400  const Matrix::Index &nDof) {
401  MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(t.memoryInternal);
402  if (NULL == mem) {
403  if (NULL != t.memoryInternal) delete t.memoryInternal;
404  mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(tDim, nDof);
405  t.memoryInternal = mem;
406  }
407  return mem;
408 }
410 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
411 /* --- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- */
412 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
414 // #define WITH_CHRONO
416 #ifdef WITH_CHRONO
417 #ifndef WIN32
418 #include <sys/time.h>
419 #else /*WIN32*/
420 #include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
421 #endif /*WIN32*/
422 #endif /*WITH_CHRONO*/
424 #ifdef WITH_CHRONO
426 #define sotINIT_CHRONO1 \
427  struct timespec t0, t1; \
428  double dt
429 #define sotSTART_CHRONO1 clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &t0)
430 #define sotCHRONO1 \
431  clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &t1); \
432  dt = ((double)(t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1e6 + \
433  (double)(t1.tv_nsec - t0.tv_nsec) / 1e3); \
434  TIME_STREAM << "dT " << (long int)dt << std::endl
435 #define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS struct timespec tpart0
436 #define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &tpart0)
437 #define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2) \
438  clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &tpart##nbc2); \
439  dt##nbc2 = ((double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_sec - tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1e6 + \
440  (double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_nsec - tpart##nbc1.tv_nsec) / 1e3)
441 #define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1) \
442  struct timespec tpart##nbc1; \
443  double dt##nbc1 = 0;
444 #define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1) \
445  TIME_STREAM << "dt" << iterTask << '_' << nbc1 << ' ' << (long int)dt##nbc1 \
446  << ' '
447 #else // #ifdef WITH_CHRONO
448 #define sotINIT_CHRONO1
449 #define sotSTART_CHRONO1
450 #define sotCHRONO1
453 #define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)
454 #define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
455 #define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
456 #endif // #ifdef WITH_CHRONO
459  Vector &res) {
460  res.resize(taskVector.size());
461  unsigned int i = 0;
463  for (VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter = taskVector.begin();
464  iter != taskVector.end(); ++iter, ++i) {
465  res(i) = iter->getSingleBound();
466  }
467 }
470  const int &iterTime) {
471  sotDEBUGIN(15);
475  sotINITCOUNTER(1);
476  sotINITCOUNTER(2);
477  sotINITCOUNTER(3);
478  sotINITCOUNTER(4);
479  sotINITCOUNTER(5);
480  sotINITCOUNTER(6);
484  const double &th = inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
486  bool controlIsZero = true;
487  if (q0SIN.isPlugged()) {
488  control = q0SIN(iterTime);
489  controlIsZero = false;
490  if (control.size() != nbJoints) {
491  std::ostringstream oss;
492  oss << "SOT(" << getName() << "): q0SIN value length is "
493  << control.size() << "while the expected lenth is " << nbJoints;
494  throw std::length_error(oss.str());
495  }
496  } else {
497  if (stack.size() == 0) {
498  std::ostringstream oss;
499  oss << "SOT(" << getName()
500  << ") contains no task and q0SIN is not plugged.";
501  throw std::logic_error(oss.str());
502  }
503  control = Vector::Zero(nbJoints);
504  sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." << endl;
505  }
507  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime);
508  unsigned int iterTask = 0;
509  KernelConst_t kernel(NULL, 0, 0);
510  bool has_kernel = false;
511  // Get initial projector if any.
512  if (proj0SIN.isPlugged()) {
513  const Matrix &K = proj0SIN.access(iterTime);
514  if (K.rows() == nbJoints) {
515  makeMap(kernel, K);
516  has_kernel = true;
517  } else {
519  << "Projector of " << getName() << " has " << K.rows()
520  << " rows while " << nbJoints << " expected.\n";
521  }
522  }
523  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
526  sotDEBUGF(5, "Rank %d.", iterTask);
527  TaskAbstract &taskA = **iter;
528  Task *task = dynamic_cast<Task *>(*iter);
530  bool last = (iterTask + 1 == stack.size());
531  bool fullPostureTask = (last && enablePostureTaskAcceleration &&
532  isFullPostureTask(task, nbJoints, iterTime));
534  sotDEBUG(15) << "Task: e_" << taskA.getName() << std::endl;
537  if (!fullPostureTask) taskA.jacobianSOUT.recompute(iterTime);
538  taskA.taskSOUT.recompute(iterTime);
539  const Matrix::Index dim = taskA.taskSOUT.accessCopy().size();
540  sotCOUNTER(0, 1); // Direct Dynamic
542  /* Init memory. */
543  MemoryTaskSOT *mem = getMemory(taskA, dim, nbJoints);
544  /***/ sotCOUNTER(1, 2); // first allocs
546  Matrix::Index rankJ = -1;
547  taskVectorToMlVector(taskA.taskSOUT(iterTime), mem->err);
549  if (fullPostureTask) {
550  /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK*S
551  /***/ sotCOUNTER(3, 4); // compute Jt
553  // Jp = kernel.transpose()
554  rankJ = kernel.cols();
555  /***/ sotCOUNTER(4, 5); // SVD and rank
557  /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
558  if (!controlIsZero) mem->err.noalias() -= control.tail(nbJoints - 6);
559  mem->tmpVar.head(rankJ).noalias() =
560  kernel.transpose().rightCols(nbJoints - 6) * mem->err;
561  control.noalias() += kernel * mem->tmpVar.head(rankJ);
562  controlIsZero = false;
563  } else {
564  assert(taskA.jacobianSOUT.accessCopy().cols() == nbJoints);
566  /* --- COMPUTE S * JK --- */
567  const Matrix &JK =
568  computeJacobianActivated(&taskA, task, mem->JK, iterTime);
569  /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK*S
571  /* --- COMPUTE Jt --- */
572  const Matrix *Jt = &mem->Jt;
573  if (has_kernel)
574  mem->Jt.noalias() = JK * kernel;
575  else
576  Jt = &JK;
577  /***/ sotCOUNTER(3, 4); // compute Jt
579  /* --- SVD and RANK--- */
580  SVD_t &svd = mem->svd;
581  if (last)
582  svd.compute(*Jt, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
583  else
584  svd.compute(*Jt, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
585  rankJ = 0;
586  while (rankJ < svd.singularValues().size() &&
587  th < svd.singularValues()[rankJ])
588  ++rankJ;
589  /***/ sotCOUNTER(4, 5); // SVD and rank
591  /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
592  if (!controlIsZero) mem->err.noalias() -= JK * control;
594  bool success = updateControl(mem, rankJ, has_kernel, kernel, control,
596  if (success) {
597  controlIsZero = false;
599  if (!last) {
600  Matrix::Index cols = svd.matrixV().cols() - rankJ;
601  if (has_kernel)
602  mem->getKernel(nbJoints, cols).noalias() =
603  kernel * svd.matrixV().rightCols(cols);
604  else
605  mem->getKernel(nbJoints, cols).noalias() =
606  svd.matrixV().rightCols(cols);
607  makeMap(kernel, mem->kernel);
608  has_kernel = true;
609  }
610  } else {
612  << iterTime << ": SOT " << getName() << " disabled task "
613  << taskA.getName() << " at level " << iterTask
614  << " because norm exceeded the limit.\n";
616  << "control = " << control.transpose().format(python)
617  << "\nJ = " << JK.format(python)
618  << "\nerr - J * control = " << mem->err.transpose().format(python)
619  << "\nJ * kernel = " << Jt->format(python) << "\ncontrol_update = "
620  << mem->tmpControl.transpose().format(python) << '\n';
621  }
622  }
623  /***/ sotCOUNTER(5, 6); // QDOT + Projector
625  sotDEBUG(2) << "Proj non optimal (rankJ= " << rankJ
626  << ", iterTask =" << iterTask << ")";
628  iterTask++;
630  sotPRINTCOUNTER(1);
631  sotPRINTCOUNTER(2);
632  sotPRINTCOUNTER(3);
633  sotPRINTCOUNTER(4);
634  sotPRINTCOUNTER(5);
635  sotPRINTCOUNTER(6);
636  if (last || kernel.cols() == 0) break;
637  }
639  sotCHRONO1;
641  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
642  return control;
643 }
645 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
646 /* --- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------------- */
647 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
648 void Sot::display(std::ostream &os) const {
649  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl
650  << "+ SOT " << std::endl
651  << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
652  for (StackType::const_iterator it = this->stack.begin();
653  this->stack.end() != it; ++it) {
654  os << "| " << (*it)->getName() << std::endl;
655  }
656  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
657 }
659 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Sot &sot) {
660  sot.display(os);
661  return os;
662 }
664 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
665 /* --- COMMAND --------------------------------------------------------- */
666 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
668 std::ostream &Sot::writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const {
669  StackType::const_iterator iter;
670  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
671  const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
672  StackType::const_iterator nextiter = iter;
673  nextiter++;
675  if (nextiter != stack.end()) {
676  TaskAbstract &nexttask = **nextiter;
677  os << "\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" -> \"" << nexttask.getName()
678  << "\" [color=red]" << endl;
679  }
680  }
682  os << "\t\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks {" << endl;
683  os << "\t\t\tsubgraph \"cluster_" << getName() << "\" {" << std::endl;
684  os << "\t\t\t\tcolor=lightsteelblue1; label=\"" << getName()
685  << "\"; style=filled;" << std::endl;
686  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
687  const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
688  os << "\t\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" [ label = \"" << task.getName()
689  << "\" ," << std::endl
690  << "\t\t\t\t fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor = magenta, "
691  "style=filled, shape=box ]"
692  << std::endl;
693  }
694  os << "\t\t\t}" << std::endl;
695  os << "\t\t\t}" << endl;
696  return os;
697 }
std::string docDirectGetter(const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
virtual dynamicgraph::Vector & computeControlLaw(dynamicgraph::Vector &control, const int &time)
Compute the control law.
Definition: sot.cpp:469
#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)
Definition: sot.cpp:453
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
#define sotCHRONO1
Definition: sot.cpp:450
DirectGetter< E, T > * makeDirectGetter(E &entity, T *ptr, const std::string &docString)
SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Vector, int > controlSOUT
Allow to get the result of the computed control law.
Definition: sot.hh:196
#define sotINIT_CHRONO1
Definition: sot.cpp:448
int i
virtual std::ostream & writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const
This method write the priority between tasks in the output stream os.
Definition: sot.cpp:668
virtual void down(const TaskAbstract &task)
This method makes the task to swap with the task having the immediate inferior priority.
Definition: sot.cpp:282
SignalTimeDependent< unsigned int, int > dimensionSOUT
Returns the dimension of the feature as an output signal.
Eigen::Map< const Matrix, Eigen::internal::traits< Matrix >::Alignment > KernelConst_t
void signalRegistration(const SignalArray< int > &signals)
dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent< VectorMultiBound, int > taskSOUT
#define sotDEBUGOUT(level)
Definition: debug.hh:212
AD< Scalar > max(const AD< Scalar > &x, const AD< Scalar > &y)
std::vector< MultiBound > VectorMultiBound
Definition: multi-bound.hh:71
#define sotSTART_CHRONO1
Definition: sot.cpp:449
virtual const unsigned int & getNbDof() const
Definition: sot.hh:152
dynamicgraph::SignalPtr< Flags, int > controlSelectionSIN
Definition: task.hh:110
static void taskVectorToMlVector(const VectorMultiBound &taskVector, Vector &err)
Number of joints by default.
Definition: sot.cpp:458
SignalPtr< double, int > inversionThresholdSIN
This signal allow to change the threshold for the damped pseudo-inverse on-line.
Definition: sot.hh:194
int dim
static void openFile(const char *filename=DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT)
#define sotDEBUGIN(level)
Definition: debug.hh:211
Definition: sot.cpp:451
bool updateControl(MemoryTaskSOT *mem, const Matrix::Index rankJ, bool has_kernel, const KernelConst_t &kernel, Vector &control, const double &threshold)
Definition: sot.cpp:361
virtual void push(TaskAbstract &task)
Push the task in the stack. It has a lowest priority than the previous ones. If this is the first tas...
Definition: sot.cpp:210
Definition: sot.cpp:452
double maxControlIncrementSquaredNorm
Maximum allowed squared norm of control increment. A task whose control increment is above this value...
Definition: sot.hh:88
SignalPtr< dynamicgraph::Vector, int > q0SIN
Intrinsec velocity of the robot, that is used to initialized the recurence of the SOT (e...
Definition: sot.hh:185
SignalPtr< dynamicgraph::Matrix, int > proj0SIN
A matrix K whose columns are a base of the desired velocity. In other words, where is the free para...
Definition: sot.hh:191
Eigen::Map< Matrix, Eigen::internal::traits< Matrix >::Alignment > Kernel_t
virtual TaskAbstract & pop(void)
Pop the task from the stack. This method removes the task with the smallest priority in the task...
Definition: sot.cpp:219
bool enablePostureTaskAcceleration
Option to disable the computation of the SVD for the last task if this task is a Task with a single F...
Definition: sot.hh:80
Threshold to compute the dumped pseudo inverse.
Definition: sot.hh:92
virtual void remove(const TaskAbstract &task)
Remove a task regardless to its position in the stack. It removes also the signals connected to the o...
Definition: sot.cpp:236
virtual const T & access(const Time &t)
virtual void removeDependency(const SignalBase< Time > &signal)
const Matrix & computeJacobianActivated(TaskAbstract *Ta, Task *T, Matrix &Jmem, const int &iterTime)
Definition: sot.cpp:328
virtual void addDependency(const SignalBase< Time > &signal)
#define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
Definition: sot.cpp:455
MemoryTaskSOT::Kernel_t Kernel_t
Definition: sot.cpp:351
virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: sot.cpp:648
dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Matrix, int > jacobianSOUT
Eigen::JacobiSVD< Matrix > SVD_t
Definition: matrix-svd.hh:23
#define sotDEBUG(level)
Definition: debug.hh:165
SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Sot &sot)
Definition: sot.cpp:659
virtual void recompute(const Time &t)
virtual void defineNbDof(const unsigned int &nbDof)
This method defines the part of the state vector which correspond to the free flyer of the robot...
Definition: sot.cpp:319
virtual bool isPlugged() const
StackType stack
This field is a list of controllers managed by the stack of tasks.
Definition: sot.hh:72
unsigned int nbJoints
Store the number of joints to be used in the command computed by the stack of tasks.
Definition: sot.hh:76
bool success
#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
Definition: sot.cpp:454
MemoryTaskSOT * getMemory(TaskAbstract &t, const Matrix::Index &tDim, const Matrix::Index &nDof)
Definition: sot.cpp:399
const std::string & getName() const
virtual bool exist(const TaskAbstract &task)
This method allows to know if a task exists or not.
Definition: sot.cpp:227
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
MemoryTaskSOT::KernelConst_t KernelConst_t
Definition: sot.cpp:352
int cols
Kernel_t & getKernel(const Matrix::Index r, const Matrix::Index c)
This class implements the Stack of Task. It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers throu...
Definition: sot.hh:57
virtual void removeDependency(const TaskAbstract &key)
This method removes the output signals depending on this task.
Definition: sot.cpp:253
Transform3f t
std::size_t Index
void sotDEBUGF(const int, const char *,...)
Definition: debug.hh:179
Class that defines the basic elements of a task.
Definition: task.hh:72
virtual const T & accessCopy() const
bool isFullPostureTask(Task *task, const Matrix::Index &nDof, const int &iterTime)
Definition: sot.cpp:387
FeatureList_t & getFeatureList(void)
Definition: task.hh:89
virtual void up(const TaskAbstract &task)
This method makes the task to swap with the task having the immediate superior priority.
Definition: sot.cpp:259
void setReady(const bool sready=true)
virtual void clear(void)
Remove all the tasks from the stack.
Definition: sot.cpp:311
void addCommand(const std::string &name, command::Command *command)
void makeMap(MapType &map, MatrixType &m)
Definition: sot.cpp:355
std::string docDirectSetter(const std::string &name, const std::string &type)
const Eigen::IOFormat python(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ",\, "[", "]", "[", "]")
DirectSetter< E, T > * makeDirectSetter(E &entity, T *ptr, const std::string &docString)
MemoryTaskAbstract * memoryInternal
virtual const std::string & getClassName() const
Returns the name of this class.
Definition: sot.hh:64

Author(s): Olivier Stasse,
autogenerated on Wed Jun 21 2023 02:51:26