Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from __future__ import print_function
5 from optparse import OptionParser
6 import os, os.path, sys, string, re
8 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
9  from functools import reduce # python3
11 # resolve library path, copied from omniidl (ubuntu 11.10)
12 # Try a path based on the installation prefix, customised for Debian
13 sppath = "/usr/lib/omniidl"
14 if os.path.isdir(sppath):
15  sys.path.append(sppath)
17 from omniidl import idlast, idlvisitor, idlutil, idltype
18 from omniidl_be import cxx
19 import _omniidl
21 # TODO
22 # not generate unused msgs
23 # how to manipulate namespace -> under score concat
25 TypeNameMap = { # for ROS msg/srv
26  idltype.tk_boolean: 'bool',
27  idltype.tk_char: 'int8',
28  idltype.tk_octet: 'uint8',
29  idltype.tk_wchar: 'int16',
30  idltype.tk_short: 'int16',
31  idltype.tk_ushort: 'uint16',
32  idltype.tk_long: 'int32',
33  idltype.tk_ulong: 'uint32',
34  idltype.tk_longlong: 'int64',
35  idltype.tk_ulonglong: 'uint64',
36  idltype.tk_float: 'float32',
37  idltype.tk_double: 'float64',
38  idltype.tk_string: 'string',
39  idltype.tk_wstring: 'string',
40  idltype.tk_any: 'string', # ??
41  idltype.tk_TypeCode: 'uint64', # ??
42  idltype.tk_enum: 'uint64'}
44 MultiArrayTypeNameMap = { # for ROS msg/srv
45  idltype.tk_char: 'std_msgs/Int8MultiArray',
46  idltype.tk_octet: 'std_msgs/Uint8MultiArray',
47  idltype.tk_wchar: 'std_msgs/Int16MultiArray',
48  idltype.tk_short: 'std_msgs/Int16MultiArray',
49  idltype.tk_ushort: 'std_msgs/Uint16MultiArray',
50  idltype.tk_long: 'std_msgs/Int32MultiArray',
51  idltype.tk_ulong: 'std_msgs/Uint32MultiArray',
52  idltype.tk_longlong: 'std_msgs/Int64MultiArray',
53  idltype.tk_ulonglong:'std_msgs/Uint64MultiArray',
54  idltype.tk_float: 'std_msgs/Float32MultiArray',
55  idltype.tk_double: 'std_msgs/Float64MultiArray',
56  idltype.tk_string: 'openrtm_ros_bridge/StringMultiArray'}
58 # convert functions for IDL/ROS
59 # _CORBA_String_element type is env depend ??
60 convert_functions = """\n
61 template<typename T,typename S>
62 void genseq(S& s, int size, _CORBA_Unbounded_Sequence<T>* p){
63  s = S(size,size,S::allocbuf(size), 1);}
64 template<typename T,typename S,int n>
65 void genseq(S& s, int size, _CORBA_Bounded_Sequence<T,n>* p){
66  s = S(size,S::allocbuf(size), 1);}
67 template<class T1, class T2> inline
68 void convert(T1& in, T2& out){ out = static_cast<T2>(in); }
69 template<typename T>
70 void convert(T& in, std::string& out){ out = std::string(in); }
71 template<typename T>
72 void convert(std::string& in, T& out){ out = static_cast<T>(in.c_str()); }
73 void convert(_CORBA_String_element in, std::string& out){ out = std::string(in); }
74 void convert(std::string& in, _CORBA_String_element out){ out = (const char*)in.c_str(); }
75 template<class S,class T>
76 void convert(S& s, std::vector<T>& v){
77  int size = s.length();
78  v = std::vector<T>(s.length());
79  for(int i=0; i<size; i++) convert(s[i],v[i]);}
80 template<class S,class T>
81 void convert(std::vector<T>& v, S& s){
82  int size = v.size();
83  s = S(size, size, S::allocbuf(size), 1);
84  for(int i=0; i<size; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
85 template<class S,class T,std::size_t n>
86 void convert(S& s, boost::array<T,n>& v){
87  for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(s[i],v[i]);}
88 template<class S,class T,std::size_t n>
89 void convert(boost::array<T,n>& v, S& s){
90  s = S(n, S::allocbuf(n), 1);
91  for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
92 template<typename S,class T,std::size_t n>
93 void convert(boost::array<T,n>& v, S (&s)[n]){
94  for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
96 // special case for RTC::LightweightRTObject_var
97 template<class T> void convert(T& in, RTC::LightweightRTObject_var out){ std::cerr << "convert from RTC::LightweightRTObject_var is not supported" << std::endl; }
98 """
100 multiarray_conversion = """
101 template<class S> // convert multi-dimensional array
102 void convert(S& s, %s& v){
103  if(v.layout.dim.size()==0 || v.layout.dim[v.layout.dim.size()-1].size==0) {
104  int level = v.layout.dim.size();
105  v.layout.dim.push_back(std_msgs::MultiArrayDimension());
106  v.layout.dim[level].stride = 1;
107  for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++){
108  convert(s[i], v);
109  if(i==0) v.layout.dim[level].size = s.length(); // initialized flag
110  }
111  for(uint i=level; i<v.layout.dim.size(); i++)
112  v.layout.dim[level].stride *= v.layout.dim[level].size;
113  } else {
114  for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++){ convert(s[i], v); }
115  }
116 }
117 template<>
118 void convert(%s& s, %s& v){; }
119 template<class S>
120 void convert(%s& v, S& s){
121  int level, size;
122  for(level=0; (size=v.layout.dim[level].size)==0; level++);
123  genseq(s, size, &s);
124  v.layout.dim[level].size = 0;
125  for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
126  convert(v, s[i]);
127  v.layout.dim[level].size = size;
128 }
129 template<>
130 void convert(%s& v, %s& s){ convert([v.layout.data_offset++], s); }
131 """ # % (std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, double, std_msgs::Float64MultiArray) + (std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, double)
133 # symbol type constant
134 NOT_FULL = 0
135 ROS_FULL = 1
136 CPP_FULL = 2
138 # visitor for generate msg/srv/cpp/h for bridge compornents
139 class ServiceVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
141  def __init__(self):
142  self.generated_msgs = [] # type objects
144  def visitAST(self, node):
145  for n in node.declarations():
146  n.accept(self)
147  def visitModule(self, node):
148  for n in node.definitions():
149  n.accept(self)
150  def visitInterface(self, node):
151  self.outputMsg(node)
152  for c in node.contents():
153  c.accept(self)
154  if node.mainFile():
155  self.genBridgeComponent(node)
157  def visitOperation(self, node):
158  if node.mainFile():
159  self.outputSrv(node)
160  for n in node.parameters():
161  self.outputMsg(n.paramType())
162  n.accept(self)
163  self.outputMsg(node.returnType())
167  def getCppTypeText(self, typ, out=False, full=NOT_FULL):
168  if isinstance(typ, idltype.Base):
169  return cxx.types.basic_map[typ.kind()]
170  if isinstance(typ, idltype.String):
171  return ('char*' if out else 'const char*') # ??
172  if isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
173  postfix = ('*' if out and cxx.types.variableDecl(typ.decl()) else '')
174  return self.getCppTypeText(typ.decl(), False, full) + postfix
176  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
177  if full == CPP_FULL:
178  name = idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())
179  elif full == ROS_FULL:
180  return '_'.join(typ.scopedName()) # return
181  else:
182  name = typ.identifier()
183  return name + ('*' if out and cxx.types.variableDecl(typ) else '')
184  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum) or \
185  isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface) or \
186  isinstance(typ, idlast.Operation):
187  if full == CPP_FULL:
188  if ( idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName()) == "RTC::LightweightRTObject") :
189  return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())+"_var"
190  else:
191  return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())
192  elif full == ROS_FULL:
193  return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
194  else:
195  return typ.identifier()
196  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
197  if full == CPP_FULL:
198  return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.declarators()[0].scopedName())
199  elif full == ROS_FULL:
200  return '_'.join(typ.declarators()[0].scopedName())
201  else:
202  return typ.declarators()[0].identifier()
203  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
204  return self.getCppTypeText(typ.alias(), out, full)
206  return 'undefined'
209  def getROSTypeText(self, typ):
210  if isinstance(typ, idltype.Base):
211  return TypeNameMap[typ.kind()]
212  if isinstance(typ, idltype.String) or isinstance(typ, idltype.WString):
213  return 'string' # ??
214  if isinstance(typ, idltype.Sequence):
215  etype = typ.seqType() # n-dimensional array -> 1-dimensional
216  size = typ.bound()
217  dim = 1
218  while not (isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) or isinstance(etype, idltype.String) or isinstance(etype, idltype.WString) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Struct) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Interface) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Enum) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward)):
219  if isinstance(etype, idltype.Declared):
220  etype = etype.decl()
221  elif isinstance(etype, idltype.Sequence):
222  dim += 1
223  size *= etype.bound()
224  etype = etype.seqType()
225  elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Typedef):
226  arrsize = [size] + etype.declarators()[0].sizes()
227  if(len(arrsize) != 1): dim += 1
228  size = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, arrsize)
229  etype = etype.aliasType()
230  elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Declarator):
231  etype = etype.alias()
232 # elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward):
233 # etype = etype.fullDecl()
234  else:
235  return 'undefined'
236  if( 1 < dim ):
237  return MultiArrayTypeNameMap[etype.kind()]
238  return self.getROSTypeText(etype) + ('[]' if size==0 else '[%d]' % size)
239  if isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
240  return self.getROSTypeText(typ.decl())
242  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
243  return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
244  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
245  return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
246  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Const):
247  return TypeNameMap[typ.constKind()]
248  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum):
249  return TypeNameMap[idltype.tk_longlong] # enum is int64 ??
250  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Union):
251  return TypeNameMap[idltype.tk_double] # union is not in ROS
252  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
253  arraysize = typ.declarators()[0].sizes()
254  if 0 < len(arraysize):
255  return self.getROSTypeText(typ.aliasType()) + ('[%d]' % reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, arraysize))
256  return self.getROSTypeText(typ.aliasType())
257  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
258  return self.getROSTypeText(typ.alias())
259  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Forward):
260  return self.getROSTypeText(typ.fullDecl())
262  return 'undefined'
264  # output .msg file defined in .idl
265  def outputMsg(self, typ):
266  if typ in self.generated_msgs:
267  return
268  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
269  for mem in typ.members():
270  self.outputMsg(mem.memberType())
271  self.generated_msgs += [typ]
272  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum) or \
273  isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
274  self.generated_msgs += [typ]
275  elif isinstance(typ, idltype.Sequence):
276  return self.outputMsg(typ.seqType())
277  elif isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
278  return self.outputMsg(typ.decl())
279  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
280  return self.outputMsg(typ.aliasType())
281  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
282  return self.outputMsg(typ.alias())
283  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Forward):
284  return self.outputMsg(typ.fullDecl())
285  else:
286  return
288  msgfile = basedir + "/msg/" + self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL) + ".msg"
289  if not os.path.exists(basedir):
290  return
291  print(msgfile)
292  if options.filenames:
293  return
295  if os.path.exists(msgfile) and (os.stat(msgfile).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime) and not options.overwrite:
296  return # do not overwrite
298  os.system('mkdir -p %s/msg' % basedir)
299  print("[idl2srv] writing "+msgfile+"....", file=sys.stderr)
300  fd = open(msgfile, 'w')
301  if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum):
302  for val in typ.enumerators():
303  fd.write("%s %s=%d\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(typ), val.identifier(), val.value()))
304  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
305  for mem in typ.members():
306  fd.write(self.getROSTypeText(mem.memberType()) + " " + mem.declarators()[0].identifier() + "\n")
307  elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
308  for mem in typ.contents():
309  if isinstance(mem, idlast.Const):
310  fd.write("%s %s=%s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(mem), mem.identifier(), mem.value()))
311  fd.close()
313  # output .srv file defined in .idl
314  def outputSrv(self, op):
316  srvfile = basedir + "/srv/" + self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL) + ".srv"
317  if not os.path.exists(basedir):
318  return
319  print(srvfile)
320  if options.filenames:
321  return
323  if os.path.exists(srvfile) and (os.stat(srvfile).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime) and not options.overwrite:
324  return # do not overwrite
325  os.system('mkdir -p %s/srv' % basedir)
326  args = op.parameters()
328  print("[idl2srv] writing "+srvfile+"....", file=sys.stderr)
329  fd = open(srvfile, 'w')
330  for arg in [arg for arg in args if arg.is_in()]:
331  fd.write("%s %s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(arg.paramType()), arg.identifier()))
332  fd.write("---\n")
333  if not op.oneway() and op.returnType().kind() != idltype.tk_void:
334  fd.write("%s operation_return\n" % self.getROSTypeText(op.returnType()))
335  for arg in [arg for arg in args if arg.is_out()]:
336  fd.write("%s %s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(arg.paramType()), arg.identifier()))
337  fd.close()
339  def convertFunctionCode(self, interface):
340  visitor = DependencyVisitor()
341  interface.accept(visitor)
342  code = ''
344  for typ in visitor.multiarray:
345  msg = MultiArrayTypeNameMap[typ.kind()].replace('/','::')
346  cpp = cxx.types.basic_map[typ.kind()]
347  code += multiarray_conversion % (msg,cpp,msg,msg,msg,cpp)
349  for typ in visitor.allmsg:
350  if not isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
351  continue
353  code += 'template<> void convert(%s& in, %s::%s& out){\n' % (self.getCppTypeText(typ, full=CPP_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL))
354  for mem in typ.members():
355  var = mem.declarators()[0].identifier()
356  code += ' convert(in.%s, out.%s);\n' % (var, var)
357  code += '}\n'
359  code += 'template<> void convert(%s::%s& in, %s& out){\n' % (pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL), self.getCppTypeText(typ, full=CPP_FULL))
360  for mem in typ.members():
361  var = mem.declarators()[0].identifier()
362  code += ' convert(in.%s, out.%s);\n' % (var, var)
363  code += '}\n'
365  return code
367  def ServiceBridgeFunction(self, op, ifname, pkgname):
368  code = req_code = res_code = ''
369  params = []
370  for par in op.parameters():
371  is_out = par.is_out()
372  ptype = par.paramType()
373  var = par.identifier()
374  # temporary variables
375  if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Base) or \
376  isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.String) or \
377  isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence) or \
378  isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
379  code += ' %s %s;\n' % (self.getCppTypeText(ptype, out=is_out, full=CPP_FULL), var)
380  params += [var]
381  if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Base) or \
382  isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.String):
383  if is_out:
384  res_code += ' convert(%s, res.%s);\n' % (var, var)
385  else:
386  req_code += ' convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
387  if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence):
388  if is_out:
389  res_code += ' convert(*%s, res.%s);\n' % (var, var)
390  else:
391  req_code += ' convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
392  if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
393  if is_out:
394  ptr = ('*' if cxx.types.variableDecl(ptype.decl()) else '')
395  res_code += ' convert(%s%s, res.%s);\n' % (ptr, var, var)
396  if cxx.types.variableDecl(ptype.decl()):
397  res_code += ' delete %s;\n' % (var)
399  else:
400  req_code += ' convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
402  code += '\n'
403  code += ' ROS_INFO_STREAM("%s::%s() called");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
405  code += '\n' + req_code + '\n'
407  code += ' try {\n'
409  params = ', '.join(params)
411  if op.oneway() or op.returnType().kind() == idltype.tk_void:
412  code += ' m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
413  elif isinstance(op.returnType().unalias(), idltype.Base):
414  code += ' res.operation_return = m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
415  else:
416  rtype = op.returnType()
417  if isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.String):
418  ptr = ''
419  elif isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence):
420  ptr = '*'
421  elif isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
422  ptr = ('*' if cxx.types.variableDecl(rtype.decl()) else '')
423  else: ptr = ''
424  code += ' %s operation_return;\n' % self.getCppTypeText(rtype, out=True, full=CPP_FULL)
425  code += ' operation_return = m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
426  code += ' convert(%soperation_return, res.operation_return);\n' % ptr
427  connected_RTC_name = ifname[0:ifname.rindex("ServiceROSBridge")]
428  code += ' } catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ex) {\n'
429  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE -- unable to contact the object [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is IDL version mismatch between %s and %s. So please check IDL versions are consistent. Another possibility is that Service-Port function, %s of %s, called but %s died becase of it. So please check %s is still alive.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), ifname, connected_RTC_name, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name)
430  code += ' return false;\n'
431  code += ' } catch(CORBA::MARSHAL& ex) {\n'
432  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::MARSHAL [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is IDL version mismatch between %s and %s. So please check IDL versions are consistent.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), ifname, connected_RTC_name)
433  code += ' return false;\n'
434  code += ' } catch(CORBA::BAD_PARAM& ex) {\n'
435  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::BAD_PARAM [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is that Service-Port function, %s of %s, called and some problem has occurred within it and %s keeps alive. So please check %s of %s is correctly finished.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name)
436  code += ' return false;\n'
437  code += ' } catch(CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST& ex) {\n'
438  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is that %s RTC is not found. So please check %s is still alive.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name)
439  code += ' return false;\n'
440  code += ' } catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex) {\n'
441  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "].");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
442  code += ' return false;\n'
443  code += ' } catch(CORBA::Exception&) {\n'
444  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::Exception.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
445  code += ' return false;\n'
446  code += ' } catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe) {\n'
447  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught omniORB::fatalException:");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
448  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" file: " << fe.file());\n'
449  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" line: " << fe.line());\n'
450  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" mesg: " << fe.errmsg());\n'
451  code += ' return false;\n'
452  code += ' }\n'
453  code += ' catch(...) {\n'
454  code += ' ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught unknown exception.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
455  code += ' return false;\n'
456  code += ' }\n'
458  code += res_code
460  code += ' ROS_INFO_STREAM("%s::%s() succeeded");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
462  return """bool %s::%s(%s::%s::Request &req, %s::%s::Response &res){\n%s\n return true;\n};\n\n""" % (ifname, op.identifier(), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), code)
464  # generate cpp source to bridge RTM/ROS
465  def genBridgeComponent(self, interface):
466  idlfile = interface.file()
467  module_name = '%sROSBridge' % interface.identifier()
468  #service_name = idlutil.ccolonName(interface.scopedName())
469  service_name = interface.identifier()
470  idl_name = os.path.split(idlfile)[1]
471  wd = basedir + '/src_gen'
473  Comp_cpp = wd + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp'
474  mod_cpp = wd + '/' + module_name + '.cpp'
475  mod_h = wd + '/' + module_name + '.h'
476  print(Comp_cpp)
477  print(mod_cpp)
478  print(mod_h)
479  if options.filenames:
480  return
482  if all([ os.path.exists(x) and os.stat(x).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime for x in [Comp_cpp, mod_cpp, mod_h]]) and not options.overwrite:
483  return # do not overwrite
485  # check if rtc-template exists under `rospack find openrtm_aist`/bin, otherwise use openrtm_aist_PREFIX/lib/openrtm_aist/bin
486  from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE
487  openrtm_path = Popen(['rospack','find','openrtm_aist'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip() # use Popen, not check_output, since catkin_make can not found rospack find
488  if not isinstance(openrtm_path, str):
489  openrtm_path = openrtm_path.decode('ascii')
490  if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(openrtm_path, "bin")) :
491  openrtm_prefix = check_output(['pkg-config','openrtm-aist','--variable=prefix']).rstrip()
492  if not isinstance(openrtm_prefix, str):
493  openrtm_prefix = openrtm_prefix.decode('ascii')
494  openrtm_path = os.path.join(openrtm_prefix,"lib/openrtm_aist")
495  command = "PATH=%s/bin:$PATH rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=%s --consumer=%s:service0:'%s' --consumer-idl=%s --idl-include=%s" % (openrtm_path, module_name, service_name, service_name, idlfile, idldir)
496  #command = "rosrun openrtm_aist rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=%s --consumer=%s:service0:'%s' --consumer-idl=%s --idl-include=%s" % (module_name, service_name, service_name, idlfile, idldir)
497  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % tmpdir)
498  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % wd)
499  os.system("cd %s; yes 2> /dev/null | %s > /dev/null" % (tmpdir, command))
501  # TODO: ignore attribute read/write operators
502  operations = [o for o in interface.callables() if isinstance(o, idlast.Operation)]
504  def addline(src, dest, ref):
505  idx = dest.find(ref)
506  idx = dest.find('\n',idx)
507  return dest[0:idx] + '\n' + src + dest[idx:]
509  def replaceline(src, dest, ref):
510  idx1 = dest.find(ref)
511  idx2 = dest.find('\n',idx1)
512  return dest[0:idx1] + src + dest[idx2:]
514  # Comp.cpp
515  # use ros node name as rtm component name
516  # call ros::init in Comp.cpp
517  compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp').read()
518  compsrc = addline(' ros::init(argc, argv, "' + module_name + '", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);', compsrc, 'RTC::Manager::init(argc, argv);')
519  compsrc = replaceline(' comp = manager->createComponent(std::string("'+module_name+'?instance_name="+ros::this_node::getName().substr(1)).c_str()); // skip root name space for OpenRTM instance name', compsrc, ' comp = manager->createComponent("'+module_name+'");')
520  open(wd + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp', 'w').write(compsrc)
522  #.cpp
523  # make ROS service in onInitialize
524  # make ROS bridge functions in .cpp
525  compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + '.cpp').read()
527  port_name_src = """ nh = ros::NodeHandle("~");
528  std::string port_name = "service0";
529  nh.getParam("service_port", port_name);"""
530  compsrc = addline(port_name_src, compsrc, 'Set service consumers to Ports')
531  compsrc = compsrc.replace('registerConsumer("service0"','registerConsumer(port_name.c_str()')
533  compsrc += """
534 RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {
535  ros::spinOnce();
536  return RTC::RTC_OK;
537 }\n\n""" % module_name
539  compsrc += "RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {\n" % module_name
540  for i in range(len(operations)):
541  name = operations[i].identifier()
542  compsrc += ' _srv%d = nh.advertiseService("%s", &%s::%s, this);\n' % (i, name, module_name, name)
543  compsrc +=" return RTC::RTC_OK;\n}\n\n"""
545  compsrc += "RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {\n" % module_name
546  for i in range(len(operations)):
547  name = operations[i].identifier()
548  srvinst = ' _srv%d.shutdown();' % i
549  compsrc = addline(srvinst, compsrc, 'Unadvertise service')
550  compsrc +=" return RTC::RTC_OK;\n}\n\n"""
552  compsrc += convert_functions + self.convertFunctionCode(interface)
554  for op in operations:
555  compsrc += self.ServiceBridgeFunction(op, module_name, pkgname)
556  open(wd + '/' + module_name + '.cpp', 'w').write(compsrc)
558  #.h
559  # add ros headers, service server functions, uncomment onExecute
560  compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + '.h').read()
561  compsrc = re.sub(basedir+"/idl/(.+).h", pkgname+r'/idl/\1.h', compsrc)
563  compsrc = compsrc.replace('<%s>'%service_name, '<%s>'%idlutil.ccolonName(interface.scopedName()))
565  incs = ['', '// ROS', '#include <ros/ros.h>']
566  incs += ['#include <%s/%s.h>' % (pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL)) for op in operations]
567  incs = '\n'.join(incs)
568  compsrc = addline(incs, compsrc, '#define')
570  compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
571  compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
572  compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
574  srvfunc = [' bool %s(%s::%s::Request &req, %s::%s::Response &res);' % (op.identifier(), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL)) for op in operations]
575  srvfunc = '\n'.join(srvfunc)
576  compsrc = addline(srvfunc, compsrc, 'public:')
578  defsrv = " ros::NodeHandle nh;\n";
579  defsrv += " ros::ServiceServer " + ', '.join(['_srv%d' % i for i in range(len(operations))]) + ';'
580  compsrc = addline(defsrv, compsrc, 'private:')
582  open(wd + '/' + module_name + '.h', 'w').write(compsrc)
584  # finialize
586  return
588 # all types depended by a interface
589 class DependencyVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
590  def __init__(self):
591  self.allmsg = []
592  self.multiarray = []
593  self.checked = []
595  def visitInterface(self, node):
596  if node.mainFile():
597  for n in node.callables():
598  n.accept(self)
600  def checkBasicType(self, node):
601  classes = [idltype.Base, idltype.String, idltype.WString]
602  classes += [idlast.Const, idlast.Enum, idlast.Union]
603  if not (any([isinstance(node, cls) for cls in classes]) or node in self.checked):
604  self.checked += [node]
605  node.accept(self)
607  def visitOperation(self, node):
608  types = [p.paramType() for p in node.parameters()]
609  types += [node.returnType()]
610  for n in types:
611  self.checkBasicType(n)
613  def visitStruct(self, node):
614  for mem in node.members():
615  self.checkBasicType(mem.memberType())
616  if not node in self.allmsg: # add self after all members
617  self.allmsg += [node]
619  def visitSequenceType(self, node):
620  etype = node.seqType()
621  dim = 1
622  while not (isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) or isinstance(etype, idltype.String) or isinstance(etype, idltype.WString) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Struct) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Interface) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Enum) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward)):
623  if isinstance(etype, idltype.Sequence):
624  dim += 1
625  etype = etype.seqType()
626  elif isinstance(etype, idltype.Declared):
627  etype = etype.decl()
628  elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Typedef):
629  if len(etype.declarators()[0].sizes()) != 0 : dim += 1
630  etype = etype.aliasType()
631  elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Declarator):
632  etype = etype.alias()
633 # elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward):
634 # etype = etype.fullDecl()
635  if 1 < dim and isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) and (not etype in self.multiarray) :
636  self.multiarray += [etype]
637  self.checkBasicType(etype)
638  def visitDeclaredType(self, node):
639  self.checkBasicType(node.decl())
640  def visitTypedef(self, node):
641  self.checkBasicType(node.aliasType())
642  def visitDeclarator(self, node):
643  self.checkBasicType(node.alias())
644  def visitForward(self, node):
645  self.checkBasicType(node.fullDecl())
648 # visitor only prints interface names
649 class InterfaceNameVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
650  def visitAST(self, node):
651  for n in node.declarations():
652  n.accept(self)
653  def visitModule(self, node):
654  for n in node.definitions():
655  n.accept(self)
656  def visitInterface(self, node):
657  if node.mainFile():
658  print(node.identifier())
659  if options.interfaces:
660  pass
663 if __name__ == '__main__':
664  global options, basedir, pkgname, tmpdir
666  parser = OptionParser()
667  parser.add_option("-i", "--idl", dest="idlfile",
668  help="target idl file", metavar="FILE")
669  parser.add_option("-I", "--include-dirs", dest="idlpath", metavar="PATHLIST",
670  help="list of directories to check idl include")
671  parser.add_option("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true",
672  dest="overwrite", default=False,
673  help="overwrite all generate files")
674  parser.add_option("--filenames", action="store_true",
675  dest="filenames", default=False,
676  help="print filenames to generate")
677  parser.add_option("--interfaces", action="store_true",
678  dest="interfaces", default=False,
679  help="print interface names")
680  parser.add_option("--package-name", action="store", type="string",
681  dest="package_name", default=False,
682  help="overwrite package name")
683  parser.add_option("--tmpdir", action="store", type="string",
684  dest="tmpdir", default="/tmp/idl2srv",
685  help="tmporary directory")
686  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
688  idlfile = options.idlfile
689  if not os.path.exists(idlfile):
690  exit
691  tmpdir = options.tmpdir
692  idlfile = os.path.abspath(idlfile)
693  idldir = os.path.split(idlfile)[0]
694  basedir = os.path.split(idldir)[0]
695  if options.package_name:
696  pkgname = options.package_name
697  else:
698  pkgname = os.path.split(basedir)[1] # global var
700  # preproccess and compile idl
701  if options.idlpath:
702  pathlist = options.idlpath.strip('"')
703  option = ' '.join(['-I'+d for d in filter(None, pathlist.split(' '))])
704  else:
705  option = ''
707  fd = os.popen('/usr/bin/omnicpp %s "%s"' % (option, idlfile), 'r')
708  try:
709  tree = _omniidl.compile(fd, idlfile) # newer version API
710  except:
711  tree = _omniidl.compile(fd) # old version API
713  # output msg/srv and bridge component src
714  if options.interfaces:
715  tree.accept(InterfaceNameVisitor())
716  else:
717  tree.accept(ServiceVisitor())
718  tree.accept(InterfaceNameVisitor())
def __init__(self)
def visitModule(self, node)
def visitInterface(self, node)
def visitOperation(self, node)
def checkBasicType(self, node)
def visitDeclaredType(self, node)
def visitAST(self, node)
def getCppTypeText(self, typ, out=False, full=NOT_FULL)
def convertFunctionCode(self, interface)
def visitInterface(self, node)
def outputMsg(self, typ)
def visitAST(self, node)
def visitDeclarator(self, node)
def visitOperation(self, node)
def genBridgeComponent(self, interface)
def visitStruct(self, node)
def outputSrv(self, op)
def visitTypedef(self, node)
def visitForward(self, node)
def visitSequenceType(self, node)
def visitInterface(self, node)
def getROSTypeText(self, typ)
def visitModule(self, node)
def ServiceBridgeFunction(self, op, ifname, pkgname)

Author(s): Kei Okada , Manabu Saito
autogenerated on Mon Apr 17 2023 02:58:50