Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2015-2023 CNRS INRIA
3 // Copyright (c) 2016 Wandercraft, 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France.
4 //
6 #ifndef __pinocchio_python_spatial_inertia_hpp__
7 #define __pinocchio_python_spatial_inertia_hpp__
9 #include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>
10 #include <eigenpy/eigenpy.hpp>
11 #include <eigenpy/memory.hpp>
12 #include <boost/python/tuple.hpp>
14 #include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp"
21 namespace pinocchio
22 {
23  namespace python
24  {
25  namespace bp = boost::python;
27  template<typename T> struct call;
29  template<typename Scalar, int Options>
31  {
34  static bool isApprox(const Inertia & self, const Inertia & other,
35  const Scalar & prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision())
36  {
37  return self.isApprox(other,prec);
38  }
40  static bool isZero(const Inertia & self,
41  const Scalar & prec = Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision())
42  {
43  return self.isZero(prec);
44  }
45  };
47  BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(isApproxInertia_overload,call<Inertia>::isApprox,2,3)
50  template<typename Inertia>
52  : public boost::python::def_visitor< InertiaPythonVisitor<Inertia> >
53  {
55  typedef typename Inertia::Scalar Scalar;
56  typedef typename Inertia::Vector3 Vector3;
57  typedef typename Inertia::Matrix3 Matrix3;
58  typedef typename Inertia::Vector6 Vector6;
59  typedef typename Inertia::Matrix6 Matrix6;
61  public:
63  template<class PyClass>
64  void visit(PyClass& cl) const
65  {
66  cl
67  .def("__init__",
68  bp::make_constructor(&InertiaPythonVisitor::makeFromMCI,
69  bp::default_call_policies(),
70  bp::args("mass","lever","inertia")),
71  "Initialize from mass, lever and 3d inertia.")
72  .def(bp::init<Inertia>(bp::args("self","other"),"Copy constructor."))
74  .add_property("mass",
77  "Mass of the Spatial Inertia.")
78  .add_property("lever",
79  bp::make_function((typename Inertia::Vector3 & (Inertia::*)())&Inertia::lever,
80  bp::return_internal_reference<>()),
82  "Center of mass location of the Spatial Inertia. It corresponds to the location of the center of mass regarding to the frame where the Spatial Inertia is expressed.")
83  .add_property("inertia",
86  "Rotational part of the Spatial Inertia, i.e. a symmetric matrix representing the rotational inertia around the center of mass.")
88  .def("matrix",&Inertia::matrix,bp::arg("self"))
89  .def("se3Action",&Inertia::se3Action,
90  bp::args("self","M"),"Returns the result of the action of M on *this.")
91  .def("se3ActionInverse",&Inertia::se3ActionInverse,
92  bp::args("self","M"),"Returns the result of the action of the inverse of M on *this.")
94  .def("setIdentity",&Inertia::setIdentity,bp::arg("self"),
95  "Set *this to be the Identity inertia.")
96  .def("setZero",&Inertia::setZero,bp::arg("self"),
97  "Set all the components of *this to zero.")
98  .def("setRandom",&Inertia::setRandom,bp::arg("self"),
99  "Set all the components of *this to random values.")
101  .def(bp::self + bp::self)
102  .def(bp::self * bp::other<Motion>() )
103  .add_property("np",&Inertia::matrix)
104  .def("vxiv",&Inertia::vxiv,bp::args("self","v"),"Returns the result of v x Iv.")
105  .def("vtiv",&Inertia::vtiv,bp::args("self","v"),"Returns the result of v.T * Iv.")
106  .def("vxi",(Matrix6 (Inertia::*)(const Motion &) const)&Inertia::vxi,
107  bp::args("self","v"),
108  "Returns the result of v x* I, a 6x6 matrix.")
109  .def("ivx",(Matrix6 (Inertia::*)(const Motion &) const)&Inertia::ivx,
110  bp::args("self","v"),
111  "Returns the result of I vx, a 6x6 matrix.")
112  .def("variation",(Matrix6 (Inertia::*)(const Motion &) const)&Inertia::variation,
113  bp::args("self","v"),
114  "Returns the time derivative of the inertia.")
116  .def(bp::self == bp::self)
117  .def(bp::self != bp::self)
119  .def("isApprox",
121  isApproxInertia_overload(bp::args("self","other","prec"),
122  "Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision given by prec."))
124  .def("isZero",
126  isZero_overload(bp::args("self","prec"),
127  "Returns true if *this is approximately equal to the zero Inertia, within the precision given by prec."))
129  .def("Identity",&Inertia::Identity,"Returns the identity Inertia.")
130  .staticmethod("Identity")
131  .def("Zero",&Inertia::Zero,"Returns the null Inertia.")
132  .staticmethod("Zero")
133  .def("Random",&Inertia::Random,"Returns a random Inertia.")
134  .staticmethod("Random")
136  .def("toDynamicParameters",&InertiaPythonVisitor::toDynamicParameters_proxy,bp::arg("self"),
137  "Returns the representation of the matrix as a vector of dynamic parameters."
138  "\nThe parameters are given as v = [m, mc_x, mc_y, mc_z, I_{xx}, I_{xy}, I_{yy}, I_{xz}, I_{yz}, I_{zz}]^T "
139  "where I = I_C + mS^T(c)S(c) and I_C has its origin at the barycenter"
140  )
141  .def("FromDynamicParameters",&Inertia::template FromDynamicParameters<Eigen::VectorXd>,
142  bp::args("dynamic_parameters"),
143  "Builds and inertia matrix from a vector of dynamic parameters."
144  "\nThe parameters are given as dynamic_parameters = [m, mc_x, mc_y, mc_z, I_{xx}, I_{xy}, I_{yy}, I_{xz}, I_{yz}, I_{zz}]^T "
145  "where I = I_C + mS^T(c)S(c) and I_C has its origin at the barycenter."
146  )
147  .staticmethod("FromDynamicParameters")
149  .def("FromSphere", &Inertia::FromSphere,
150  bp::args("mass","radius"),
151  "Returns the Inertia of a sphere defined by a given mass and radius.")
152  .staticmethod("FromSphere")
153  .def("FromEllipsoid", &Inertia::FromEllipsoid,
154  bp::args("mass","length_x","length_y","length_z"),
155  "Returns the Inertia of an ellipsoid shape defined by a mass and given dimensions the semi-axis of values length_{x,y,z}.")
156  .staticmethod("FromEllipsoid")
157  .def("FromCylinder", &Inertia::FromCylinder,
158  bp::args("mass","radius","length"),
159  "Returns the Inertia of a cylinder defined by its mass, radius and length along the Z axis.")
160  .staticmethod("FromCylinder")
161  .def("FromBox", &Inertia::FromBox,
162  bp::args("mass","length_x","length_y","length_z"),
163  "Returns the Inertia of a box shape with a mass and of dimension the semi axis of length_{x,y,z}.")
164  .staticmethod("FromBox")
166  .def("__array__",&Inertia::matrix)
168  .def_pickle(Pickle())
169  ;
170  }
172  static Scalar getMass( const Inertia & self ) { return self.mass(); }
173  static void setMass( Inertia & self, Scalar mass ) { self.mass() = mass; }
175  static void setLever( Inertia & self, const Vector3 & lever ) { self.lever() = lever; }
177  static Matrix3 getInertia( const Inertia & self ) { return self.inertia().matrix(); }
178 // static void setInertia(Inertia & self, const Vector6 & minimal_inertia) { self.inertia().data() = minimal_inertia; }
179  static void setInertia(Inertia & self, const Matrix3 & symmetric_inertia)
180  {
181  assert(symmetric_inertia.isApprox(symmetric_inertia.transpose()));
182  self.inertia().data() <<
183  symmetric_inertia(0,0),
184  symmetric_inertia(1,0),
185  symmetric_inertia(1,1),
186  symmetric_inertia(0,2),
187  symmetric_inertia(1,2),
188  symmetric_inertia(2,2);
189  }
191  static Eigen::VectorXd toDynamicParameters_proxy(const Inertia & self)
192  {
193  return self.toDynamicParameters();
194  }
196  static Inertia* makeFromMCI(const double & mass,
197  const Vector3 & lever,
198  const Matrix3 & inertia)
199  {
200  if(! inertia.isApprox(inertia.transpose()) )
201  throw eigenpy::Exception("The 3d inertia should be symmetric.");
202  if( (Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX().transpose()*inertia*Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()<0)
203  || (Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY().transpose()*inertia*Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()<0)
204  || (Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ().transpose()*inertia*Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()<0) )
205  throw eigenpy::Exception("The 3d inertia should be positive.");
206  return new Inertia(mass,lever,inertia);
207  }
209  static void expose()
210  {
212  typedef PINOCCHIO_SHARED_PTR_HOLDER_TYPE(Inertia) HolderType;
213 #else
214  typedef ::boost::python::detail::not_specified HolderType;
215 #endif
216  bp::class_<Inertia,HolderType>("Inertia",
217  "This class represenses a sparse version of a Spatial Inertia and its is defined by its mass, its center of mass location and the rotational inertia expressed around this center of mass.\n\n"
218  "Supported operations ...",
219  bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"),"Default constructor."))
223  ;
225  }
227  private:
229  struct Pickle : bp::pickle_suite
230  {
231  static
232  boost::python::tuple
233  getinitargs(const Inertia & I)
234  { return bp::make_tuple(I.mass(),(Vector3)I.lever(),I.inertia().matrix()); }
236  static bool getstate_manages_dict() { return true; }
237  };
240  }; // struct InertiaPythonVisitor
242  } // namespace python
243 } // namespace pinocchio
245 #endif // ifndef __pinocchio_python_spatial_inertia_hpp__
Force vxiv(const Motion &v) const
InertiaTpl< double, 0 > Inertia
const Symmetric3 & inertia() const
static void setInertia(Inertia &self, const Matrix3 &symmetric_inertia)
static void setLever(Inertia &self, const Vector3 &lever)
static InertiaTpl Random()
const Vector3 & lever() const
static Eigen::VectorXd toDynamicParameters_proxy(const Inertia &self)
static bool isApprox(const Inertia &self, const Inertia &other, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision())
static InertiaTpl FromSphere(const Scalar mass, const Scalar radius)
Computes the Inertia of a sphere defined by its mass and its radius.
Set the Python method str and repr to use the overloading operator<<.
Definition: printable.hpp:21
BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(computeKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_overload, computeKKTContactDynamicMatrixInverse_proxy, 4, 5) static const Eigen
static InertiaTpl FromEllipsoid(const Scalar mass, const Scalar x, const Scalar y, const Scalar z)
Computes the Inertia of an ellipsoid defined by its mass and main semi-axis dimensions (x...
SE3::Scalar Scalar
Definition: conversions.cpp:13
static InertiaTpl Zero()
Derived_t se3ActionInverse(const SE3 &M) const
bI = aXb.actInv(aI)
Derived_t se3Action(const SE3 &M) const
aI = aXb.act(bI)
static InertiaTpl Identity()
Matrix6 variation(const Motion &v) const
static boost::python::tuple getinitargs(const Inertia &I)
Add the Python method copy to allow a copy of this by calling the copy constructor.
Definition: copyable.hpp:21
static void setMass(Inertia &self, Scalar mass)
Main pinocchio namespace.
Definition: timings.cpp:28
auto call(R(*f)(Args...), typename convert_type< Args >::type... args)
Definition: pybind11.hpp:118
static InertiaTpl FromBox(const Scalar mass, const Scalar x, const Scalar y, const Scalar z)
Computes the Inertia of a box defined by its mass and main dimensions (x,y,z).
static void ivx(const Motion &v, const InertiaTpl< _Scalar, _Options > &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &Iout)
Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula...
static InertiaTpl FromCylinder(const Scalar mass, const Scalar radius, const Scalar length)
Computes the Inertia of a cylinder defined by its mass, radius and length along the Z axis...
static Inertia * makeFromMCI(const double &mass, const Vector3 &lever, const Matrix3 &inertia)
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > VectorXd
Definition: conversions.cpp:14
static void vxi(const Motion &v, const InertiaTpl< _Scalar, _Options > &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &Iout)
Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula...
static bool isZero(const Inertia &self, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision())

autogenerated on Fri Jun 23 2023 02:38:30