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StateHolder Class Reference

RT component that do nothing and don't have ports. This component is used to create an execution context. More...

#include <StateHolder.h>

Inheritance diagram for StateHolder:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void getCommand (StateHolderService::Command &com)
void goActual ()
virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onInitialize ()
 StateHolder (RTC::Manager *manager)
 Constructor. More...
void wait (CORBA::Double tm)
virtual ~StateHolder ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RTC::DataFlowComponentBase
 DataFlowComponentBase (Manager *manager)
void init ()
virtual ~DataFlowComponentBase (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RTC::RTObject_impl
ReturnCode_t activate (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
void addConfigurationParamListener (ConfigurationParamListenerType type, ConfigurationParamListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
ConfigurationParamListeneraddConfigurationParamListener (ConfigurationParamListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const char *, const char *))
void addConfigurationSetListener (ConfigurationSetListenerType type, ConfigurationSetListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
ConfigurationSetListeneraddConfigurationSetListener (ConfigurationSetListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const coil::Properties &config_set))
void addConfigurationSetNameListener (ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type, ConfigurationSetNameListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
ConfigurationSetNameListeneraddConfigurationSetNameListener (ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const char *))
void addExecutionContextActionListener (ECActionListenerType listener_type, ECActionListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
ECActionListeneraddExecutionContextActionListener (ECActionListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(UniqueId))
bool addInPort (const char *name, InPortBase &inport)
bool addOutPort (const char *name, OutPortBase &outport)
bool addPort (PortBase &port)
bool addPort (PortService_ptr port)
bool addPort (CorbaPort &port)
PortActionListeneraddPortActionListener (PortActionListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const RTC::PortProfile &))
void addPortActionListener (PortActionListenerType listener_type, PortActionListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
void addPortConnectListener (PortConnectListenerType listener_type, PortConnectListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
PortConnectListeneraddPortConnectListener (PortConnectListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const char *, ConnectorProfile &))
void addPortConnectRetListener (PortConnectRetListenerType listener_type, PortConnectRetListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
PortConnectRetListeneraddPortConnectRetListener (PortConnectRetListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(const char *, ConnectorProfile &, ReturnCode_t))
void addPostComponentActionListener (PostComponentActionListenerType listener_type, PostComponentActionListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
PostComponentActionListeneraddPostComponentActionListener (PostCompActionListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret))
void addPreComponentActionListener (PreComponentActionListenerType listener_type, PreComponentActionListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
PreComponentActionListeneraddPreComponentActionListener (PreCompActionListenerType listener_type, Listener &obj, void(Listener::*memfunc)(UniqueId ec_id))
bool addSdoServiceConsumer (const SDOPackage::ServiceProfile &prof)
bool addSdoServiceProvider (const SDOPackage::ServiceProfile &prof, SdoServiceProviderBase *provider)
UniqueId attach_context (ExecutionContext_ptr exec_context)
UniqueId bindContext (ExecutionContext_ptr exec_context)
bool bindParameter (const char *param_name, VarType &var, const char *def_val, bool(*trans)(VarType &, const char *)=coil::stringTo)
ReturnCode_t deactivate (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
void deletePort (PortService_ptr port)
void deletePort (CorbaPort &port)
void deletePort (PortBase &port)
void deletePortByName (const char *port_name)
ReturnCode_t detach_context (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t exit ()
virtual ReturnCode_t finalize ()
void finalizeContexts ()
void finalizePorts ()
virtual ComponentProfile * get_component_profile ()
virtual SDOPackage::Configuration_ptr get_configuration ()
virtual ExecutionContext_ptr get_context (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ExecutionContextHandle_t get_context_handle (ExecutionContext_ptr cxt)
virtual SDOPackage::DeviceProfile * get_device_profile ()
virtual SDOPackage::Monitoring_ptr get_monitoring ()
virtual SDOPackage::OrganizationList * get_organizations ()
virtual ExecutionContextListget_owned_contexts ()
virtual SDOPackage::OrganizationList * get_owned_organizations ()
virtual ExecutionContextListget_participating_contexts ()
virtual PortServiceListget_ports ()
virtual char * get_sdo_id ()
virtual SDOPackage::SDOService_ptr get_sdo_service (const char *id)
virtual char * get_sdo_type ()
virtual SDOPackage::ServiceProfile * get_service_profile (const char *id)
virtual SDOPackage::ServiceProfileList * get_service_profiles ()
virtual CORBA::Any * get_status (const char *name)
virtual SDOPackage::NVListget_status_list ()
const char * getCategory ()
const char * getDescription ()
ExecutionContext_ptr getExecutionContext (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
double getExecutionRate (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
const char * getInstanceName ()
std::vector< std::string > getNamingNames ()
RTObject_ptr getObjRef () const
coil::PropertiesgetProperties ()
const char * getTypeName ()
const char * getVendor ()
const char * getVersion ()
virtual ReturnCode_t initialize ()
virtual CORBA::Boolean is_alive (ExecutionContext_ptr exec_context)
bool isOwnExecutionContext (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_aborting (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_activated (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_deactivated (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_error (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_execute (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_finalize ()
virtual ReturnCode_t on_initialize ()
virtual ReturnCode_t on_rate_changed (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_reset (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_shutdown (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_startup (UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t on_state_update (UniqueId exec_handle)
bool readAll ()
void registerInPort (const char *name, InPortBase &inport)
void registerOutPort (const char *name, OutPortBase &outport)
void registerPort (PortBase &port)
void registerPort (PortService_ptr port)
void registerPort (CorbaPort &port)
void removeConfigurationParamListener (ConfigurationParamListenerType type, ConfigurationParamListener *listener)
void removeConfigurationSetListener (ConfigurationSetListenerType type, ConfigurationSetListener *listener)
void removeConfigurationSetNameListener (ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type, ConfigurationSetNameListener *listener)
void removeExecutionContextActionListener (ECActionListenerType listener_type, ECActionListener *listener)
bool removeInPort (InPortBase &port)
bool removeOutPort (OutPortBase &port)
bool removePort (PortService_ptr port)
bool removePort (CorbaPort &port)
bool removePort (PortBase &port)
void removePortActionListener (PortActionListenerType listener_type, PortActionListener *listener)
void removePortConnectListener (PortConnectListenerType listener_type, PortConnectListener *listener)
void removePortConnectRetListener (PortConnectRetListenerType listener_type, PortConnectRetListener *listener)
void removePostComponentActionListener (PostComponentActionListenerType listener_type, PostComponentActionListener *listener)
void removePreComponentActionListener (PreComponentActionListenerType listener_type, PreComponentActionListener *listener)
bool removeSdoServiceConsumer (const char *id)
bool removeSdoServiceProvider (const char *id)
ReturnCode_t reset (RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
 RTObject_impl (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
 RTObject_impl (Manager *manager)
ReturnCode_t setExecutionRate (RTC::UniqueId ec_id, double rate)
void setInstanceName (const char *instance_name)
void setObjRef (const RTObject_ptr rtobj)
void setProperties (const coil::Properties &prop)
void setReadAll (bool read=true, bool completion=false)
void setWriteAll (bool write=true, bool completion=false)
void updateParameters (const char *config_set)
bool writeAll ()
virtual ~RTObject_impl (void)

Protected Attributes

TimedPoint3D m_basePos
TimedPose3D m_basePose
OutPort< TimedPose3D > m_basePoseOut
InPort< TimedPoint3D > m_basePosIn
OutPort< TimedPoint3D > m_basePosOut
TimedOrientation3D m_baseRpy
InPort< TimedOrientation3D > m_baseRpyIn
OutPort< TimedOrientation3D > m_baseRpyOut
TimedDoubleSeq m_baseTform
OutPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_baseTformOut
TimedDoubleSeq m_currentQ
InPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_currentQIn
TimedDoubleSeq m_optionalData
InPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_optionalDataIn
OutPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_optionalDataOut
TimedDoubleSeq m_q
InPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_qIn
OutPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_qOut
StateHolderService_impl m_service0
TimeKeeperService_impl m_service1
RTC::CorbaPort m_StateHolderServicePort
RTC::CorbaPort m_TimeKeeperServicePort
TimedDoubleSeq m_tq
InPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_tqIn
OutPort< TimedDoubleSeq > m_tqOut
std::vector< TimedDoubleSeq > m_wrenches
std::vector< InPort< TimedDoubleSeq > * > m_wrenchesIn
std::vector< OutPort< TimedDoubleSeq > * > m_wrenchesOut
TimedPoint3D m_zmp
InPort< TimedPoint3D > m_zmpIn
OutPort< TimedPoint3D > m_zmpOut
- Protected Attributes inherited from RTC::RTObject_impl
ComponentActionListeners m_actionListeners
ConfigAdmin m_configsets
bool m_created
std::vector< ExecutionContextBase *> m_eclist
ExecutionContextServiceList m_ecMine
ExecutionContextServiceList m_ecOther
bool m_exiting
std::vector< InPortBase *> m_inports
RTObject_var m_objref
std::vector< OutPortBase *> m_outports
PortAdmin m_portAdmin
PortConnectListeners m_portconnListeners
PortableServer::POA_var m_pPOA
ComponentProfile m_profile
coil::Properties m_properties
SDOPackage::Configuration_var m_pSdoConfig
bool m_readAll
bool m_readAllCompletion
SDOPackage::OrganizationList m_sdoOrganizations
SDOPackage::OrganizationList m_sdoOwnedOrganizations
SdoServiceAdmin m_sdoservice
SDOPackage::NVList m_sdoStatus
bool m_writeAll
bool m_writeAllCompletion
Logger rtclog

Private Attributes

int dummy
double m_dt
bool m_requestGoActual
int m_timeCount
sem_t m_timeSem
sem_t m_waitSem

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from RTC::RTObject_impl
typedef ExecutionContextActionListener ECActionListener
typedef ExecutionContextActionListenerType ECActionListenerType
typedef PostComponentActionListener PostCompActionListener
typedef PostComponentActionListenerType PostCompActionListenerType
typedef PreComponentActionListener PreCompActionListener
typedef PreComponentActionListenerType PreCompActionListenerType
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RTC::RTObject_impl
virtual ReturnCode_t onAborting (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t onActivated (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
void onAddPort (const PortProfile &pprof)
void onAttachExecutionContext (UniqueId ec_id)
virtual ReturnCode_t onDeactivated (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
void onDetachExecutionContext (UniqueId ec_id)
virtual ReturnCode_t onError (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t onFinalize ()
virtual ReturnCode_t onRateChanged (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
void onRemovePort (const PortProfile &pprof)
virtual ReturnCode_t onReset (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t onShutdown (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t onStartup (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
virtual ReturnCode_t onStateUpdate (RTC::UniqueId exec_handle)
void postOnAborting (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnActivated (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnDeactivated (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnError (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnExecute (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnFinalize (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnInitialize (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnRateChanged (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnReset (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnShutdown (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnStartup (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void postOnStateUpdate (UniqueId ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret)
void preOnAborting (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnActivated (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnDeactivated (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnError (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnExecute (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnFinalize (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnInitialize (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnRateChanged (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnReset (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnShutdown (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnStartup (UniqueId ec_id)
void preOnStateUpdate (UniqueId ec_id)
void shutdown ()

Detailed Description

RT component that do nothing and don't have ports. This component is used to create an execution context.

Definition at line 40 of file StateHolder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StateHolder()

StateHolder::StateHolder ( RTC::Manager manager)


managerpointer to the Manager

Definition at line 35 of file StateHolder.cpp.

◆ ~StateHolder()

StateHolder::~StateHolder ( )


Definition at line 68 of file StateHolder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCommand()

void StateHolder::getCommand ( StateHolderService::Command &  com)

Definition at line 378 of file StateHolder.cpp.

◆ goActual()

void StateHolder::goActual ( )

Definition at line 371 of file StateHolder.cpp.

◆ onExecute()

RTC::ReturnCode_t StateHolder::onExecute ( RTC::UniqueId  ec_id)

Reimplemented from RTC::RTObject_impl.

Definition at line 224 of file StateHolder.cpp.

◆ onInitialize()

RTC::ReturnCode_t StateHolder::onInitialize ( void  )

Reimplemented from RTC::RTObject_impl.

Definition at line 74 of file StateHolder.cpp.

◆ wait()

void StateHolder::wait ( CORBA::Double  tm)

Definition at line 393 of file StateHolder.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dummy

int StateHolder::dummy

Definition at line 173 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_basePos

TimedPoint3D StateHolder::m_basePos

Definition at line 131 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_basePose

TimedPose3D StateHolder::m_basePose

Definition at line 134 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_basePoseOut

OutPort<TimedPose3D> StateHolder::m_basePoseOut

Definition at line 142 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_basePosIn

InPort<TimedPoint3D> StateHolder::m_basePosIn

Definition at line 115 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_basePosOut

OutPort<TimedPoint3D> StateHolder::m_basePosOut

Definition at line 139 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_baseRpy

TimedOrientation3D StateHolder::m_baseRpy

Definition at line 132 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_baseRpyIn

InPort<TimedOrientation3D> StateHolder::m_baseRpyIn

Definition at line 116 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_baseRpyOut

OutPort<TimedOrientation3D> StateHolder::m_baseRpyOut

Definition at line 140 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_baseTform

TimedDoubleSeq StateHolder::m_baseTform

Definition at line 133 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_baseTformOut

OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_baseTformOut

Definition at line 141 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_currentQ

TimedDoubleSeq StateHolder::m_currentQ

Definition at line 111 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_currentQIn

InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_currentQIn

Definition at line 112 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_dt

double StateHolder::m_dt

Definition at line 172 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_optionalData

TimedDoubleSeq StateHolder::m_optionalData

Definition at line 119 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_optionalDataIn

InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_optionalDataIn

Definition at line 120 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_optionalDataOut

OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_optionalDataOut

Definition at line 145 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_q

TimedDoubleSeq StateHolder::m_q

Definition at line 129 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_qIn

InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_qIn

Definition at line 113 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_qOut

OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_qOut

Definition at line 137 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_requestGoActual

bool StateHolder::m_requestGoActual

Definition at line 171 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_service0

StateHolderService_impl StateHolder::m_service0

Definition at line 158 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_service1

TimeKeeperService_impl StateHolder::m_service1

Definition at line 159 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_StateHolderServicePort

RTC::CorbaPort StateHolder::m_StateHolderServicePort

Definition at line 151 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_timeCount

int StateHolder::m_timeCount

Definition at line 169 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_TimeKeeperServicePort

RTC::CorbaPort StateHolder::m_TimeKeeperServicePort

Definition at line 152 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_timeSem

sem_t StateHolder::m_timeSem

Definition at line 170 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_tq

TimedDoubleSeq StateHolder::m_tq

Definition at line 130 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_tqIn

InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_tqIn

Definition at line 114 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_tqOut

OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_tqOut

Definition at line 138 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_waitSem

sem_t StateHolder::m_waitSem

Definition at line 170 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_wrenches

std::vector<TimedDoubleSeq> StateHolder::m_wrenches

Definition at line 136 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_wrenchesIn

std::vector<InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> *> StateHolder::m_wrenchesIn

Definition at line 118 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_wrenchesOut

std::vector<OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq> *> StateHolder::m_wrenchesOut

Definition at line 144 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_zmp

TimedPoint3D StateHolder::m_zmp

Definition at line 135 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_zmpIn

InPort<TimedPoint3D> StateHolder::m_zmpIn

Definition at line 117 of file StateHolder.h.

◆ m_zmpOut

OutPort<TimedPoint3D> StateHolder::m_zmpOut

Definition at line 143 of file StateHolder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Sat Dec 17 2022 03:52:22