Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  tests/test_callbacks.cpp -- callbacks
4  Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
6  All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
7  BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
8 */
10 #include <pybind11/functional.h>
12 #include "constructor_stats.h"
13 #include "pybind11_tests.h"
15 #include <thread>
17 int dummy_function(int i) { return i + 1; }
19 TEST_SUBMODULE(callbacks, m) {
20  // test_callbacks, test_function_signatures
21  m.def("test_callback1", [](const py::object &func) { return func(); });
22  m.def("test_callback2", [](const py::object &func) { return func("Hello", 'x', true, 5); });
23  m.def("test_callback3", [](const std::function<int(int)> &func) {
24  return "func(43) = " + std::to_string(func(43));
25  });
26  m.def("test_callback4",
27  []() -> std::function<int(int)> { return [](int i) { return i + 1; }; });
28  m.def("test_callback5",
29  []() { return py::cpp_function([](int i) { return i + 1; }, py::arg("number")); });
31  // test_keyword_args_and_generalized_unpacking
32  m.def("test_tuple_unpacking", [](const py::function &f) {
33  auto t1 = py::make_tuple(2, 3);
34  auto t2 = py::make_tuple(5, 6);
35  return f("positional", 1, *t1, 4, *t2);
36  });
38  m.def("test_dict_unpacking", [](const py::function &f) {
39  auto d1 = py::dict("key"_a = "value", "a"_a = 1);
40  auto d2 = py::dict();
41  auto d3 = py::dict("b"_a = 2);
42  return f("positional", 1, **d1, **d2, **d3);
43  });
45  m.def("test_keyword_args", [](const py::function &f) { return f("x"_a = 10, "y"_a = 20); });
47  m.def("test_unpacking_and_keywords1", [](const py::function &f) {
48  auto args = py::make_tuple(2);
49  auto kwargs = py::dict("d"_a = 4);
50  return f(1, *args, "c"_a = 3, **kwargs);
51  });
53  m.def("test_unpacking_and_keywords2", [](const py::function &f) {
54  auto kwargs1 = py::dict("a"_a = 1);
55  auto kwargs2 = py::dict("c"_a = 3, "d"_a = 4);
56  return f("positional",
57  *py::make_tuple(1),
58  2,
59  *py::make_tuple(3, 4),
60  5,
61  "key"_a = "value",
62  **kwargs1,
63  "b"_a = 2,
64  **kwargs2,
65  "e"_a = 5);
66  });
68  m.def("test_unpacking_error1", [](const py::function &f) {
69  auto kwargs = py::dict("x"_a = 3);
70  return f("x"_a = 1, "y"_a = 2, **kwargs); // duplicate ** after keyword
71  });
73  m.def("test_unpacking_error2", [](const py::function &f) {
74  auto kwargs = py::dict("x"_a = 3);
75  return f(**kwargs, "x"_a = 1); // duplicate keyword after **
76  });
78  m.def("test_arg_conversion_error1",
79  [](const py::function &f) { f(234, UnregisteredType(), "kw"_a = 567); });
81  m.def("test_arg_conversion_error2", [](const py::function &f) {
82  f(234, "expected_name"_a = UnregisteredType(), "kw"_a = 567);
83  });
85  // test_lambda_closure_cleanup
86  struct Payload {
87  Payload() { print_default_created(this); }
88  ~Payload() { print_destroyed(this); }
89  Payload(const Payload &) { print_copy_created(this); }
90  Payload(Payload &&) noexcept { print_move_created(this); }
91  };
92  // Export the payload constructor statistics for testing purposes:
93  m.def("payload_cstats", &ConstructorStats::get<Payload>);
94  m.def("test_lambda_closure_cleanup", []() -> std::function<void()> {
95  Payload p;
97  // In this situation, `Func` in the implementation of
98  // `cpp_function::initialize` is NOT trivially destructible.
99  return [p]() {
100  /* p should be cleaned up when the returned function is garbage collected */
101  (void) p;
102  };
103  });
105  class CppCallable {
106  public:
107  CppCallable() { track_default_created(this); }
108  ~CppCallable() { track_destroyed(this); }
109  CppCallable(const CppCallable &) { track_copy_created(this); }
110  CppCallable(CppCallable &&) noexcept { track_move_created(this); }
111  void operator()() {}
112  };
114  m.def("test_cpp_callable_cleanup", []() {
115  // Related issue: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/3228
116  // Related PR: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3229
117  py::list alive_counts;
118  ConstructorStats &stat = ConstructorStats::get<CppCallable>();
119  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
120  {
121  CppCallable cpp_callable;
122  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
123  {
124  // In this situation, `Func` in the implementation of
125  // `cpp_function::initialize` IS trivially destructible,
126  // only `capture` is not.
127  py::cpp_function py_func(cpp_callable);
129  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
130  }
131  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
132  {
133  py::cpp_function py_func(std::move(cpp_callable));
135  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
136  }
137  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
138  }
139  alive_counts.append(stat.alive());
140  return alive_counts;
141  });
143  // test_cpp_function_roundtrip
144  /* Test if passing a function pointer from C++ -> Python -> C++ yields the original pointer */
145  m.def("dummy_function", &dummy_function);
146  m.def("dummy_function_overloaded", [](int i, int j) { return i + j; });
147  m.def("dummy_function_overloaded", &dummy_function);
148  m.def("dummy_function2", [](int i, int j) { return i + j; });
149  m.def(
150  "roundtrip",
151  [](std::function<int(int)> f, bool expect_none = false) {
152  if (expect_none && f) {
153  throw std::runtime_error("Expected None to be converted to empty std::function");
154  }
155  return f;
156  },
157  py::arg("f"),
158  py::arg("expect_none") = false);
159  m.def("test_dummy_function", [](const std::function<int(int)> &f) -> std::string {
160  using fn_type = int (*)(int);
161  const auto *result = f.target<fn_type>();
162  if (!result) {
163  auto r = f(1);
164  return "can't convert to function pointer: eval(1) = " + std::to_string(r);
165  }
166  if (*result == dummy_function) {
167  auto r = (*result)(1);
168  return "matches dummy_function: eval(1) = " + std::to_string(r);
169  }
170  return "argument does NOT match dummy_function. This should never happen!";
171  });
173  class AbstractBase {
174  public:
175  // [workaround(intel)] = default does not work here
176  // Defaulting this destructor results in linking errors with the Intel compiler
177  // (in Debug builds only, tested with icpc (ICC) 2021.1 Beta 20200827)
178  virtual ~AbstractBase() {} // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default)
179  virtual unsigned int func() = 0;
180  };
181  m.def("func_accepting_func_accepting_base",
182  [](const std::function<double(AbstractBase &)> &) {});
184  struct MovableObject {
185  bool valid = true;
187  MovableObject() = default;
188  MovableObject(const MovableObject &) = default;
189  MovableObject &operator=(const MovableObject &) = default;
190  MovableObject(MovableObject &&o) noexcept : valid(o.valid) { o.valid = false; }
191  MovableObject &operator=(MovableObject &&o) noexcept {
192  valid = o.valid;
193  o.valid = false;
194  return *this;
195  }
196  };
197  py::class_<MovableObject>(m, "MovableObject");
199  // test_movable_object
200  m.def("callback_with_movable", [](const std::function<void(MovableObject &)> &f) {
201  auto x = MovableObject();
202  f(x); // lvalue reference shouldn't move out object
203  return x.valid; // must still return `true`
204  });
206  // test_bound_method_callback
207  struct CppBoundMethodTest {};
208  py::class_<CppBoundMethodTest>(m, "CppBoundMethodTest")
209  .def(py::init<>())
210  .def("triple", [](CppBoundMethodTest &, int val) { return 3 * val; });
212  // This checks that builtin functions can be passed as callbacks
213  // rather than throwing RuntimeError due to trying to extract as capsule
214  m.def("test_sum_builtin",
215  [](const std::function<double(py::iterable)> &sum_builtin, const py::iterable &i) {
216  return sum_builtin(i);
217  });
219  // test async Python callbacks
220  using callback_f = std::function<void(int)>;
221  m.def("test_async_callback", [](const callback_f &f, const py::list &work) {
222  // make detached thread that calls `f` with piece of work after a little delay
223  auto start_f = [f](int j) {
224  auto invoke_f = [f, j] {
225  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50));
226  f(j);
227  };
228  auto t = std::thread(std::move(invoke_f));
229  t.detach();
230  };
232  // spawn worker threads
233  for (auto i : work) {
234  start_f(py::cast<int>(i));
235  }
236  });
238  m.def("callback_num_times", [](const py::function &f, std::size_t num) {
239  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
240  f();
241  }
242  });
243 }
Matrix3f m
void silence_unused_warnings(Args &&...)
tuple make_tuple()
Definition: cast.h:1209
Definition: pytypes.h:2012
void print_destroyed(T *inst, Values &&...values)
void print_copy_created(T *inst, Values &&...values)
Dummy type which is not exported anywhere – something to trigger a conversion error.
void track_move_created(T *inst)
void print_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values)
Values result
int dummy_function(int i)
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
void track_copy_created(T *inst)
void track_destroyed(T *inst)
int func(const int &a)
Definition: testDSF.cpp:221
float * p
TEST_SUBMODULE(callbacks, m)
void print_move_created(T *inst, Values &&...values)
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
internal::enable_if< internal::valid_indexed_view_overload< RowIndices, ColIndices >::value &&internal::traits< typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE< RowIndices, ColIndices >::type >::ReturnAsIndexedView, typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE< RowIndices, ColIndices >::type >::type operator()(const RowIndices &rowIndices, const ColIndices &colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
void track_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values)
std::ptrdiff_t j
Point2 t(10, 10)

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:37:45