Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2010, Florent Lamiraux, Thomas Moulard, LAAS-CNRS.
7 #include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
9 #include <boost/python.hpp>
10 #include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <sstream>
16 namespace dynamicgraph {
18 using ::dynamicgraph::SignalBase;
20 namespace python {
21 namespace convert {
23 namespace bp = boost::python;
25 command::Value toValue(bp::object o, const command::Value::Type& valueType) {
26  using command::Value;
27  switch (valueType) {
28  case (Value::BOOL):
29  return Value(bp::extract<bool>(o));
30  case (Value::UNSIGNED):
31  return Value(bp::extract<unsigned>(o));
32  case (Value::INT):
33  return Value(bp::extract<int>(o));
34  case (Value::FLOAT):
35  return Value(bp::extract<float>(o));
36  case (Value::DOUBLE):
37  return Value(bp::extract<double>(o));
38  case (Value::STRING):
39  return Value(bp::extract<std::string>(o));
40  case (Value::VECTOR):
41  // TODO for backward compatibility, support tuple or list ?
42  // I don't think so
43  return Value(bp::extract<Vector>(o));
44  case (Value::MATRIX):
45  // TODO for backward compatibility, support tuple or list ?
46  // I don't think so
47  return Value(bp::extract<Matrix>(o));
48  case (Value::MATRIX4D):
49  return Value(bp::extract<Eigen::Matrix4d>(o));
50  case (Value::VALUES):
51  // TODO the vector of values cannot be built since
52  // - the value type inside the vector are not know
53  // - inferring the value type from the Python type is not implemented.
54  throw std::invalid_argument(
55  "not implemented: cannot create a vector of values");
56  break;
57  default:
58  std::cerr << "Only int, double and string are supported." << std::endl;
59  }
60  return Value();
61 }
63 bp::object fromValue(const command::Value& value) {
64  using command::Value;
65  switch (value.type()) {
66  case (Value::BOOL):
67  return bp::object(value.boolValue());
68  case (Value::UNSIGNED):
69  return bp::object(value.unsignedValue());
70  case (Value::INT):
71  return bp::object(value.intValue());
72  case (Value::FLOAT):
73  return bp::object(value.floatValue());
74  case (Value::DOUBLE):
75  return bp::object(value.doubleValue());
76  case (Value::STRING):
77  return bp::object(value.stringValue());
78  case (Value::VECTOR):
79  return bp::object(value.vectorValue());
80  case (Value::MATRIX):
81  return bp::object(value.matrixXdValue());
82  case (Value::MATRIX4D):
83  return bp::object(value.matrix4dValue());
84  case (Value::VALUES): {
85  bp::list list;
86  for (const Value& v : value.constValuesValue()) list.append(fromValue(v));
87  return list;
88  }
89  case (Value::NONE):
90  default:
91  return bp::object();
92  }
93 }
95 } // namespace convert
96 } // namespace python
97 } // namespace dynamicgraph
boost::python::object fromValue(const command::Value &value)
std::string stringValue() const
unsigned unsignedValue() const
const Values & constValuesValue() const
Eigen::Matrix4d matrix4dValue() const
command::Value toValue(boost::python::object o, const command::Value::Type &type)
Eigen::MatrixXd matrixXdValue() const

Author(s): Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse
autogenerated on Sun Jun 25 2023 02:55:50