Classes | Functions
Eigen::TensorSycl::internal Namespace Reference


struct  AccessorConstructor
struct  CalculateIndex
struct  CalculateIndex< N, Arg >
struct  CalculateIndex< N, Arg1, Arg2 >
struct  CalculateIndex< N, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >
struct  CategoryCount
struct  CategoryCount< Arg, Args... >
struct  CategoryCount<>
struct  CategoryHelper
struct  CategoryHelper< Category, NoOP, utility::tuple::Tuple< T... > >
struct  CategoryHelper< Category, OP, utility::tuple::Tuple< T... > >
struct  ConvertToDeviceExpression
 This struct is used to convert the MakePointer in the host expression to the MakeGlobalPointer for the device expression. For the leafNodes containing the pointer. This is due to the fact that the address space of the pointer T* is different on the host and the device. More...
struct  createPlaceHolderExpression
 template deduction for PlaceHolderExpression struct More...
struct  DeviceConvertor
struct  DimConstr
struct  DimConstr< Dim, 0 >
struct  EvalToLHSConstructor
struct  ExprConstructor
struct  ExtractAccessor
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< BinaryCategory< OP, LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorCwiseBinaryOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const BinaryCategory< OP, LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is const TensorCwiseBinaryOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is const TensorAssignOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorEvalToOp< Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is const TensorEvalToOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorForcedEvalOp< Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is const TensorForcedEvalOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorReductionOp< OP, Dim, Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is const TensorReductionOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr >, Dev > >
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const TernaryCategory< OP, Arg1Expr, Arg2Expr, Arg3Expr >, Dev > >
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< const UnaryCategory< OP, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorAssignOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TensorEvalToOp< Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorEvalToOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TensorForcedEvalOp< Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorForcedEvalOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TensorReductionOp< OP, Dim, Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorReductionOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr >, Dev > >
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< TernaryCategory< OP, Arg1Expr, Arg2Expr, Arg3Expr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorCwiseTernaryOp More...
struct  ExtractAccessor< TensorEvaluator< UnaryCategory< OP, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
 specialisation of the ExtractAccessor struct when the node type is TensorCwiseNullaryOp, TensorCwiseUnaryOp and TensorBroadcastingOp More...
struct  FunctorExtractor
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< BinaryCategory< OP, LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const BinaryCategory< OP, LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorEvalToOp< RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorReductionOp< Op, Dims, ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Device > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const TernaryCategory< OP, Arg1Expr, Arg2Expr, Arg3Expr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< const UnaryCategory< OP, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< TensorEvalToOp< RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< TensorReductionOp< Op, Dims, ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Device > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< TernaryCategory< OP, Arg1Expr, Arg2Expr, Arg3Expr >, Dev > >
struct  FunctorExtractor< TensorEvaluator< UnaryCategory< OP, RHSExpr >, Dev > >
struct  LeafCount
 LeafCount used to counting terminal nodes. The total number of leaf nodes is used by MakePlaceHolderExprHelper to find the order of the leaf node in a expression tree at compile time. More...
struct  LeafCount< CategoryExpr< OP, RHSExpr... > >
struct  LeafCount< const CategoryExpr< OP, RHSExpr... > >
struct  LeafCount< const TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorAssignOp More...
struct  LeafCount< const TensorEvalToOp< Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorEvalToOp More...
struct  LeafCount< const TensorForcedEvalOp< Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorForcedEvalOp More...
struct  LeafCount< const TensorMap< PlainObjectType, Options_, MakePointer_ > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorMap More...
struct  LeafCount< const TensorReductionOp< OP, Dim, Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorReductionOp More...
struct  LeafCount< const TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is const TensorSelectOp is an exception More...
struct  LeafCount< TensorAssignOp< LHSExpr, RHSExpr > >
struct  LeafCount< TensorEvalToOp< Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is TensorEvalToOp More...
struct  LeafCount< TensorForcedEvalOp< Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is TensorForcedEvalOp More...
struct  LeafCount< TensorMap< PlainObjectType, Options_, MakePointer_ > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is TensorMap More...
struct  LeafCount< TensorReductionOp< OP, Dim, Expr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is TensorReductionOp More...
struct  LeafCount< TensorSelectOp< IfExpr, ThenExpr, ElseExpr > >
 specialisation of the LeafCount struct when the node type is TensorSelectOp More...
struct  NonOpConversion
struct  PlaceHolder
 PlaceHolder is used to replace the TensorMap in the expression tree. PlaceHolder contains the order of the leaf node in the expression tree. More...
struct  PlaceHolderExpression
 it is used to create the PlaceHolder expression. The PlaceHolder expression is a copy of expression type in which the TensorMap of the has been replaced with PlaceHolder. More...
struct  ValueCondition
struct  ValueCondition< false, X, Y >


template<typename OrigExpr , typename IndexExpr , typename FuncD , typename... Params>
auto createDeviceExpression (FuncD &funcD, const utility::tuple::Tuple< Params... > &t) -> decltype(ExprConstructor< OrigExpr, IndexExpr, Params... >(funcD, t))
 template deduction for ExprConstructor struct More...
template<typename Evaluator >
auto createTupleOfAccessors (cl::sycl::handler &cgh, const Evaluator &expr) -> decltype(ExtractAccessor< Evaluator >::getTuple(cgh, expr))
 template deduction for ExtractAccessor More...
template<typename Evaluator >
auto extractFunctors (const Evaluator &evaluator) -> FunctorExtractor< Evaluator >
 template deduction function for FunctorExtractor More...

Function Documentation

◆ createDeviceExpression()

template<typename OrigExpr , typename IndexExpr , typename FuncD , typename... Params>
auto Eigen::TensorSycl::internal::createDeviceExpression ( FuncD &  funcD,
const utility::tuple::Tuple< Params... > &  t 
) -> decltype(ExprConstructor<OrigExpr, IndexExpr, Params...>(funcD, t))

template deduction for ExprConstructor struct

Definition at line 229 of file TensorSyclExprConstructor.h.

◆ createTupleOfAccessors()

template<typename Evaluator >
auto Eigen::TensorSycl::internal::createTupleOfAccessors ( cl::sycl::handler &  cgh,
const Evaluator &  expr 
) -> decltype(ExtractAccessor<Evaluator>::getTuple(cgh, expr))

template deduction for ExtractAccessor

Definition at line 196 of file TensorSyclExtractAccessor.h.

◆ extractFunctors()

template<typename Evaluator >
auto Eigen::TensorSycl::internal::extractFunctors ( const Evaluator &  evaluator) -> FunctorExtractor<Evaluator>

template deduction function for FunctorExtractor

Definition at line 170 of file TensorSyclExtractFunctors.h.

Author(s): Christoph Rösmann
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:09:07