Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Chardware_interface::InterfaceManager [external]
 Chardware_interface::RobotHW [external]
 Cqb_device_hardware_interface::qbDeviceHW [external]
 Cqb_hand_hardware_interface::qbHandHWThe qbrobotics qbhand HardWare interface implements the specific structures to manage the communication with the qbhand device
 Ctransmission_interface::Transmission [external]
 Cqb_hand_transmission_interface::qbHandVirtualTransmissionThe qbrobotics qbhand Transmission interface implements the specific transmission_interface::Transmission to convert from qbhand motors state to its equivalent joint state representation, and vice versa

Author(s): qbroboticsĀ®
autogenerated on Wed Jun 5 2019 20:23:24