42 roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
43 roslib.load_manifest(
44 roslib.load_manifest(
45 roslib.load_manifest(
48 import os, os.path, threading, time
49 import rospy, rostest, string
51 from sensor_msgs.msg
import Image
as image_msg
52 from sensor_msgs.msg
import CameraInfo
as camerainfo_msg
53 from PIL
import Image
as pili
54 from PIL
import ImageChops
as pilic
55 from geometry_msgs.msg
import PointStamped, Point, Vector3
56 from pr2_controllers_msgs.msg
import PointHeadGoal, PointHeadAction
"test_camera.valid.ppm" 61 FRAME_DIR =
"test_camera_frames" 67 super(PollCameraThread, self).
74 if (os.path.isdir(self.
75 ls = os.listdir(self.
78 if (file == FRAME_TARGET):
79 self.target.onTargetFrame()
84 super(TestCameras, self).
92 ps =
"diff -q " + FRAME_DIR +
" test/test_camera.valid.ppm" 94 result = os.system(ps)
101 rospy.signal_shutdown(
'test done')
104 print "comparing images... " 111 i0.thumbnail(size,pili.ANTIALIAS)
112 i1.thumbnail(size,pili.ANTIALIAS)
113 ic = pilic.difference(i0,i1)
123 if len(i0d) != len(i1d):
124 print "lengths not equal ",len(i0d), len(i1d)
126 print "thumbnail lengths ",len(i0d), len(i1d)
129 for i
in range(len(i0d)):
132 if abs(p0-p1) > pixel_tol:
133 error_count = error_count + 1
134 error_total = error_total + abs(p0-p1)
135 error_avg = float(error_total)/float(len(i0d))
136 print "total error count:",error_count
137 print "average error: ",error_avg
138 if error_avg > TOTAL_ERROR_TOL:
147 print " got cam info (",camerainfo.width,
")" 152 print " got image and camerainfo from ROS, begin comparing images." 154 print " got image but no camerainfo." 157 print " - load validation image from file test_camera.valid.ppm " 158 fname = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir(
'pr2_gazebo') +
'/test/sensors/test_camera.valid.ppm' 159 if os.path.isfile(fname):
160 im0 = pili.open(fname)
162 print "cannot find validation file: test_camera.valid.ppm" 166 print " - load image from ROS " 168 im1 = pili.new(
169 im1 = pili.frombuffer(
170 im1 = im1.transpose(pili.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT).rotate(180);
171 imc = pilic.difference(im0,im1)
174 print " - comparing images " 175 im1.save(
176 im0.save(
177 imc.save(
182 print "test comparison ", comp_result
185 if (comp_result ==
186 print " - images are the Same " 189 print " - images differ " 194 rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=
196 def send_head_goal(g):
197 g.target.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
198 return head_action_client.send_goal(g)
199 head_goal = PointHeadGoal()
200 head_goal.target.header.frame_id =
'base_link' 201 head_goal.target.point = Point(10,0,0.55)
203 projector_pub = rospy.Publisher(
"/projector_wg6802418_controller/projector", Int32, latch=
204 projector_pub.publish(Int32(0));
206 print " subscribe stereo left image from ROS " 207 rospy.Subscriber(
"/narrow_stereo/left/image_raw", image_msg, self.
208 rospy.Subscriber(
"/narrow_stereo/left/camera_info", camerainfo_msg, self.
209 timeout_t = time.time() + TEST_DURATION
210 while not rospy.is_shutdown()
and not self.
success and time.time() < timeout_t:
211 head_goal_status = send_head_goal(head_goal)
218 if __name__ ==
223 print " starting test " 224 rostest.run(PKG, sys.argv[0], TestCameras, sys.argv)
def imageInput(self, image)
def __init__(self, target, dir)
def camerainfoInput(self, camerainfo)
def images_are_the_same(self, i0, i1)